CooInTheZoo Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 I dont know why. I cant bare to go into the 4th temple. I just dont want too, so i'm doing everything i can to avoid it. Sidequests and such. Another thing, i think i'm doing this wrong. The Goron outside the western gate wants hot spring water? I take it from your posts he doesnt want it in a bottle? Lol. Where do i get this barrel or whatever to carry it? SpinesN said: Reveal hidden contents Having not really played the 2d zeldas, I would have to place it as oot/MM (they sorta did take place at the same time since oot was a two part thing so to speak) followed by TP as there are a few clues that tell you it is the same world as that of oot while simply being in the future (visit the fishing hut to see an example) and of course we have WW out in the distant future. I think it would be neat to have a zelda taking place during the flooding of hyrule Reveal hidden contents What example? Havent been there yet but im inpatient, whats there that makes you think its AFTER OoT?
Jasper Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Motion2000 is seriously over-acting here. the second half of the game might not be as spectacular as the first (though I loved the Mansion of Yeti en Yeta), it's still great. Yes, I had a few complaints about the game but not great ones. It's still an extremely good game after those first four and there isn't any game in the same league except the Zelda games themselves. Motion2000 is seriously in the linje of fire with hs harsh replies about the game. I understand that everybody is actually moaning about what he's saying. He isn't understanding the opinions of other people and he certainly doesn't seem to show any respect to them. He should. There you have it.
motion Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 CooInTheZoo said: I dont know why. I cant bare to go into the 4th temple. I just dont want too, so i'm doing everything i can to avoid it. Sidequests and such. That won't take you long. Jasper said: Motion2000 is seriously over-acting here. the second half of the game might not be as spectacular as the first (though I loved the Mansion of Yeti en Yeta), it's still great. Yes, I had a few complaints about the game but not great ones. It's still an extremely good game after those first four and there isn't any game in the same league except the Zelda games themselves. I agree. And I'm glad someone agrees with me that the first half is better than the second. Jasper said: Motion2000 is seriously in the linje of fire with hs harsh replies about the game. I understand that everybody is actually moaning about what he's saying. He isn't understanding the opinions of other people and he certainly doesn't seem to show any respect to them. He should. There you have it. I do respect other people's views of the game, do they respect mine? Or even try to understand? Nope.
Jasper Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 motion2000 said: I do respect other people's views of the game, do they respect mine? Or even try to understand? Nope. I think people feel attacked when you sell you opinions like facts. saying 'the second half of the game is worse than the first' isn't an opinion (it could be, but it's stated as a fact). I, personally, don't like people selling their opinions as facts. And certainly not if they stand directly in the opposite direction from my opinion. Please always add that it's your opinion and not necesarely a fact. And no, I'm not totally agreeing with you on the second half-thing, I think it's still great. there are complains from me about the life in this world (and the fact that it never seems to leave Castle town) and several other things. I still liked the second half. Though it's not necessarely better than the first I find the game, in overal, great enough - though not Majora's Mask great.
motion Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Go through this thread and you'll see me writing 'in my opinion' a lot. I don't always of course fair enough and I'm sorry if it comes across as fact, but the fact is... everyone does it. Fanman stated an opinion as fact in his last message because he didn't write 'I think' the dungeons are....
Jasper Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 "I don't know if it was optional, but I left all the sidequests and collections untill the second half of the game, so I haven't noticed a drop in quality, but the dungeons are certainly much better in the second half", posted by fanman. I haven't noticed + but = opinion.
Emasher Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 i think the admins made a mistake locking the rants thread.
Cube Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 motion2000 said: Go through this thread and you'll see me writing 'in my opinion' a lot. I don't always of course fair enough and I'm sorry if it comes across as fact, but the fact is... everyone does it. Fanman stated an opinion as fact in his last message because he didn't write 'I think' the dungeons are.... Its stuff like: Quote No doubt the fanboys will be out to say that they 'liked him like that', claiming it to be 'different'. That annoys me, not your opinions of the game. Something like "I can't really see how anyone could like the way that Zant turned out" would be much better. TBH, on the internet, just pretend that every sentence has "IMO" in front of it. Would solve a lot of problems.
motion Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 emasher said: i think the admins made a mistake locking the rants thread. Why's that? Don't you get it? THIS TP THREAD = For discussion on the game, good or bad. If you want a happy, smiley, sugar coated TP thread either 1) go back in time and tell the developers to do a better job in making the game or 2) start your own 'POSITIVE COMMENTS ON TWILIGHT PRINCESS' topic.
darksnowman Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Cube said: TBH, on the internet, just pretend that every sentence has "IMO" in front of it. Would solve a lot of problems. Just figured out what IMO means!! Next up: TBH... keep using it guys, one of these days itll click with me, too.
flameboy Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 motion2000 said: 2) start your own 'POSITIVE COMMENTS ON TWILIGHT PRINCESS' topic. Don't give him fuel!!!!!!!
fanman Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 motion2000 said: Go through this thread and you'll see me writing 'in my opinion' a lot. I don't always of course fair enough and I'm sorry if it comes across as fact, but the fact is... everyone does it. Fanman stated an opinion as fact in his last message because he didn't write 'I think' the dungeons are.... I recall a while back you saying something like "yeah, that's your opinion, and I respect that, despite the fact that I'm laughing my ass of at it". That's your general motive to EVERY opinion on anything. Ever. Everybody knows your opinion on the game, so stop posting it over and over again, you're getting on everybody's freaking nerves.
fanman Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 motion2000 said: Nah I still feel I have more to give Couldn't you have started giving that 20 pages back then?
The Peeps Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 darksnowman said: Just figured out what IMO means!! Next up: TBH... keep using it guys, one of these days itll click with me, too. To Be Honest motion I understand your frustration with the game but you have to understand that if someone liked TP then that's their opinion. They're not wrong, just as you're not wrong - but neither of you are right. I loved TP; it has it's flaws but for me, they don't in any way make the game any worse.
flameboy Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 bitch,bitch,bitch,bitch,bitch. god the two of you are like a married couple, can't you just swap MSN addresses and have it out with each other on there rather than sprawling your boring arguement over not one thread but two!
motion Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 The Peeps said: motion I understand your frustration with the game but you have to understand that if someone liked TP then that's their opinion. They're not wrong, just as you're not wrong - but neither of you are right. I loved TP; it has it's flaws but for me, they don't in any way make the game any worse. I've always known about opinions, when have I ever said any different. I think the game has enormous flaws that a lot of people on here refuse to see. But I still respect their opinion.
fanman Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 motion2000 said: I've always known about opinions, when have I ever said any different. I think the game has enormous flaws that a lot of people on here refuse to see. But I still respect their opinion. Not refuse to see, just aren't bothered about them.
motion Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Fair enough, I guess some people want to see more quality in Zelda games than others.
pedrocasilva Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 motion2000 said: Fair enough, I guess some people want to see more quality in Zelda games than others.Nah, I just guess some people like to nitpick more than others. Your post sounds to me like "there's a elite that sees what other don't and we're right" and that's not necessarily the case. Seriously that would spoil most games for me if I had that "attitude" towards them. I'm surprised that this was already going on when I went on vacation, and even more surprised when I came back and saw pages of it, and even a "complaining thread"; get over it, we got your point already, and I for one don't really agree with it, then again I wasn't trying to find flaws in the game while playing it, instead, I loved every minute.
fanman Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Dante said: You can jump off the sky temple? Or is that something to do with the last one?
motion Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 pedrocasilva said: Nah, I just guess some people like to nitpick more than others. Your post sounds to me like "there's a elite that sees what other don't and we're right" and that's not necessarily the case. Seriously that would spoil most games for me if I had that "attitude" towards them. I'm surprised that this was already going on when I went on vacation, and even more surprised when I came back and saw pages of it, and even a "complaining thread"; get over it, we got your point already, and I for one don't really agree with it, then again I wasn't trying to find flaws in the game while playing it, instead, I loved every minute. Reckon YOU need to get over it. I'm only posting the stuff I've disappointed in. Here I'll do it again... (bolded ones are the biggest problems IMO) IMO crap things about TP: - For the most part, rubbish soundtrack. - Very dodgy looking graphics in places. - Still far too easy. - Hyrule Field may be bigger but there's pretty much nothing to do in it. - Kakariko Village is a joke. Empty, devoid of anything to do, population count of about 2. - Castle Town deceptively big. Again, not much to do. - Hardly any sidequests. - Dungeons 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are tiny. - Travel time between dungeons 4 and 5, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 8 and 9 is practically non existant. - Coolest items hardly get used apart from in their temple. - Very few note-worthy characters - Buggy Z-Targeting/camera - NO SENSE OF URGENCY, DANGER, FOREBODING. Link could have sat in the field for 10 years and nothing would have happened. No sense of time scale like Majora's Mask. - We have no clue what the final boss WANTED to do and no evidence that he was actually doing anything. - Link and final boss don't meet until the last second, big mistake. - Ending feels rushed. - Second half of game feels rushed. - No spells, medallion type weapons or magic. - Link picking up and marvelling at rupees every 5 seconds (and randomly) - Castle town is no where near as cool as Clock Town or Windfall Island. - Story seems to have been made up as the developers went along. - Boss fights, while cool, are WAY too easy still. - Not the 70 hour adventure we were promised, more like 30-35. - No character, magic, soul in the entire game bar a couple of moments. - Zora's domain and Goron mountain were a joke. A waterfall and a room where they fight? Give me a break. - Graveyard was no where near as cool as the one from OoT - Puzzles are very simple. - Nothing to do in Desert bar 1 thing, compared to Gerudo fortress + training ground, Desert Collusus and Wasteland from OoT - Cutscenes showed promise but got crap after dungeon 4.
EEVILMURRAY Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Quick question: I haven't done the cave of Ordeals, which I hear is in the Gerudo Desert, so what is the weird multi-room cave thingy in Lake Hylia?
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