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Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Thread


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Guest Stefkov

I played some mulitplayer of this yesterday with my sis, they were pretty cool. I'll need to play the main game though more. I didnt really get into it ht efirst time as i was ecsatic for gettingt he wii and i had zelda right there next to it.

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what the hell i have read 2 bad reviews saying the multiplayer is a complete waste of time.i don't believe them but please confirm this for me owners!

I enjoy many of the multiplayer mini games as do the people who I play, however a good few of them are complete paff

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I think it's really great. I know my creditability is soaring (if there ever was any to begin with) as I more or less post this for every game I've played so far, but I'm really surprised by the quality of some launch games.


The controls work like a dream. Ah, the days of 'yore where we tilted the world with an analogue stick... Barbarish, I say!

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Is there any more Worlds than the 8? As it somewhat feels like the single player is less than the past instalments of the game. SMB2 had so many levels!


Edit: Seems there is!


In order to unlock Worlds 9 and 10, do the following:


Unlockable How to Unlock

World 10 Complete World 9 without continuing.

World 9 Complete Worlds 1-8 without continuing.

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