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I have weird dreams most of the times. Last week my dream was about: me my sister and my friend we went to the shop at night.On the way back from the shop we were surrounded by foxes. My mate freaked and ran the foxes chased him then ate him, my sister ran back to the shop. The foxes came back chasing me , one fox jumped on my back . Then i woke up.

For some reason every dream i have when im being chased i run so bloody slow.

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I don't think I do alot of running in my dreams, and when I do, I don't think I have much problems doing so, although I recall running on all fours like some retard, but I was hella fast! I do however, seem to have trouble with violence and hitting people in my dreams, people get to batter me to their content, but anything I throw ends up really weak and non-effective, like I put LOADS of effort into and it comes off so weak. Anybody else get this?

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I dreamt last night that I had gotten my Wii and Letty and Jordan had come to play with it. But then they made fun of me as I only had Wii Play, Goldeneye (for some reason) and Zelda while they had all 3 and Rayman - though they had no console to play any of it on.


They did, however, get to play Wario Ware though I could only watch. :(

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I dreamt last night that I had gotten my Wii and Letty and Jordan had come to play with it. But then they made fun of me as I only had Wii Play, Goldeneye (for some reason) and Zelda while they had all 3 and Rayman - though they had no console to play any of it on.


They did, however, get to play Wario Ware though I could only watch. :(


That sounds like a GREAT dream :)

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I don't think I do alot of running in my dreams, and when I do, I don't think I have much problems doing so, although I recall running on all fours like some retard, but I was hella fast! I do however, seem to have trouble with violence and hitting people in my dreams, people get to batter me to their content, but anything I throw ends up really weak and non-effective, like I put LOADS of effort into and it comes off so weak. Anybody else get this?


I've had that before. Though I haven't punched anybody in my dreams recently.

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Last night:


For some reason I was chasing people in some kind of shopping centre (with a built-in airport), but they got away. Some security guard saw me, and called for the doors to be locked down, and then everyone started running around randomly, in random directions. I copied the and made my way out the door. It was suddenly the middle of the night.


I saw a friend of mine, who had the world's first Wii (for some reason), who threw it away to help me get onto the roof. (which was a Japanese-style roof, lower than the ceiling in the "shopping centre".


We get away, meet 2 girls who talked about something, and managed to frame us for something. Totally forgetting that I was running away from the law earlier in the dream, I was angry at the girls, so I slammed one at a brick wall (which wasn't actually there until I "needed" it). Then woke up.



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I had a dream once where me and my old mates were moping about on the street like we used to. I didnt think anything about it in my dream, but when i woke up i instantly realised that my street looked nothing like it did in real life, yet, i didnt question it in my dream. And thats something thats been bugging me for ages.


Anyways back to the story, we were watching Malcolm in the middle, and i heard a kock at the door or something like that, next thing i know im in my best mates house about to defend myself against an army of samurai (again this seemed completely normal for me in my dream)

When i start to clash blades with them i slow down like fuck, and can hardly move, the worst feeling ive ever had, ever. And i cant shout or speak or anything.


Then i die, i feel the pain, and "Jump Awake" in my bed, with the sweatiest arse crack going.

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Pretty much all my dreams are strange, there's just too many to mention, but here's a few, flying a 747 to Australia, dressed as Superman drinking with the Janitor from Scrubs, stuck in the middle of a war between Star Treks federation and the aliens from Aliens.

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Just before I woke up this morning, I dreamt that I was lying in bed and my phone started vibrating, so I picked it up and tried to work out why it was doing this. Then in real life, my phone alarm went off and that woke me up but I thought I had the phone in my hand because of the dream so I was really confused for a while trying to work out how I was holding the phone while also looking at it on the desk beside me.. Damn morning grogginess!

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I hate it when you get slapped or something in the face in your dreams, and you wake up when you get hit and your head moves as if you've actually been slapped and you can feel it on your face.


Or when you fall in your dreams and as you land you wake up with a start and hold your hands out as if to steady yourself.

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that i was alone in my mum's old house and this random baby was trying to kill me... it didn't actually do anything, but something about this baby scared the crap out of me... and every room i went it, it was there... i went upstairs to hide, but the baby started floating arounf outside the windows... i frantically ran around trying to close them, then the baby floated in on a gust of wind, i was crying with terror.


then i woke up.

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I had the wierdest dream...


I was in a shiny silver passneger plane, like the ones from the 60s, and we had just taken of from this half Chinese half Japanese Madievel Castle where there was a Cherry Blossom in full bloom but everything was covered in snow. So we took off over this silver ocean with small islands dotted around and there was this huge orange sunset which reflected off the water which looked like mercury. I was sitting next to my sister, she seemed quite excited, who was next to the window. I was all quite relaxing, the plane seemed to float through the air. So we were about to fly over this oriental bridge and we were making a sweaping turn when one of the wings of the plane his the water and got ripped off. There remaining wing was burning. The plane started to shack. Everyone looked concerned but not overly so...which is obviously quite wierd in a situation like that. Then the scarieast thing happened, I became aware of my own mortality. I knew I was going to die and I felt really helpless. The plane crashed and I was thrown out of the wreckage and landed on my back. I could see the burning cabin of the plane as the sun set behind me and at that point I passed out and/or died...

Consequently I woke up immediatly in time for Uni...


Now that was wierd! This happened about a week ago! I didn't make any of that up, it was the wierdest dream I have ever had and have never experienced anything that intense in my dreams before...I wonder what it all means?!

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Now that was wierd! This happened about a week ago! I didn't make any of that up, it was the wierdest dream I have ever had and have never experienced anything that intense in my dreams before...I wonder what it all means?!


It means that you're a closet homosexual. We've already cleared that up.

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I once saw a colour that I've never seen before.

It was so beautiful and all around me so bright.


I can't compare it to anything in this world I've ever seen before which is really frustrating.

I know ths physics of how it isn't possible but I guess those laws don't apply in my dreams.


I rarely remember my dreams. When I do it's hard to distinguish between half asleep sex thoughts and actual dreams.


The scientific established theory for dreams is that it is an emotional dumping ground for things we want to get off our chest so to speak. Things we try to forget, as we dream we are forced to confront them and the mind no longer has to worry about them.


Was it some teenager wearing a suit outside a store?

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Well, I can't decide between tweo.

Number 1 is very simple.

I walk in a landscape filled with pyramids with no end in sight. It probably means something, but I don't know what.

Number 2 is a little more complex.

It happens inside a maze, where I wander around and have to take on weird challanges like: I have to play hopscotch for 1 mile; I have to climb a ladder that's going up, but somehow I end up at the bottom; and having to drink a glass of something but is frozen.

I still can't decide which is the weirdest.

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