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1 day to go!


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Guest Stefkov
I was on the bus this morning, and i was finding it really hard not to contain my excitement.


Seriously, i cannot remember the last time i was excited about anything gaming related. :)

I dont think I was even this excited for the DS. Now because I've played it its made me ecstatic.

I just keep thinking that its nearly here in a couple days. Its bordering annoying that's all i keep thinking of.

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I too am really really looking forward to it. I just keep checking the Wii forums on here and GameFAQs whenever I'm not doing anything else (like doing uni work :P) so just browsing random topics. I can't believe that in 4 days I should have my hands on one though!


I just hope Amazon send it for Friday, I'll probably go a bit mad if they don't. >_>

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*thinks about how it will be on friday...*


1. Coming home from school...

2. Taking money...

3. Going to the bus station...

4. Driving to Media Markt...hoping that a Wii is there for me

5. Buying a Wii...Wii play...Nunchuk...Zelda...(well i hope so)

6. Driving with a hell of a bag home xD

7. :bouncy: Playing


Can't wait any longer...this is gonna be a loooong loooooong week...


Seriously, i cannot remember the last time i was excited about anything gaming related.


Same here. I've seen so many videos so that I HAVE to be excited about the Wii.

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I saw a Wii in Game today. It's tiny. Everyone who saw it was remarking just how small it was and people were even running into the store and marveling at the demo kiosk. The kiosk wasn't on, but the manager there said it would be within the next few days.


Comparatively another store has a PS3 on display, which was covered in fingerprints and looked grubby. Didn't help the machine was running on a 20" LCD SDTV with composite cables either.



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i will getting my wii, like every one else on friday, BUT i won't be able to play it for about about 2 week due to exams......, so its gonar be staring at each time i come into my room


You'll break. There's no way in hell you can resist. Besides, you can play Wii as well as revise for exams - just allocate a certain amount of time per night and stick to it. Say two hours revision and two hours for Wii?

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i will getting my wii, like every one else on friday, BUT i won't be able to play it for about about 2 week due to exams......, so its gonar be staring at me each time i come into my room


What are the exams? I'd say to give it to your mum or something to put away somewhere, I don't think you'll be able to handle that. Especially if you're still browsing these boards with all of us talking about how fantabbytastic the thing is, which IS going to happen. Hell, I don't even have a wii yet and I can't manage to do any work due to it being the only thing on my mind!

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Guest Stefkov
I dont even care about Christmas anymore!

Thats been my mentality for quite a while. I'm really not looking forward to Christmas as much as 3 days 5 hours time.

Come Christmas i might be excitedby what I get. I will be excited if i get anything really. I'm not expecting anything. But come Friday, I will be grinning and frowning like a mad man.

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My GC going nowhere. The Wii will sit inbetween the 360 and Gamecube followed by the PS2 and behind all of that will sit my Ps1. Really sad but if I moved any of my consoles, it just wouldn't feel/look right haha :heh:


So can not wait :D :D.


Lucky for me I had 2 essays to be handed in for Uni, one was for today and the other for wednesday leaving the rest of my days free for Wii :D

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ahh!! what do you lot think i should do. my mate who promises to get me a wii from where she works (GAME) and use her staff discount, which'll be lovely. however shes a tad clueless and will be in college with me on friday... the GAME she works in is miles away, so i have all these fears one won't get put back for her. Should i just get to my local game an hour or two before it opens, sod her discount and make SURE i get one, or i at least tried my hardest too? Or sit back and relax a bit.


What do you think?

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For me, I find it hard to rely on others to do stuff like this for me. Its not the fact I don't trust them, I just feel a little be insecure so I would personally go and buy one myself, almost gaurantee myself that I will get one.


Or if I was broke or just felt the need to save a few quid (which is almost always) then I would get her to phone her work as soon as it opens just to re-remind everyone of her co-workers to leave one for her either that or try and miss college, get the Wii as soon as her GAME opens and then strut into college late...or just take the day off :P

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