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X-Men Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse


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Out this coming Friday.


It features four player co-op over Xbox Live that looks like it could be very tasty. Having read a couple of reviews I'm encouraged and seriously thinking about giving this a go.


Anyone from the Xbox Live crew with me?


I know Mike's been talking about this game, as has Poshy (Haver to some of you).


Could be a blast.


(I realise Guy will have something else to buy come Friday... maybe Nintendcats or something?)

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Hmm, I'm not sure about getting it straight away. I got Nintendogs and Far Cry Instincts last week and don't want to buy another game right away. I saw the first one for a tenner so I might pick that up and if I like it i'll get this one, but give it a few weeks first.


Is the first one worth purchasing for ten pounds?

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It arrived this morning! :)


First impressions are that it looks very promising, I've only played 45mins or so, I don't know if I want to play it all that much before we get chance for at least a couple of us to have a game together.


Wolverine is looking like an early fave for me.


Edit: After some more play time this is shaping up to be a lot of fun, just the sort of thing that's been missing from the Xbox Live selection.


I'm yet to play online, as I'm wondering if with the release date being tomorrow the servers have yet to go up or something. I'll keep trying for now though.

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what the story about?


Everything's gone a bit mental, Xavier gets kidnapped, then gets rescued. The X-Men and Magneto decide they need to team up to beat Apocalypse, so as the player (if you're playing alone) you pick a squad of 4 mutants to hack/blast your way through lots and lots of baddies.


It's a pretty straight forward arcadey/RPG, if you want it to be stat heavy then you can get deep into that, but there's plenty of options for all powering-up to be done automatically.


Some of the more fun playable mutants are (IMO) Toad, Juggernaut, Wolverine and a load of others I haven't had much of a go with yet.


The levelling up of mutant powers is fun and the way players can team up to create new powers looks like it'll add depth to the multiplayer.

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I heard theres some Age of Apocalypse costumes to unlock in the game. To those who dont know Age of Apocalypse was an awesome story arc in the comics where Xavier was killed in the past and Magneto ended up forming the x-men while Apocalypse ruled the earth. Anyways back on topic I didnt really like the first game but the online aspect of this one makes it tempting.

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I know you certainly have the option of having some characters appear in different costumes, so that may well be what you're talking about.


It's probably that I've only unlocked certain ones at this point in the game.


Edit: Still can't get the online to do anything. I'm hoping it's just because they haven't enabled it until release date.


But we shall see...

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Apparently this game is very touchy over having everyone using exactly the same TV settings with your Xbox set-up. Once we'd all set to Pal 60 and Normal it went very well.


Just got done having a four player game, with Mike, Guy and Chrizkerr and am impressed.


Juggernaut is standing out as my fave character so far.

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Magneto for me, with his excellent ability to fly like an idiot and also the cool helmet and seemingly USELESS attacks. I think we've all settled in to our respective roles and characters, so hopefully Haver will attain this beauty before we progress too far to want to play from the start.


Liking this a lot so far, it has enough interesting elements to keep us all interested, enough witty banter to keep us all interested, and enough chances to remind the others they can't fly to keep ME interested.


One to buy, guys. One to buy.

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