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Killer7...What the Hell???

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I just finished the level Cloudsman and so far I'm enjoying it a lot, although sometimes I'm annoyed when I overlook enemies or they aren't in range to be permanently visible after a scan.

The visuals are really nice and that mind disturbing characters and strange story do the rest - a great game imo.

That on-rail movement is a great idea, it increases the pace a lot and at the same time you can't miss any important thing.

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ya know the bosses in this game are SO cool the best i think are Ulyemeda, and the one at the end of Part 1of Encounter you know the school head women in the car park that manages to take the piss out of anime, just class


This game deserves a bafta award its just pure genious

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I saw killer 7 for £17, worth it?


Definitely, although sometimes the respawning heaven smilies are annoying but just the graphical style, the characters, the story, the level design, the videos... everything totally awesome.



I completed it yesterday and I'm still a bit confused and disturbed by the ending, but on the other hand it is as logical as this confusing game can get however trying to figure everything out properly gives me only a headache.

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Just bought a used copy of this game today. I just spent about an hour with it and havent got used to the on rails control system. I do like that it eliminates unnecessary exploring though and my only gripe is having to scan for enemies. After drawing my gun, scanning, locking-on, and shooting, i basically have every button on the controller held down, feels awkward. If they eliminate scanning, this game would be perfect for the Rev controller

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super game, yes quite bizarre, in a strange way it reminds me a bit of Rez (not sure why). I'm only on the second level but the cut scene after the first was excellent, the plot seems quite developed for a computer game. Its the first game I've got since Resi and the only one that has seemed appealing to me.

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He starts running towards you when there's only one bump left, so try to leave an easy one like the one on the head and shoot all the other bumps with Kaede. When he starts running at you either shoot the last bump with Kaede or (as I did) change to Con and shoot - the advantage is, that the smile gets close pretty fast and if you miss with Kaede you normally don't have time for a second shot while Con shoots fast enough to shoot multiple times.

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Slight spoiler warning:



yes i finished it some days ago. Im going through it again because it's just so twisted and wierd..but thats they way i like my games.. harman with the tommy gun rules.

Found a so called "plot analysis" over at gamefaqs.. 77 pages it was.. try writing a plotanalysis for most games these days.. 1 page..

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  • 3 months later...

shit, sorry to revive that old thread, but: i finished killer7 2 days ago, since then i read the very(!) long plot analysis, some other plot analyses and on and on and i DON'T! HAVE! ONE! SINGLE! CLUE! what's going on. i am fu**ing going to shoot myself if i have to think more about that game and if i cannot come up with a solution to it. and the damn thing is the game is stuck INSIDE my head. i cannot stop thinking about it. so someone better help me out here.


no, i'm not going to shoot me. because i don't have a gun. that's why.

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havent played too much of it. but me and my mates call it the 'art game'.

the controls are...... funny...

ive never been a big fan of the blood, guts and gory swearing games... but i am finding this one amazing! i cant help but join in every time Coyote Smith goes "your F**KED!"


we have been speculating on a game that is as weird as salad fingers... and i think that this is it...

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