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No More Heroes


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What exactly is the difference between the EU and US versions of this game?


Is it just gore? Any vids showing the difference?


I need to decide which one to get, price is a non-issue as i can get both versions for £25 each.


It is just gore! :) The swearing is still there and everything else from what i can see so far.


But i think you should get the U.S Version as it's the game in it's true form!


There are videos on Youtube comparing the death scenes of the boss fights. but they contain spoilers!


Here is the death Scene of Death Metal the first ranked person you face if you want to look i don't think will ruin much of the story..




I bought the game yesterday and have to say it is great! :D


I wasn't sure what to expect as i hadn't really read anything about it.


I've started on Mild thinking that was the easiest mode but it hasn't been to difficult so far! Though i got stuck on Shinobu earlier and died around 3 times she kept getting me with that massive attack right at the end!


That's where i'm up to now and the absence of over the top blood doesn't detract from the game and i think the way the enemies explodes into pixels is cool and fits with in the game perfectly!


The combat system took a bit to get used to as i kept wanting to swing my sword Zelda style but realised that didn't work! :heh: I really like the fighting system and it works really well.


The open level design isn't as bad as i thought it would be and i think it provides enough enjoyment to take a small break from the ranked matches.

The motobike is a bit odd to control but i gradually got the hang of it!


My favourite bit so far is playing baseball with the enemies!


All in all a great game so far and the ranked missions should get better! :grin:

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I've just clocked up 5 hours since buying it. I'm fairly disappointed with it. The fighting works alright but outside of the "levels" when free roaming its just awful, graphics(models and textures), collision detection, driving control, nothing to do, draw distance, frame rate.

I was looking forward to this game but i'd gladly wait another year to play it so that they could finish making it.

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I've just clocked up 5 hours since buying it. I'm fairly disappointed with it. The fighting works alright but outside of the "levels" when free roaming its just awful, graphics(models and textures), collision detection, driving control, nothing to do, draw distance, frame rate.

I was looking forward to this game but i'd gladly wait another year to play it so that they could finish making it.


The game is about fighting. Everything else is pointless.

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Guest Jordan

So... I played up to the first boss on this. I can't say i actually enjoyed it. I was playing on medium however, having to hit the same boss 100 times with the Wii's A button really hurts my finger. I mean, it seems interesting... hell Suda 51 games always are, but i've been playing alot of Smash Bros this weekend, so.. maybe its just that.


I'll pick it up again tonight on Easy.

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I fucking love this game, I'm now ranked fifth.

I was dissappointed that there was no boss fight for rank five, but that was outweighed by the totally awesome introduction of this "Sir Henry Motherfucker". I wonder who he is. There's an actual story starting to develop somehow.

I totally loved Holly Summers too, she had a really sad ending cutscene. I like how Travis actually had emotions in that one, and not acted like a dick for a change (a totally cool dick though).

Yeah, and talk about level designers day off! I mean it was just a really long corridor.

The lack of a boss fight was also disappointing, but like you say the cut scene made up for it.


I'm ranked 4th now, the boss fight was pretty humorous, a lot easier than the others though, I beat him first time without any problems. Perhaps suping up the beam katana made the difference, got 4 beams now! :awesome:

I actually liked going shopping, training and buying clothes. I even enjoyed looking for the dumpsters and the balls ^^
Same here. :hehe:

Only thing I'm finding a bit annoying is digging up hidden cash, it seems to be really picky about where you have to stand.


So... I played up to the first boss on this. I can't say i actually enjoyed it. I was playing on medium however, having to hit the same boss 100 times with the Wii's A button really hurts my finger. I mean, it seems interesting... hell Suda 51 games always are, but i've been playing alot of Smash Bros this weekend, so.. maybe its just that.


I'll pick it up again tonight on Easy.

Yeah the fact you're playing Brawl at the same time blatantly isn't going to help matters.


That's one of the reasons I decided against importing Brawl, didn't want it to mess with my enjoyment of NMH, PES, MKWii, WiiFit, Okami etc...

So hopefully when NoE finally announce a date, it won't be surrounding any other games. And I can focus on it 100%. :heh:

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Hell, this game is addictive! I played it most of the day today, which in hindsight is quite a bad idea. I should have rehearsed my lines for the play. the television is going to cap some scenes this evening for PR.


Still, Santa Destroy is a great place to be! i found the gameplay excellent! I accidently found out you can drive in first-person-perspective. That'll teach me not to read the manuel properly. Shame really, as this is a really great manual! I love it when a lot of effort is put in a manual. Not like EA's which are usually as bareboned as can be.

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I just beat the game holy crap.

Wow. The fake ending was funny, and the real ending was just awesomeness^wtf. I really hope there'll be a sequel. Silvia says there won't be, the BTTF style letters do. What to believe?? I also looked up the slowed down version of Jeane's explanation on Youtube, that would indeed might have bumped up the age rating.

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Damn, I just realised that since I bought it on saturday, I've already clocked in 8:30 hours, and 5 hours yesterday alone! (Note, that's a lot for me, especially since I can't bare to play the very same game for more than 2 hours a day without getting bored).


So far, my impressions are fantastic. The game itself it extremely fun (with some of the best dialogue in any game), and, contrary to what nearly everyone here says, I actually love Santa Destroya, and often spend ages exploring it.

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Number 18 in the UK All Format Charts.


Not too bad for a obscure title like this, buy could of had been a bit higher.




Anywhoo, got it today, and I've played about with it for two hours, and I'm ranked Number 9 at the moment.


Not too sure what I think of it at the moment. Controls work well, I like the style and the cut scenes are very rewarding. I'm worried that it may become repetitive though, and it seem's like a short game, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

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So... I played up to the first boss on this. I can't say i actually enjoyed it. I was playing on medium however, having to hit the same boss 100 times with the Wii's A button really hurts my finger. I mean, it seems interesting... hell Suda 51 games always are, but i've been playing alot of Smash Bros this weekend, so.. maybe its just that.


I'll pick it up again tonight on Easy.


Someone's a pansy then. Normal mode isn't really hard at all :P I can see it been actually less fun in easy mode, the bosses play out like old style. Where you have to look for patterns to kill.

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Guest Jordan
Someone's a pansy then. Normal mode isn't really hard at all :P I can see it been actually less fun in easy mode, the bosses play out like old style. Where you have to look for patterns to kill.


Yeah, i am a pansy! :p


I've gotten to the second boss, i gotta say the free-roaming is fucking awful. I've not seen pop up that bad since early PS1 games.


I dunno... wheres the story in this game? Is it all just about Travis trying to get laid? After the amazing-jaw-droppingly-cream-worthy story of Killer 7... I expected more.

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The story is not politcal like Killer 7, basically it's a big two fingers up at gaming and society. It actually knows it's a video game as you will see in some cutscenes.


True. Suda51 Said that while Killer7 handles political issues, No More Heroes focuses on social ones. And the self-references are indeed pure genius!

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Yeah, i am a pansy! :p


I've gotten to the second boss, i gotta say the free-roaming is fucking awful. I've not seen pop up that bad since early PS1 games.


I dunno... wheres the story in this game? Is it all just about Travis trying to get laid? After the amazing-jaw-droppingly-cream-worthy story of Killer 7... I expected more.


The story really pops up out of nowhere at the end, a bit like the some of the buildings in the overworld. It's incredibly awesome. Read this , preferably when you've beaten the game (it has major spoilers). There's more to this game than you think.

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Yeah, i am a pansy! :p

I dunno... wheres the story in this game? Is it all just about Travis trying to get laid? After the amazing-jaw-droppingly-cream-worthy story of Killer 7... I expected more.


Conker's BFD didn't have much of a story but still managed to be rather enjoyable.

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I just beat the game holy crap.
Wow. The fake ending was funny, and the real ending was just awesomeness^wtf. I really hope there'll be a sequel. Silvia says there won't be, the BTTF style letters do. What to believe?? I also looked up the slowed down version of Jeane's explanation on Youtube, that would indeed might have bumped up the age rating.


Wow about that slowed down you tube thing i gotta look that up! i got some of it though lol


Okay so i also just completed this and hmmm lets see the last level and boss was cool loved the last boss music. The graphics were awesome

The forest was amazing some dope lighting

i wish the graphics could have stayed how they looked when there was only 2 characters on screen.


I think the hardest boss was mos def the last to fight i liked how the crazy story started getting all dramatic near the end and the cheeky little joke no more heroes forver lol.


Although the game is lacking a lot in places mainly the open world environment it stil is an enjoyable experiance and call me crazy but i wouldn't mind this being turned into a live action movie.


I also think a sequel should be made and you should hunt down travis to become number 1 but who knows, good game but worth keeping? not in my personal opinion. Worth renting borrowing? most def.

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just beat the 5th ranking level


Holy crap, what was up with that...good cut scene and all but after doing all that running to get there i was so up for a good fight with my brand new quad-beam too, though the Henry guy was interesting.... pretty sure he's the guy who leaves the phone messages after levels too saying "your UAA registration for rank....."



Starting to not mind the blandness of the city too, running around on foot finding dumpsters to open looking for money and t-shirts is cool, and looking for those balls to learn new moves from the russian guy



Crap just realised i missed a trading card (#20), can you reply levels to find stuff you missed?

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