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Everything posted by theguyfromspark

  1. Time to bring out my trusty number ladder!
  2. The 7th Guest I think, or maybe the sequel The 11th Hour
  3. HD DVDs aren't region locked
  4. Probably because of Boobies... it's always because of boobies!
  5. Hi guys, I want some nice 5.1 surround speakers for my living room, I want to plug in my TV, 360 and PS3 all at the same time. Wireless speaker thingys would be a bonus for minimal amount of wires everywhere. Secondly, as my Xbox is plugged in via VGA, would I just plug the sound cable into the speaker system and get 5.1 or would I need a different cable?
  6. The vast majority of what happened in Prime 2 isn't relevant to Prime 3 anyway, only the last boss and ending bit really. As long as you get what phazon does and how the main baddie in 3 came to be, you'll be fine.
  7. It's not even as though underneith the piss poor graphics lies a classic game, the actual gameplay looks shocking too. I'm sure most of us would put up with bad graphics if the game was amazing.
  8. Yeah, I don't like celibrating Capital Punishment and Torture either
  9. It's really strange though, there must be at least 100 people involved with the creation of this game, from developers to marketing and yet not one of them sat down and realized how appaling this game is early on?
  10. While they're at it, they should do a US remake of Father Ted... move from Craggy Island to Hawaii, make everyone beautiful, and instead of jokes they should just say a half hour sermon about how Christianity is the one true religion.
  11. Inspired by me eating a new flavour of ice cream yesterday, what have been your frozen dessert related stories and likes/dislikes? As I mentioned yesterday I picked up a new (I think) flavour of Ben & Jerry's Icecream called "Bohemian Raspberry" which I wasn't sure I would like but I bought it anyway. Fortunately it was really really nice! It's pretty much raspberry ripple ice cream with fudge bit scatterred in it, yummy!
  12. An evil warlord has plans to take over the world from his remote base, instead of the UN sending a coalition of thousands of soldiers from all over the world to this location and obliterate the place, they instead decide to send one guy with a pistol.
  13. I'm hoping the PS3 dry spell is over for the time being. Even though I'll be buying all my non exclusives on the 360, I'm hoping for some good experiences on the PS3. Home and Little Big Planet should be fun at the very least.
  14. Is there an official PSN ID list anywhere of you guys? I want to add some of you (as no one has added me yet! ) but not sure of the IDs
  15. Reminded me of "Chase HQ"
  16. is 2 "beneath as steel sky"?
  17. I'm amazed a squirrel can get so fat, i mean, it's not as though some of them have jobs that involve them sitting on their arses all day like us lot. they're out running and climbing trees most of the day. But i suppose they do hibernate for winter... maybe this is just a pic of that squirrel carrying his "holiday weight" just after his re awakening.
  18. I suppose the equivalent modern day game would involve an assassin driving round the middle east in a fiat punto trying to shoot Osama Bin Laden.
  19. My ipod touch arrived yesterday... I really like it and will probably pick up a second gen iphone when they come around and have a resonable price on them.
  20. Hmmm, bit weird that they group up the two Pokemon and Brain training games, seems like a little spin there. Otherwise, well done Nintendo I guess, I hope their success leads to more great games for me to play.
  21. My Mum, Brother and Cousin both own a Wii. I play a few games with them whenever I see them. Neither have ever owned a console or requested to play games with me on any other platform, PC included. For me, the fact that the Wii has opened up the market, making it inclusive rather than exclusive justifies it's success. Because of the Wii, I can now enjoy my favourite past time with my favourite people.
  22. Transformers on HD DVD looks ace, I was lucky that it came out in Canada the day I was coming back from there so I picked it up in the airport. 7 hours later and I was at home watching it!
  23. Ok guys, thanks a lot! What's the general opinion on the Metal Gear game that isn't a card game... I forget the name.
  24. Just picked up a PSP slim... what are the must haves for it? I'm pretty much out of the loop for these things.
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