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Everything posted by darkcloud

  1. Maybe your very problem is that you DON'T watch many premiership games.... All the players I listed deserve to be in there ahead of C.Ronaldo. And yeah it isn't only premiership players which makes it even worse that he actually got included in the list! He has players in his own squad that are better then him! Why aren't they in there? Seriously, I wouldn't put him in the top 100 players in the world. Oh and as for me suggesting Ljungberg, I'm not saying he should actually be in the list, but, if Ronaldo is then he sure as hell should be.
  2. WTF? C. Ronaldo 20th best in the world? That's laughable! How can he be in there when, Pires, Ljungberg and Viera aren't? Hell, you can throw in Man U players such as Van Nistlerooy in there, Chelsea have Terry, Robben, Wright Phillips (damn his brother would go in there ahead of Ronaldo >.>) and there are many more deserving players...... C. Ronaldo is no where near good enough to be in the along with any of them players.... Oh and Drogba is rated way to highly, he has a serious lack of ball control, I mean I'm not going to say he doesn't add to a team he is on (strength mainly) but, with the top 20 in the world you have to be looking for more then that imo.... As you can see I'm not as pissed off as Ronaldo's appearence in that list, but yeah. lol
  3. ROFL! Girls attracted to confidence? If that was 100% true then I would never have a girlfriend. lo Just throw that rule book of what girls are attracted to out the window! Girls are the same as guys in the way that they are attracted to many different things! Think about it, like with guys most girls don't end up with what is portrayed as THE PERFECT OMFGWTF guy so there must be something else right? There will be girls that will be attracted to you and girls who won't that's the way it goes.... And if even 1 girl is attracted to you there will be many more..... The one thing about school that I think is a bit of a problem for some is the whole "what will my friends think" attitude.... Because some girl/guy hangs round with these people I can't like them or whatever it is..... Seriously I've seen it from both guys and girls.. Then in clubs it's generally whoever is up for it......... If you meet somewhere else where you don't have to be like totally crazy or in the group of people that is acceptable, then it will be different. lol I don't think that makes complete sence though so try your best to understand it. lol Oh and my two girlfriends came about from the very same party so yeah, however I acted in that party is what I would need to repeat or something. =P Oh and just so you know, by the end of that party I was sick on one of there mums bed and the other spent the night cleaning me up after my 4 hour throwing up spell (and passing out). rofl >.< But yeah, I don't really think that's actually why they like me..... =P
  4. And I barely notice anyones eyes. lolol Seriously it's an eye...... They aren't that interesting to me. =P Lill you are right, but what I mean is that if you really like a girls personallity it's possible for you to think that she is the most beautiful girl in the world whilst other think she isn't..... =P So in this case you would obviously get what you want. Oh and ermmm my girlfriend is beautiful.... My ex, wasn't so, but, I found her attractive whilst I was going out with her...... This is where I get it from.... EDIT: Infact, there are some eyes I'm interested in but more cause they look cool then anything..... My sister for example has one brown eye and one green eye.... SO COOL! XD
  5. I'm hoping Arsenal have Cole back by then as even though Lauren has done a decent job at left back it's left us a bit more open on the other side. :-/ Also, Arsenal in general just need to get a 1st team set in stone as a lot of changes have had to be made in defence/midfield and it hasn't really been able to settle. I have no idea how you can say they are an average team without Henry, don't be stupid, if anything it's just been in our finishing quality that we have been lacking.... I mean a couple of games back when Van P and Henry were actually finishing the chances the TEAM were making. The Newcastle game was the most discusting match I've ever watched though. o.o I don't however think they would have won if the ref was being consistent in his decisions as it wouldn't have only been Arsenal down to 10 men at the end of it..... Anyway, I think Arsenal should get past Real, Chelsea vs Barca will be a decent match with Chelsea going through at the end of it...... Liverpool should also go through....
  6. A smack head? >.< Seriously you need to just stop taking peoples comments to heart. They are just being stupid. Seriously, I've been told I look like so many things and if they got me down I would probably be a lot worse off then now. lol Then again, having long hair when you're growing up isn't exactly the best way to avoid comments. lol XD Oh well, was never gunna cut it for them. =P If anything the two girlfriends I have had has been down to my long hair in some way or another so yeah. =P Oh and as for the looks over personallity thing, you will find that if you get to know someone with a great personallity they will start to look better to you..... So yeah...... :-/
  7. o.o Sephiroth GAY? A bit of a mummies boy maybe but gay? NEVER. lol
  8. Dude, don't think having a girlfriend/sex = happiness.... :-/ Many, many things with these things can cause sadness, anyone who has read my threads recently know how this happened with me......... I won't go into that again though. Also getting called thick is no biggie. They are probably just messing with you, trying to get a reaction or something. Also even if you ARE thick you shouldn't get depressed over it. lol It doesn't make you a worse person or anything. hehe And a ditch is a hell of a thing to get out of.......... Yeah, pickyness is good. =P
  9. Congrats man, mine is near the start of next year as well. lol Damn it's been a long time. o.o Woooh 4 years for falco woooh!
  10. Evolution is of course happening. o.O It can't stop happening. :-/ It's impossible... You're taking it like natural selection is the only thing that pushes evolution. lol A species surroundings infact is probably a bigger factor and is what will cause faster evolution. I mean if there was another ice age you think that humans wouldn't evolve to fit the new climate? Of course they would.. It's the reason that there are differences found throughout people around the world..... The only reason that evolution isn't SO noticable in humans is that there hasn't been as massive change in the climate of places people have been living in..... Blah rambling on.... v.v Can't be bothered to finish this post now. XD
  11. Ermmmmmmmmmm, wth, 6am this was right? How the hell did I not notice anything? I was awake and I live in North West London where it was heard and ermmmm I didn't notice anything. lol Then again it was the day I forgot to eat anything I was so caught up in work so I guess it's possible.. :-/ Kinda strange though that I turned to Sky 1 at this time and that stupid Hour of Power show was on... Probably only me who sees strangeness in that. ^^;
  12. I think I'm blind.... Where is this magical thread of wonderful help you speak of? ^^;
  13. Just a mini update, after two LONG days (from 12 in the afternoon until 6am and then 12 in the afternoon until 4am) I finally finished my work and handed it all in today! HURRAY! XD Well actually I was like 3 hours late but I think I got away with it... You see my scene was still rendering when I woke up today at 9am and didn't finish until 12. ;_; So that was like 8 hours rending for a 6 second animation 150 frames..... >.> Well yeah the file is 130mb and I wanna upload it, but, yeah not quite sure where I can..... Hmmm what can I use to compress the video? Does NEED to be in perfect quality to show everyone. lol Anyway, I'll upload some pics a bit later before the video. ^^ Oh and that mountain wasn't used in my final scene as to my horror it contains too many faces to be exported, what kinda retardedness is that? ;_; Anyway, I'm now exausted, can you believe I was so caught up in my work I forgot to eat anything ALL DAY two days ago? >.> *sigh* /sleep...... ^^d
  14. Ok so my mums asking me for ideas of what to get me for christmas and I had a whole load of games I've missed over this year that I've wanted for christmas and now I can't remember them to save my life. lolol Could people give me a list of decent games to come out this year.... Thanks. XD ^^d Yeah posted in gamecube and handheld forums so any problems mods and admins have sorry in advance.... I'm pretty sure this might be against the rules. >.< Sorry....... Maybe.... >.<
  15. Ok so my mums asking me for ideas of what to get me for christmas and I had a whole load of games I've missed over this year that I've wanted for christmas and now I can't remember them to save my life. lolol Could people give me a list of decent games to come out this year.... Thanks. XD ^^d Hmmmmm, I'm gunna post this on handheld and and other console forums as well...... Any mods/admins who have a problem with this delete them or whatever. lol
  16. These are probably just possible game names, most if not all won't be used...... :-/
  17. Why would you want to use that instead of a mouse and keyboard? o.O You would seriously get destroyed so bad. lol Anyway, I think it would be cool if you have any adventure games or something. *shrug* Haven't tried it out myself.
  18. There are still more people online for GameCube then XBOX that's for sure, but, compared to release that's like nothing. hehe So yeah, if you want a console version GameCube is the place to go, but yeah I'm guessing Blue Burst has more people..... I'm waiting for Universe personally. ^^; Oh and if you don't mind playing with Japanese players then yeah there are probably still hundreds of people online for you to with with at a time. lol
  19. Hehe, thanks! ^^d It's not really a very complex texture or anything though, and when zoomed in you can tell things are kinda stretched in places.... Oh and the snow.... Ermmm in some places it's a bit, odd........ lolol Well anyway, I still don't fully understand texturing properly. ;_; UV maps have me a bit like "eh?!?" so yeah..... One day I'll get it. lolol
  20. Rather then Lock Stock having a sequal I would say Snatch should..... Much better film! XD Oh and other then that I say that Godzilla (you know, not the Japanese version) needs a sequal only because they left it SO open at the end with the baby Godzilla hatching. >.> I wanna see that baby get his revenge..... Then again I dunno how they'd go about it..... Oh yes this little baby hid away under the city without being seen until he got THIS big! WOOOH! But yeah, it needs to be done. lol I would have also said The Mask but that was done and ruined to the point where I refused to watch it. >.>
  21. Obviously someone doesn't hold the current state of there manhood very highly....... o.O
  22. Unless they have a gun as well at which point it's not looking so useful anymore.... :-/ That really sucks man, I can't imagine how I'd react if it happened to me. ;_; Having them tyr again would seriously shake me up as well! ;_;
  23. Wooh people are here again! XD That's a nice ship Cube, could use a bit of work in the texturing department, but, I'm not really one to talk in that department seeing as it's REALLY my week point. lolol If I haven't made a finished update of my work by monday then assume I haven't finished my work in time for the deadline and I'm screwed. lol Until then.
  24. Hmmmm seeing as no one else is updating on there work I'll try to get things going again, here is a pic of the mountain that will be the base for my big city! ^^; The texure I used was kinda a bit of luck as I was going for a top/bottom texture with grass when I realised in a quick render that it looked like someone had spilled green paint over the mountains... And what does green paint look like when you turn it white? Well apparently snow. lolol So yeah I think it's turned out really well. ^^d Now to ruin it with my poorly made city. wooh
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