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Everything posted by darkcloud
A quick question..... What's the sound track like? The end.......
Thanks Shino. ^^; I wish I could show the video of it, but, I really need someone to tell me how to compress it first. XD As for software, there are quite a few routes to go.. I'm using 3DSMax, but, there is also Maya, XSI and many others...... You will probably use other software in conjunction at some point though.... ZBrush being one....... If you get yourself some software and then post again requesting tutorials I can point you in the right direction. ^^; Just thought I would share the wireframe version of my model and the lighting set up I had. >.< Dunno why, but, it seems like the right thing to do. lolol
Possible National Holiday to Promote "Britishness"
darkcloud replied to a topic in General Chit Chat
White people can be muslims as well. =P So yeah it's very possible that white people could do that and it also be muslims who did it.... But that's not the point....... The point is it shouldn't be done by anyone......... Ermm yeah, moving on...... A british day would be pointless..... Everyone would go out celebrating, but, not because of what the day is about, but, because it's an excuse to go out and get drunk.... English people use St Patricks day for the same reason.... I would prefere not having another day where everyone is drunk on the streats.... :-/ -
Ermmm I completely forgot to update this. o.O Ok so like theres loads of problems with this.... Basically caused by my limited time whilst doing it..... I ran out of time before I needed to start the long rendering period for the video's.... I am going to finish it though by actually adding a streat below instead of a nasty texture and by sorting out some of the kinks in the road......... Ermmmm, not much to say about this... Looks how I wanted it to.
My girlfriend is Japanese and as she lives with me makes me Japanese food quite a lot and we go to japanese restraunts quite a lot as well. :-/ Ermmm, I know some Japanese, but, not really the spellings so I don't even bother without my girlfriend correcting me. ^^d As for the food well I really like it and ermmm wagamama whilst being alright isn't exactly a "proper" ramen place..... :-/ Ermm oh and miso sucks..... So nasty.... Ahhh, I know something I can spell in Japanese...... Eigo ga wakarimasu ka? I'm guessing the answer is yes for all of you. XD Oh and I wanna go to Japan this year... We'll see.
http://gameads.gamepressure.com/tv_game_commercial.asp?ID=2483 BEST...... ADVERT....... EVER! XD And ermmm, http://gameads.gamepressure.com/tv_game_commercial.asp?ID=2689 XD And a little something for the Battle Royale fans (as I'm pretty sure that's where you'll know him from.) Oh and don't expect this add to have any meaning. =P http://gameads.gamepressure.com/tv_game_commercial.asp?ID=2062
You my friend are going to a private school.... Right? Public schools > private. =P Oh and ermm why do so many people pick food tech? Damn. v.v Ok 30 pages of A3 in a course like this is NOTHING! You just need to know how to use the space. You can easilly do 1 page in 20 mins (prob less) so that's what 10 hours max? Serious just get it done in one day and be done with it. Don't bother with bs tiny writting, that's not the way to go in these kinds of projects...... Anything to do with design has to be BIG! Serious, in some cases it's less about the content and more the presentation of your work. For example a nice big pretty graph type thing can take up a whole page if you want.... Just make it look nice. lol Seriously, I got a C doing graphics in GCSE's which was the max mark I could get because my teacher assumed I wouldn't finish my coursework and put me in for the lower exam >.>........ Then again I had nothing done with 3 days left..... And this was a full course where you had to do a lot more then 30 pages.. I got it done though... But yeah, my point is it can be done.... At the end of the day, when you go to get your results, seeing one more good mark will make you smile, no matter how pointless you think it is.... Oh and lets just say you get a job interview.. You and some other guy are the top applicants, you did same courses he got same marks as you, but, he got a C in food tech whilst you failed, which sounds better? Also just the fact that you actually bother to get a good mark in a meaningless subject means you are willing to work hard and this stands out. BTW, I in general suck at school..... So yeah, I'm pretty much telling you, don't do what I did for most my subjects. XD (half truth)
XD So glad someone actually did. ^^d When I first saw it wasn't actually in the anime itself, but, some random compilation video and I watched it like 5 times over before pausing it and finding out wth the anime was. lol My only problem is I can't find anything after the 3rd episode. ; ; Oh and English Naruto dub = ; ;
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I can't pick out certain points that were highlights... I dunno, this year hasn't been to great.... I can fix the problems with this year for 06 though I guess.... Ermmmm...... Girlfriend..... Being in school (kinda hard to explain)..... Feeling closer to achieving my dream..... The time around my birthday (ahhh life was easy at this point v.v)....... Finally ermmm some other stuff.
Apart from being sick since 3am and Colin's kinda random post, it's ok.
Couldn't be bothered with the biggest mistake in modern history, which is central London on New Years Eve so I just stayed at home with my girlfriend...... We ended up falling asleep a little after 12 though when she noticed I was getting a bit hot and waking up at 3am feeling like crap........ She's asleep now... I guess it's good I didn't go out with this coming on. o.O Oh and why is central London so crap? Because that many drunk people in one place means some shits going to happen. v.v Never fails.... Last years was the most fun.... Leicester Square (well actually next to the trocadiro first where trouble was brewing so me and my friends moved on, yeah like that will help) dunno how many people there were heading to that tube station, but, lets just say the roads weren't big enough, and when that many people are all head to the same place down for roads that meet in the middle things aren't going to end up well........ Especially when the damn tube station gets closed. v.v So we were kinda all stuck in the middle people still pushing etc...... And me and my friends had to try our hardest to keep ourselves standing and some girls we were with standing........ Lets just say this isn't the most fun or easy thing to do when you have rowdy drunk people around you. >.> We ended up finally escaping only to have some guy start a fight with one of my friends.... Ermmm oh and all the other annoying crap that comes from drunk people..... :-/ Bleh then again, this can all be expected in a city when two girls on a packed tube can be getting molested by a group of guys and no one say anything about it, then for it to continue into the streats of camden and only stop when me and my girlfriend finally get to them. v.v I guess what I'm saying is, London has crappyness on most days, just new years eve it all gets magnified and condensed into one small(ish) place.... I just can't be bothered to be there this year. ^^d
I've been watching Mai Otome, Bleach and Yakitate Japan (damn this contest really needs to end o.O) recently...... I have quite a few more to watch as well that I downloaded and just kinda abandoned on my hard drive. XD A quick suggestion to those that were asking for some nice anime to watch...... Get FLCL and Narutaru....... Two animes you won't here TOO much about even though they are great just because they aren't one of the big series that people watch... Really worth while checking out. lol Oh and if anyone wants a quick laugh download Dokuro Chan...... Don't do any research into it though, just get the first episode and be prepared for a shock. lol Oh one thing....... Please someone tell me...... Is ah my goddes worth watching? I downloaded the series randomly when I saw a torrent up for some reason and after a bit of the first episode I was a bit dissapointed. v.v If it's not I could really use freeing up some space no my computer. lol One last thing........ I have like 99.9% of every episode of Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien as I was downloading it when it got licenced (well kinda people got ordered to remove it v.v)........ So yeah, at 99.9% of my download I was cut off...... If someone with the whole series (subbed by Lunar) could add me to msn I would really, really like to talk to you....... >.<
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Why did Nintendo sell up its Rare shares?
darkcloud replied to Plain_Ole_Al's topic in General Chit Chat
Basically, Nintendo didn't see them as worth the money they were putting into them anymore...... I personally still like there games, but, for some reason I can't bring myself to play Kameo..... I loaded it up for like 10 mins before turning it off. o.O Guess it's a good thing this isn't the only game I have for 360. lol But yeah, Nintendo probably see it as them getting a good deal as they haven't exactly made Microsoft all that much in return....... -
Yeah it seems to me like it's fixed...... I have been stuggling to post recently because of the problems, but, now things seems to be ok. Only problem now is I have only 1 pc between 2 people wanting to use it at the same time and yeah........ It's not fun......
Ermm that diagram is kinda random... I don't get why there would be a rubber pad above the cd whilst it's laying down and then dissapear whilst it's standing up. o.O Oh and if anyone wants a game of pgr3 or pd0 I'm pretty much always playing. lol So just add me and invite. ^^d Infact, one more thing... Does anyone know if there is a possibility of a 360 internet browser.... Would really help the way things are in my house right now. lol
Ok so I would send it back now, but, I wouldn't get it back for a while due to the low supply there is....... Don't wanna do that.......... Yes it is in the verticle position, but, I've noticed it's not all games that get scratched...... It's only been PGR3 and Quake (better game then everyone says, it has a much better control scheme the PD0) that have and I looked at the discs again and the smudges are gone. o.O I really think it's to do with heat. v.v Kinda stupid really.
Ok so no one knows the answer to my last problem.. Ermm how about if someone can tell me what it means when the lights around the X flash between the position of 1+4 and 2+3.... It's really wierd.. Maybe it's always happened, but, I just noticed it now.. o.O It doesn't stay like that either. It does it then goes back to it's normal position. v.v
Yeah so I've been playing 360 for long periods of time since christmas and I decided that I was going to check my discs yesterday... And suddenly I realised that not only were there scratches on the discs, but, what looks like a permenant smudge.. Or heat warping. o.O I mean the games still run and everything and I've had no problems other then the strange lagging there seems to be when I scroll through options on perfect dark (>.>) and once the 360 died when I checked someones gamercard on PGR3, but, I'm not sure how long they will last with this happening... Anyone else had this problem? Oh and has anyone found a possible cause/fix for it? ^^; I really don't want any of my games to die. lol
My gamertag is chairo..... o.O Tried to add my card here but it failed. ^^; http://live.xbox.com/en-US/profile/profile.aspx?pp=0&GamerTag=chairo
Thanks for the help people... I was just playing some PD0 on and offline.. Not really sure what I think yet. lol Oh and the first month of xboxlive is free if that helps. lol
Make that the 5th of Jan. =P Oh and ermm yeah I'll pick it up... Ok I have a new problem..... Well, I got a premium pack and therefore it came with a wireless controller... Only problem being it doesn't auto detect it.... I dunno what to do... The XBOX instructions said refere to wireless controller instructions and ermmm there are none. o.o So yah help.... Most painful console setup ever. ;_;
Ok so I got 360 for christmas..... I just discovered my mum imported it from elsewhere in europe..... What do I need to be able to plug it in? >.<
XBOX 360 I really didn't expect this, didn't ask or anything and my mum got it from ebay so she must have put a lot of money on it....... Especially as it's the premium pack. Quake, Kameo, Perfect Dark 0 (normal and special addition as she didn't expect it to come with a game lol). Naruto 4, Geist, Fire Emblem Jump Super Stars x 2........ My girlfriend and mum got it for me. rofl Yu-Gi-Oh (ermmm my mum doing some guess work..... I'm not too big a fan of the games though lol). Bomberman.... Can't be bad, it's bomberman....... Prince Of Persia 2 throwns...... Simpsons Season 3 and 4...... Fantastic 4.......... Oh and a special present from my girlfriend........ She got me a Scorpian Harness on Final Fantasy XI and 2 million gil............ For those that play they know how tough that is.... Especially as she farmed it up herself. o.o Oh and she's only level 50 so yeah it was a challenge. o.o I feel really lucky as my familly is very big on christmas.... I mean, we don't really get much over the year, but, when it comes to christmas everyone gets into the spirit of things..... And everyone loves to give.. It's a really fun time usually.... I've told my mum we don't need so much before, but, she insists on doing a big christmas.
Brother: season 1 and 2 of Familly Guy as well as Soccer AM 2 and Freddy Flintoff's story DVD's.... Mum: GBA player (so cool having a game playing mum lol) Sister: The incredibles Girlfriend: Cats and Battle Royale 2.... And the main present is a black mandragora cuddly toy...... She' been asking for a mandragora for like 6 months which is when she started playing ffxi and now she's addicted..... She was happy. ^^ Dad: Windows XP for dumbies... He's just started taking computer classes and ermmm..... yeah..... Cousin 1: Some DVD (can't remember XD) Cousin 2: Top shop vouchers (she didn't want anything else) Aunt: Jak and Daxter 3 (once again, gaming families rules) Anyway, these are all my close relatives so they get gifts.
I got £80 from my dad and that's it so far.... Don't unwrap presents til tomorrow morning. XD