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Everything posted by darkcloud

  1. Hmmm I live in the north west and no snow..... Maybe would have helped if it wasn't NW London. v.v Here it's been FREEZING for the past week.... Seriously cold as hell.... Well, not hell....... But you know....... Yeah..... Quite glad it didn't snow actually I've yet to purchase a jacket so it's been cold enough thank you. lolol
  2. That looks really nice, good work....... The tiles are really cool cause they actually have chips in them unlike a lot I see. lol I was just wondering, can anyone give me a really good beginners texturing tutorial for 3dsmax...... I really need to get my head around how to texture this building I've modelled. ;_; I've found loads of specific one, but, not a general........ :-/
  3. Hmmmm not really sure what's going on I'm in class and just came to the last page to congratulate everyone..... Especially Diemetrix I've always thought he was a cool member. ^^d Hmmm, I've gotta read thiswhole thread when I get home. v.v
  4. Damn must be hard living so far away from your girlfriend... How did you end up being so far apart or meet?
  5. I'm cursed and it makes me very sad... I mean you guys know the problems I've had recently that I made obvious in my other thread, but since then things have got worse.... I mean it's so bad that damn stuff around me is trying to make me think about suicide. hehe For example I was balencing a oven pan thing in one hand whist trying to put another in the oven...... I droped it on my arm and instant scar.... Looks like I've cut my wrist... It seriously looks bad. lol Never cut myself in my life but now it looks like I have and I'm scared for life. v_v Damn... Oh well me and my gf had a great time last night at the cinema, getting dinner and then messing about in an arcade until like 1am. lol *sigh* Hopefully things can stay good for a while now. :P
  6. More of a stupid thing then a funny thing, but, when I was younger I decided to jump bench to bench in a circle (I was young and it was fun *shrug*) eventually I managed to jump with my foot dangling behind the bench (I have no idea how I did that) and ermm triped face first into the next bench...... v.v I had to get rushed to an emergency dentist for them to push a tooth back into place (it didn't get knocked out) with blood pooring out my mouth..... Luckily there wasn't much pain until I got to the dentist at which point I went through one of the most painful hours of my life. v.v Oh and one day I went down the slide with my older brother at the botton and managed to kick his tooth out. ^^; That was funny....... Or maybe not. v.v
  7. The squirrel makes me laugh so you get a 8/10........ ^^; I predict for myself.......... 4........ If that. ^^
  8. I'm trying, but, it's kinda hard when you keep getting hit with something else........ Worst week of my life. ;_;
  9. Another quick update on my life that has taken some shitty turns for the worse....... 3 days ago my girlfriend started to bleed...... The baby had been dead for nearly a month and the body decided to reject it 1 day after the scan........ Hmmmm..... 2 days ago my right eye started to randomly hurt..... Thought I had something in my eye....... Yesterday I woke up and my eye had started to swell....... Oh crap, doctors for me.... I have an infect, it could spread cause a cist (sp?) and if really bad then blindness.. ;_; Today, I just woke up and my eye is completely swollen shut, I'm going to go back to the doctors as soon as possible.......... It's swollen out past my eyebrow so I'm now looking rather like someone who just got there head kicked in.......... Antibiotics and eye ointment don't seem to have worked I guess...... Oh and as for the eye ointment, the way I am now I won't even be able to put it in. v.v I'm really hoping this trend doesn't continue or I will end up lossing vision in this eye. ;_;
  10. I really appreciate the support from you guys, and I realise it can't be easy coming up with something to say and I don't expect you all to say something that will instantly make things right or whatever...... I just thought I should tell you all what has happened as I told you all about the pregnancy in the first place..... Thanks again.
  11. Today was the day I was planning on scanning in the first picture of my baby, I was going to go with my girlfriend get her scan done get a nice picture (even in this early stage) and show people proudly or something....... But instead everything decides to go shitty....... We go in, fill in some random registry form, and then soon after are sent in for the scan..... Almost immediately I knew something was wrong..... *silence* "how many months are you?" As soon as I heard that I was pretty sure what was going on......... (the whole thing sucked and I don't really want to go through it all so I'll skip it.) The baby died after only 9 weeks, there was no bleeding or any other normal signs and they have no idea what happened, they just left us to decide if we want to a scraping or just let nature run it's course........ This day has really really REALLY sucked for me, but, I thought I would tell people here there won't be any updates as I promised etc..... Anyway, I'm gunna go back to wondering why this has happened to me....... Especially after I had finally fully come to terms with things sorted plans out and started to actually get excited about it..... *sigh*
  12. Just for anyone really wanting to get into this...... You can buy a student version of 3DS max for like £80......... It's a little steep, but nothing compared to what they charge for there other versions.... Only downside to this is the watermark you will be left with. :-/
  13. Ahhh, Nadesico and Evangelion........... Reminds me of the days of anime on the sci-fi channel...... Best it's ever been in the UK for anime. ;_; Yah, I had to force myself to watch the movie today as I love the one scene where Vegeta gets his head slammed into the boulder. hehe Anyway, that wasn't really worth the torture I put myself through........ Tenchi was also amazing, although, I missed a couple of episodes once and I was SO confused due to the whole other dimension type thing they do........ *shrug* Never really did work out what was going on.... Maybe one day I'll download it. XD Gundam Wing was always nice to have available to watch a lot better the One Piece anyway, and I've never even seen Big O. =P But yeah, my point is, dubs should die, if only to get rid of these shitty DBZ movie dubs....... If that was the first anime I ever watched it would have been my last.... Seriously, so glad I saw the Japanese version as well........ And that it was no where near my first anime that goes to like transformers or something hehe. =P
  14. Hmmm just a little random post here........ Ermmmm to all those who think that English dubs aren't all that bad or even *gulp* preferes them, please go and watch the first Brolli movie (DBZ incase you didn't know) that was shown today on Toonami...... I didn't know it could get this bad to be honest......... "The legendary super space warrior" I mean wtf? :-/ They completely disregarded the story in this thing.... It really was horrid. ;_; As if that wasn't bad enough, they probably picked the worst voice actors I've ever seen........ This really is the best example of why anime should be left as it is. ;_;
  15. Hehehe, that's pretty cool....... The knife cut really is quite realistic........ Although a bit of blood dripping down the face would give it that bit of extra realism I think. ^^; Sounds like you're doing something you really enjoy which is good..... I've got a couple of friends who are in uni and hating everything they are doing whilst I'm enjoying myself doing 3D modelling and animation and loving every minute. ^^; Hopefully you'll end up doing what you want to do.
  16. Jokes, jokes, jokes........... Hmmm, well from my experience the won't mark you down for it, but, they also won't give you bonus marks for it.......... You see, they have a certain marking scheme, for every point on this list you fulfil they give you 1 mark...... Every mark you get brings you closer to that grade you want........... I'm pretty sure they don't have a jokes section. :-/ Oh and unless stated you shouldn't get marked down for using them...... Oh and I would watch out with that joke you are thinking of using, you might just get an old lady marking your work and they could take offence meaning they might not treat you fairly.
  17. http://conbox.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/highwindscreen.bmp Ermmm yah, I kinda like made this primarilly with the extrude tool....... First lesson in box modelling today you see.. I decided to take on the challenge........ Everything but the propellers are made out of one box with I dunno how many polygons. :-/ But yeah, I'm quite proud of it although I could have made a much better representation using more primitives. *shrug*
  18. Hmmm me and my girlfriend have a plan to do just this..... Although I don't really wanna say what our plan is........ It does involve importing and selling for a big profit though... *shrug* =P
  19. You see they normally speak to me about it as I'm looking after them so yeah it really annoys me and they won't have to turn around to catch the tears. =P
  20. I'm currently sitting in my 3D modelling class and yeah we have some random person marking our writting skills.......... "Excellent piece of writting!" is what she said so I'm happy....... Will postsome work when I have some. =P
  21. Bleh, that's a shame, I like it in RPG's when there is stuff like that you can miss....... *sigh*
  22. Shit, still being on my first play through (ermmm I've just given presea her key crest ^^ I'm worried about reading this thread properly. lol Really wish there was some way to tell how far through these spoilers are in the game. lol My party gets changed quite a bit, but, it's normally Lloyd, Genis, Zelos/Kratos and.... Presea..... I just think she's a cool character and like Genis loves her so yea..... ^^; Really enjoying showing off Zelos' annoying self by taking items from all the girls. XD Also instead of doing a quick jump after giving Presea her key crest I went to Altessa's house amd spoke to that random girl twice..... She gave me a curry recipe once and a loud of items including a ex-sphere shard.......... Would I have got these no matter when I spoke to her or is the quick jump put in to make people miss them?
  23. Blah, that really really sucks....... I don't really mind as much that little kids will like it, but, the fact that I work at a playscheme in the holidays (dunno if I will be anymore) and I'll here them talking about it and they won't know will really annoy me. lol
  24. Please tell me you're lying....... PLEASE! The whole thing makes little sence if he is a girl. :-/ If true I seriously consider Naruto to be raped.... :-/ Can't wait for that show to come out over here and have some little kid to hear me talking about Haku being a guy and them try to correct me. ^^;
  25. Yah, Akira used to be my fav anime of all time, but, then again that was when I hadn't seen all that much anime... Now it's not at the top of the list, but, it's still up there..... Great film. Hmmmm just took that bleach test.... I'm Chad... Yayz. ^^;
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