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Everything posted by Will

  1. Brown quitting could be very bad news if it gets the lib dems to side with Labour, we're in for one hell of a shit parliament if that happens. We'll have a PM who wasn't party leader at time of election which won't go down well with people and either no majority or a very flimsy one at best. Hopefully the deal with the tories will go through with a bit of reform to the voting system. It really is the best option.
  2. I agree with the above, there should be a good margin built into the car so try to push for as much as you possibly can. Just been on the phone to the guys repairing my car, the parts should be in today or tomorrow! Hurrah! If the repair goes well I could have my car back before the end of May - a whole month earlier than expected!
  3. If this happens I would be amazed if they charge on the Wii, it's more likely to be a brand new paid for system starting with the 3DS and Wii 2. I hope they do it personally, I'd much rather pay for a great system than get a half-arsed one for free.
  4. As far as I know they get rough sales data from a few independent retailers and then extrapolate that out for whichever territory. It's hard enough putting together decent sales numbers with a huge budget for it, I respect what they try to do but theres no way they will ever be a reliable source for data.
  5. They've always had a bad track record with their numbers, they're just not accurate.
  6. My flat mate saw you guys playing that, apparently there were some very hot PR girls around? Yesterday I managed to get a fair bit of work done though I still had to bring my laptop home for some extra work tomorrow. Had a few drinks after work with one of the girls which was also nice. Today I may be going to the Korean Culture Centre followed by the Sherlock Holmes pub, should be pretty cool.
  7. I just think same job = same pay/perks. At the end of the day it's our tax money being wasted every time a public sector job is paid above it's market rate. Money that could be spent on a better NHS or whatever else. Anyway, David will be moving into number 10 soon so we can all go to bed happy. I'm off to watch Lost.
  8. Do we know what they were testing during the practice sessions? Could Nico have been on longer runs? I missed both sessions so I have no idea. I hope Schumacher can improve but until I see him do it in qualifying or the race I hold off judgement.
  9. This whole argument is pretty bloody pointless. But... They align public sector jobs with the private sector and they've fucked it up the arse? What planet are you living on exactly? I'm not going to get involved in this debate as it's quite clearly gone too far already but that's just crazy.
  10. Aren't most spoilt papers protest votes?
  11. Wouldn't we just have a war over the oil?
  12. Godamnit, when can we get rid of the others?
  13. Totally agree with this. I think a Tory/Lib Dem co-operation of some sort is by far the best thing that can happen.
  14. Looks like this could be sorted pretty quickly. Here's hoping Clegg and Cameron can sort something out by the end of the day.
  15. Hasn't he just confirmed what he's said all along - that the party with the most votes should be allowed the chance at forming a government first? Some people aren't very quick counters.
  16. Ugh what a shit result, I really don't understand who the hell is voting for Labour and shocked the Lib Dems are so low. No majority is very bad news. Guess we'll be doing this again pretty soon. Oh and on the people who didn't get to vote, if it was down to not having the papers then yeah thats totally shit, if you turned up late expecting to get straight in then it's your own fault - the rules are pretty clear on how this works. They should have gone earlier.
  17. Well yes there is that too! Seems crazy all round to be honest. So glad its gp weekend again, it's been far far too long since the last GP, not sure how the teams will have changed their packages relative to the others. I can't see much having changed though. Hopefully another win for Ferrari, Buttons luck has to run out sometime.
  18. Sounds like you got some great advice/offers anyway Flink, in the current market thats way more than most can expect to get - definitely one to put down as a good result I think. I've had a busy day, got lots on with work at the moment due to restructuring. Pretty much non-stop from 8-6. Should be going to the US in a few weeks which will be great. Car insurance still haven't sorted things out (if anyone even remembers that now) they made an appointment to call me yesterday and phoned me up more than 24 hours late by which point I was busy. Not sure that will ever get sorted out. Voted tonight, got beers and snacks ready for the through the night coverage.
  19. You should just stop posting these, those numbers are way out.
  20. The Mercedes looks very different, hopefully it will give Schumacher what he needs to perform better. The whole Ferrari thing is ridiculous, surely everyone has always known it was to advertise cigarettes? I don't get why noone complained sooner to be honest.
  21. What can you say? The kid that spit in the guys face deserved the kick he got to the head. In the end I've gone lib dem, was torn between them and the usual conservatives but in the end they got my vote based on the fact they are more likely to change things than the others.
  22. I still haven't fully decided who to vote for, I have had my postal vote sat on my desk for a week while I try to decide. Should be a very interesting result.
  23. It confuses me too. I think I've been here too long, looking forward to escaping tomorrow.
  24. Went out for a few (a lot) of drinks last night with a few mates. Chatted with a few girls which was interesting, all of them were very odd, asked out a fit barmaid and she said her boyfriend wouldn't like it. I then gave her my business card and told her to give me a call and not tell him - definitely a new low point in my life. Have spent today lazing around at my parents, tonight will be more of the same I fear. I look forward to being back in London.
  25. I still don't really get why we don't put much more emphasis on Nuclear power, it would solve most of our energy issues. I think if I was confident the lib dems could deliver what they were promising then they'd almost certainly have my vote. I'm just not sure in practice their policies will work as they intend. That said I think we need a big shake up of how things are run, if only to change the mindset of the big two, and thats something I think a more powerful liberal party can achieve. I reckon I'm 75% on going with them, have to see what happens in the coming week.
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