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Everything posted by Will

  1. Is this for any particular reason though? I'm now not sure what to do, I really want one at launch but I also really want a white one.
  2. Why aren't the white ones available? Are they going to be set on a certain network deal? The guy opposite me has just ordered and his delivery date is already into July. Looks like it might be a case of queueing on release day.
  3. I honestly can't tell if all of this stuff is for real or fake, everything about it is horrendous.
  4. So far my list is something as follows: Trip so San Fran Get my car back Weekend driving trip to Paris Mates wedding Plan trip to Korea Plan trip to Dubai Go on some dates Hmm, that's more than I thought already. Hopefully I can at least get some of it done.
  5. Isn't this exactly what Ashley posted a little while back? As for what that guy says, o2 will definitley be offering preorders on the 15th. This whole thing to me seems insane, this is an iPhone, not the second coming of Christ, they're going to be very easy to get hold of no matter what exactly it is you want from your contract.
  6. Well registering interest on the o2 they say they will be sending out microsims at some point between now and the phone coming out. So I assume they have no issues in people transferring onto a microsim. At the end of the day given a choice between picking up £20 a month on a sim only contract or nothing because the user has gone to another network they'd be mad not to.
  7. Just get them to send you a micro-sim then? Don't see that this is an issue at all.
  8. The Internet thing doesn't bother me too much, since the day i bought my 3G I've used 1.1gb of data - stupidly low! The minutes and texts are more my issue, you get practically nothing with any of the iPhone deals. I really hope the outright cost of the phone isn't too ridiculous. To be totally honest I can't see it being any different to previous releases.
  9. I don't see any reason that they would change it now. I expect we will see pretty much exactly the same deals as we have done for the past few years.
  10. 16gb should be more an enough, I'm putting a fair amount of stuff on mine and still only used 5gb. If you do find you want it online all the time just buy a mifi later on.
  11. I would imagine so, it's what I'm hoping for at least.
  12. Weird! I want a hot girl then i will consider watching this rubbish worthwhile. Ah here she is. I like Ife.
  13. Once again it looks like it's going to be a bunch of weirdos. I'll watch tonight but that's it i think.
  14. I wouldn't usually, but now I'm thinking I'm going to get away from ridiculous contracts and buy the phones outright. If I can keep it in top condition then it makes next years upgrade a little easier on the wallet. I quite like the splash of colour too.
  15. For general out and about pictures that will more than suffice for me. I really can't wait for this now, looks like it's leagues ahead of my current 3G model. Currently thinking I'm going to go for a white one with a blue bumper, bit bored of having black iPhones now.
  16. I don't mind foxes as long as they don't start making noise at night. God their screams go right through you. They're fun to watch playing on the railway track behind my flat. I'm pretty indifferent to be honest. They keep out of my way and I'll keep out of theirs. We can all go about our business. If one came in my house though, I'd fight it.
  17. Will definitely be buying one on day one. I'm in desperate need of an upgrade and the camera stuff alone makes is great for me. It's good enough that I can get rid of both my digital camera and my flip. Hoping the pricing isn't too bad for us here.
  18. Did they though? Without just placing another question in it's place I mean...
  19. The thing with Lost is they didn't answer anything. I'd be happy if all the random little threads could be linked together, rather than outright answered. But it doesn't seem like the writers could even manage that.
  20. Looking at the rumours we could be in for a pretty good set of things this year. I'm going to be giving apple a lot of my hard earned this year! Hope those colours are true, I'm totally bored of black phones now. Had thought of getting white with the new one but now I'm tempted to go crazy and have a blue one!
  21. Just ring them up I think, i thought they only did it for out of contract phones though?
  22. Yes, you only have to buy out the contract if you want to end it and start a new one to get a subsidized phone. To get it without one you'll just be buying the phone outright for probably what the 3GS costs at the moment and changing the sim card in it.
  23. Yeah just cut it down, by all accounts it seems to be very easy from people doing it for the iPad. It's certainly what I'll do if it does use a micro sim.
  24. Got to be worth selling it before the new one is out if you want top dollar. I hope there are some decent contracts for the new one. As it stands I think I'll be buying one outright and sticking my rolling contract sim card in there. So much better than any of the contract iPhone deals.
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