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Everything posted by Will

  1. Turn it 90 degrees then again so that it's upside down. Should lock the rotation.
  2. Best bet would be to apply for any IT support role that you see available. You may end up doing something pretty crappy to start with but at least it will get you the experience to then apply for other roles - or maybe even simply mean that you get to progress faster within the role you take on. Keep up with the self taught stuff, it can only be a benefit, look to expand it as much as you can and try to get some examples of the work you are able to do available to the people you apply to. Most of all just keep trying, you're likely to get knocked back a lot with no experience so don't take it too hard and keep pushing. Good Luck!
  3. I hate it when you get sent on pointless training, probably the most annoying work based thing that can happen to you. I've been having a good time in San Fran, office is nice and the place in general is very cool. Though the night life is nothing on London. I have a meeting today to discuss taking a job here permanently. Very exciting!
  4. Hope you enjoyed it! I'm in San Francisco, enjoying it a lot so far, been up 24 hours though so really looking forward to bed.
  5. I've just had breakfast in the virgin upper class lounge at heathrow, delicious smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on toast. Got about an hour until my flight and have bagged the coveted window seat. Good start to my day.
  6. From what I've read elsewhere it will fit in the dock with the bumper on, not 100% sure on that one though.
  7. This is pretty much what I plan to do in a few months. I've realized I use my iMac so little as an actual computer I'd be better off with a mac mini and have it hooked up to the TV rather than having it's own dedicated space.
  8. I think the best advice here is to not get a job as a tester. If you want to work in the games industry then apply for something else.
  9. Mine is finally here! Amazing bit of kit. The signal thing is really bad though, I'd be amazed if they're not recalled over it.
  10. Wow, we could have a forum meet in Dudley!
  11. I was reading somewhere earlier that o2's system may do it automatically if you bought it in an o2 store via your phone no. and the barcode on the micro sim pack. I did mine earlier in the week and it took about 5 mins. I would guess the systems are getting hammered now though.
  12. Good stuff! Apparently our UPS delivery should be at about 2, can't wait to get mine.
  13. I never understand what people think the big deal is with this place, I've never enjoyed my visits there.
  14. Is there any chance of them re-stocking in 3 days?
  15. Good luck! Tomorrow is going to be carnage based on how things have been handled so far.
  16. Open bus tour is great if it's nice weather, various museums, Hyde park for a relax maybe a play on the lake, drinks in Leicester square/soho... There's so much to do here, if there's something in particular you fancy you will almost certainly find it in some form.
  17. Looks like a good plan to me, i take it the phone via tesco is pretty cheap then? Mine didn't turn up today, I'll be very excited all day tomorrow now!
  18. Oh great times - I'm £56 better off!
  19. My iPhone 4 is out for delivery! I really hope they're not lying to me. Fingers crossed then, I'll keep my eye out for the UPS man.
  20. I'm going to swap when the white one comes out... Haha, it made me smile so i guess it's ok, one day I will know the love of driving again!
  21. Great! Pre-ordered and added to my tracker.
  22. Can't see any issues with it myself, something had to be done and I can't see it effecting me too badly.
  23. My iPhone 4 is prepared for shipment, my micro sim is set up and working - roll on Thursday!
  24. Looks awesome, definite day one purchase for me - do we have much of an idea on when its out?
  25. Exactly, it's something that's very rarely enforced. In your situation importing is exactly what you should be doing - 3G is 100% fine on imports and warranty work is also confirmed as being fine.
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