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Everything posted by Will

  1. This, thank God, it's been an expensive few weeks.
  2. Anyone free should watch this, Peter Windsor's new show, talking about the Senna movie today. Really great insights, I'm loving it. http://smibs.tv/live
  3. I tend to stick in here but will check out the other boards. In the gaming sections there's often stuff I can't really talk about, that I would want to to get my point across, so for a long time I avoided posting at all just in case I said something I shouldn't. Nowadays I will post in them but don't really go into too much detail still. I guess as I can talk about games all day I don't feel the need to so much on here.
  4. David Croft turned it down due to not wanting to have to alter his approach to be more casual. I think the new lineup should work fine, can't be any worse than it has been.
  5. Your wish is my command. I actually was on a date with a different girl earlier in the day, I think she was hotter but no pictures unfortunately.
  6. Went on a hot date in America...
  7. I love downloading rather than getting physical products. I can't wait until the day where absolutely all of my media can just come down a wire whenever I want it.
  8. It's absolutely brilliant here. Lots of bars, clubs, activities to do, really nice people, a lot of exciting things happening here with the whole tech industry pretty much based here. It's very easy to get it on with nice American girls, which I like very much. Weather is ok, being surrounded by water doesn't help though. It's pretty much the UK only very foggy and a little warmer.
  9. Pretty much the best thing I've ever eaten, I'll definitely go back for more.
  10. I just had a kfc double down burger!
  11. I am so up for doing that, it's a new thing on my list of goals - the first N-Europe racing team!
  12. How weird! I think if someone asked me that question I'd really want to look them straight in the eyes and just say "masses and masses of porn" then just smile menacingly at them for the rest of the transaction.
  13. Current Job: I'm an Analyst for SEGA. Basically I work on reporting back to the company how overall industry trends are going, how our games are doing within that and attempt to make some suggestion as to what direction the company should move in in the future. I've just moved to San Francisco via an internal transfer which has been amazing, mostly from a general life point of view. I really enjoy it most of the time and if I keep progressing within the company I'd be fairly contented with how things have gone for me. Dream Job: Car racing, preferably F1. To get there: I want to fulfill my other ambition of running my own startup, building the business into something highly profitable/popular and then sell it on to someone bigger to make my fortune. I've had a few ideas in the past and came pretty close to running something but it didn't quite work out. At the moment I need to think up my next good idea and see where I can take things.
  14. Weird, it was like our office had a little fit and then jumped in the air. Only lasted about 10 seconds but apparently it's a small one before a bigger one. She most certainly should, I think that might be the best thing I've seen all day.
  15. Is there something you're interested in but have never really pursued? If so then join a local club for whatever it is and take things from there, you should meet a good few people into the same sort of things as you and then you can build out from there - pretty much exactly as Scoop says. Meeting people in real life from the internet is also not as bad as it sounds. I've done that a fair bit and it usually ends up pretty well.
  16. We just had an earthquake! So much fun.
  17. I actually think thats really cool. It would be pretty intense so you'd only really want to use it for short periods, max time of a film I'd have thought but that would work well. If I could hook this up to my PS3 and then play 3D games lying on my bed I'd almost certainly get myself one. I hope they manage to get a proper version finished.
  18. It's one of the recent new colours of the DSi XL, I think they did blue yellow and green just before the Christmas period.
  19. Excellent entertainment on my latest flight, glad I randomly decided to buy them.
  20. Which they would just repeat on the outside? Or can it only be printed once?
  21. It's definitely missing a back piece, there's nothing to read into that though, the parts are just labelled as they regularly would be, the insides of most electronics are labelled up in a similar way.
  22. I upgraded to upper class for my flight home, currently I'm awaiting smoked salmon and scrambled eggs in the virgin clubhouse.
  23. Looking through the set they seem far to clear and nicely done to be fakes. I do think the thing looks a bit half finished though, like Nintendo couldn't be bothered with sorting out certain aspects of it.
  24. PS3 Controller Dock $10 with a voucher: Apple battery charger $30: Apple TV $100:
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