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Everything posted by Will

  1. Yeah it's a very risky strategy but can pay off massively. I turned 1k into 4.5k in a day last year with something similar. Of course I then lost most of it the next day but still ended up 500 quid better off.
  2. Ah, so that is why Starbucks is all over facebook today, I was just wtf to pictures of coffee. They do it here, it makes it very easy, not really sure why is hasn't happened there sooner.
  3. I went for the 64GB 4G one. I use pretty much all of the space so couldn't have gone lower. Don't always have 3G active but when I need it it's nice to have it ready to go. Really looking forward to some games taking advantage of the screen.
  4. So how much is a pint there at the moment? I seem to remember it being ridiculously cheap when I was home over Christmas. For a pint of Stella here it's normally around $7. It definitely sucks but things like cigarettes and beer are easy to get some increased revenues from, people are going to buy them anyway so may as well squeeze as much out of them as possible.
  5. They must be incredibly desperate for cash giving the sales they are having. Only way I can see them being OK is if they sell for some insanely small amount of money. Mass Effect 3 has done just fine without them so obviously people are fine shopping elsewhere. It's only a matter of time before they would be done for completely. If they somehow survive to the next round of consoles that will probably be the last success for them.
  6. I found a way to access my parents Sky account from over here. The F1 Channel seems to be showing some pretty good stuff. I like it. Just glad I have the option to watch on there now.
  7. So nothing announced that we didn't already know. Seems like a decent enough upgrade. Now to decide whether the order online or go down to the store next Friday.
  8. To be fair I think the video is better than the weird CGI cars that the BBC have, music choice is OK but I don't think you can beat The Chain, for me that music is far too connected to the sport now for anything else to top it. Agree that better historic footage could have been used, but I don't think it's too bad at all.
  9. Interesting take on things, Dyson. Not too sure why you'd be pissed off with the EA rep though, he'll want to be doing business with Game but if they can't pay for anything then his hands are tied really. How much are Head Office sharing with you guys at the moment? If you weren't able to read up on stuff online would you have any idea of how bad the situation is? Internally does it seem like that have any sort of plan other than shutting down before they lose even more money?
  10. Those shots are lovely, makes me want to drive the car to be honest. The Renault feed on facebook has been quite nice lately, putting up numbers then having people guess what the stat was today's was 60 (I think) which was the litres per second a wet tyre can disperse. They then go on to say it's not the litres of vodka their lead driver can down in an evening - nice that they are having a bit of fun with it. Looking forward to the first race, one of the few I can actually watch live at a reasonable hour.
  11. I've recently started a light fitness regime and planning on getting back into the gym this week. So far I'm doing 50 press ups and 100 sit ups followed by a 2 mile run every other night or so, not too bad going. I'm trying to eat a little better too, but finding time to cook stuff (combined with insane food prices over here) are making this a little difficult. Currently I'm doing the following: Breakfast: Poached eggs on toast with some chicken ham slices. Lunch: Chicken or Salmon salad (Cucumber, tomato spinach) Dinner: Chicken or Salmon with broccoli. Basically I'm cooking the chicken and salmon together then one I have for dinner and the other for the next days lunch. What else should I be having alongside this? Any changes that would be good to make?
  12. I remember working in EB back in the day, it was after they had bought Game but before they started merging the businesses. It was actually a great place to work and I really enjoyed it. Then they started merging things and it all began to go downhill. I left pretty shortly after due to forum related slagging of Game on the old Edge forums - more good times. I'm not at all surprised they're in the position they are. They've not exactly moved with the times or created somewhere that's a good experience for anyone to shop in. As a customer with a bit of insight it's been clear they're not really doing anything to ensure continued success. When I left the UK I was buying games online and consoles from Supermarkets, there was just no point in shopping at Game. I still get lots of the UK numbers sent over to me and they make for pretty grim reading. I seriously doubt Game will make it to Christmas.
  13. Tickets to see LA Galaxy as part of the roadtrip.
  14. Two nights on the Santa Monica beach front, part of the road trip - $600.
  15. HA! I'm nowhere near this guy, mainly because I moved out at 18 and got on with living life though. @Serebii, I do see where you're coming from, wanting to save up and be 100% secure when you finally move out. But while you're doing that things are passing you by and you're just hanging out with your Mom not getting any. You're going to be totally fine on the money front, if you've managed to save that much money by 25 you've obviously been earning a hell of a lot - it's not like that is going to dry up because you live on your own. It's about life experience, dealing with things yourself, finding out how the world really works. So much more to it than freedom/independence. I had two friends that were just like you, they had similar issues that you have etc. They both moved out on there own and things improved dramatically for both of them as soon as they took the step to get on with things. If I met a girl who had $$$$ in the bank and lived at home I would think there was something off about her, it's just a bit weird.
  16. I would guess it may be that with this hanging over him teams couldn't be sure he would be available for testing or even potentially racing dependent on how long things go on for and the outcome of things. Hopefully it gets resolved soon and he can remain in the sport this season as well as getting something sorted for next. Still, it looks like maybe he is out for this year unless he wants to drive a poor car. Maybe he will get a mid-season seat if someone drops out for whatever reason. Good to see Barichello testing an Indycar. He should give up on F1 if he's not going to get a decent seat. He could do really well in the right car over here. I'd prefer to be at the front in Indycar over the back in F1. Looking forward to the next set of car launches now.
  17. One weeks rental of a Mustang for the road trip.
  18. Actually the first time I've seen the trailer, I'm impressed and I know a lot of work has gone into everything to do with the game. I'm rather looking forward to it.
  19. That place looks awesome, Ashley. Was the rest of it as snazzy as the pic? I would really like to live somewhere like that.
  20. Flights to Seattle: Flights from Seattle to Iceland: Going for around a week for a friends wedding, looks like a great place and will get to see it with lots of friends. Just need to book the hotel now.
  21. There's a great article by ScarbsF1 Here on the new design rules. I actually think that the 05/06 cars are horrible. The big changes in 09, to me, have made for far prettier cars, this years nose excepted of course. Hopefully at least some of them will find a nice way around it, I'm not too confident though given how the rules are.
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