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Everything posted by Will

  1. Flights to San Francisco. Christmas NiGHTS, which for some reason has been nonexistent in stores for the past year or so. Panzer Dragoon Saga, which is much cheaper here, cost me just £10.
  2. Flights to San Francisco. Christmas NiGHTS, which for some reason has been nonexistent in stores for the past year or so. Panzer Dragoon Saga, which is much cheaper here, cost me just £10.
  3. Great read! A genuine insight into the ongoings of at least one of the companies involved. Let me know what you think.
  4. Great read! A genuine insight into the ongoings of at least one of the companies involved. Let me know what you think.
  5. The bar in here is great for a view of the city. If you need any tips on things to do etc. let me know!
  6. A new wallet: And a water server:
  7. Looks like at least a few people are willing to help out, if you could PM me your address I'll start getting some stuff sent over.
  8. This is great and a really fitting tribute to MadDog - great work guys. If there is a way I can arrange my schedule to be in the UK at that time then I will definitely come along. I would really like to help out, so I'll speak to a few people and see if I can arrange some prizes/swag for this.
  9. I had the FC30 PRO and it was really nice, I've sampled the others too and they're all really nice good quality devices. The one thing to note is that they're not MFI compliant, so if you plan to use it with an iPhone/iPad beware it has a VERY limited list of compatible games. I returned mine for that reason alone.
  10. Yeah, the thing is I've only been in Tokyo 18 months and had planned on staying a fair bit longer. Pros/Cons either way so I just have to see how the trial over there goes.
  11. So my trip to Singapore went well... I was already getting along well with the CEO over there and I arrived to find he'd spoken to the CEO in Japan and requested that I be transferred. So I have an interesting choice to make... Singapore seems a great place for work/career but not a great place to live and Tokyo is the exact opposite. Not too sure which is the better option yet. Looks like I'll go over for a few months to test it out, certainly a nice opportunity.
  12. I`m 32, which doesn't seem so bad. I don't think its a case of fearing the number, but the fact that time is finite and the older you get the less of it there is left. I'm on the same page that 30 seems better than 20 and expect it to keep getting better, but I also worry if I'll do everything I want to and achieve all the things I have in my general life plan. At 20 none of that really mattered, but now it definitely does.
  13. First business trip since I started my new job next week, going to Singapore for all of two days. Good to finally meet the team over there but I think it's going to be a long week.
  14. I'd agree with what everyone has written, good advice. Don't worry about people entering the motorway, you have right of way over them and they should adjust to what you're doing. As you become more confident the actual driving part driving will become second nature and you can concentrate more on general awareness to upcoming junctions/incidents/closures etc. If you can read the road well ahead it will be much easier to move over to the right when appropriate and know when to get back in the left lane with minimal issues. I guess you don't have much time until your trip but it would be a good idea to do more practice and work up to a big motorway drive, start out on roads you know, try a main road, dual carriageway, quiet motorway etc. so you can build up confidence. Also, four hours is a long time to be driving, especially as a new driver - make sure you take plenty of breaks!
  15. Totally crazy, happy for Verstappen, a very solid performance. The Mercedes situation will certainly be interesting.
  16. Will


    I don't mind the odd ale and I do enjoy a nice bit of Guinness on that one special day a year. My usual drink of choice is a nice fresh Japanese draft beer though.
  17. Found some decent Gamecube games today:
  18. A stupidly expensive iPhone controller: So that I can play proper games on my: Ridiculously expensive last minute flight back home to surprise my Dad for his 60th birthday. Had a quick go with the controller and it's actually really quite impressive. The thumbsticks aren't perfect but for the compact size I'm pretty happy with it. Going to try and make my way through some of the GTA titles.
  19. They've just started TV advertising over here, so it must be doing something right.
  20. They were ¥21,600 which seems to come out to around £135, they were a little cheaper than the sporty beats that the same shop had. I didn't like the fit of the beats at all so they were quickly removed from my testing so I can't really compare the two that much. The sound quality on these is great and the fit I get is fantastic, didn't move in the slightest when I went running earlier. The heart rate monitor wasn't something I was looking for but having it there is a nice bonus, it seems to work well though I don't have anything to compare the accuracy of the reading. I'd certainly recommend them.
  21. A pair of bluetooth earphones, so far seem really good.
  22. Twitter: https://twitter.com/wrcox
  23. mrexcel.com used to be great when I was starting out with some of the more advanced stuff in excel, not really sure how it rates nowadays. There are a few different types of Macros, so may be of use to work out what you want to focus in on before going too deep into something. The main ones being: Recording: Perform an action and excel records it for use later. Good for very simple stuff, won't really advance you in any other area. Scripting: A script that does general actions. Good for very repetitive things. More advanced than the recording and will have some transfer-ability to other areas. Coding: VB as mentioned above. Basically mini-programs in excel, allows you to do more complex things that the general functions don't like. Needs some background before trying and will be harder than the other two, but absolutely transfers to other areas. If you can get the first two mastered you'll be well ahead of most people in terms of excel skill level.
  24. Nice! I really want to do that at some point - it's amazing how far around the city they get. Been up to much else?
  25. Agree it's not a bad card... If it wasn't Wrestlemania... I really don't care about the vast majority of the card, the build up has been terrible. To go through my thoughts on the main matches I'd say: HHH vs. Reigns The only match with a decent long build up, but no one cares about the story or the players so what's the point. The match has the potential to be decent but it should not be the headline of Wrestlemania. I almost want Reigns to win this just to see the mega boo that comes from it. Ambrose vs. Brock I feel like they could have built this one up a bit better. At this point it's basically crazy vs. unstoppable but they could have made it a bit more psychological. Really this just feels like they needed something to do and this was it. I imagine this will be match of the night but I think both of them could be doing something a bit more interesting. Shane vs. Undertaker This one just makes no sense. Shane has a secret? Undertaker fights for himself but actually for Vince? There is an interesting story in there somewhere but the way they've driven this story I have no idea what the end result is. Hopefully they cap the story off well in the final build up and the two of them put on a crazy show. Undertakers last couple of matches have been sub-par at best so he really needs to pick it up if this one is to leave a lasting impression.
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