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Everything posted by Will

  1. I reckon he’d have to murder someone live on camera, even then I’m not convinced he’d be arrested. He must be really worried about when he leaves office though.
  2. What media do you consume that takes these view points? As far as I can tell, ignoring things like Fox, basically everyone thinks Trump is a joke. Can’t say I’m at all surprised by this, it’s exactly in line with his way of doing things. Only three weeks to go and it will be over. At least his involvement with power will be, I have a feeling the comedy of the man’s actions will continue to entertain us all for a while yet.
  3. A selection of nicer looking Ethernet cables than the mish-mash we’re currently using: Also because I needed a longer one for the study so my work computer can be wired in without a trip wire danger risk. And some Eneloop batteries. We seem to get through way too many regular batteries and I’ve had more leaks in the last couple of years than I’ve ever known. Figured this was a good way to save money and hassle long term.
  4. So my 2020 went quite well, I hit my main target but missed the secondary ones I set for myself, end the year with: Run 1,000km over the course of the year - Actual: 1,168km ✓ Do a 5km run in under 20 minutes - Best: 21:25 X Do a 10km run in under 40 minutes - Best 46:40 X This year I’m going to set the speed targets as my main and the distance as a secondary one. The distance ones are too easy just to slog out. So, this year’s running targets look something like: Do a 5km run in under 20 minutes (H1 Target) Do a 10km run in under 40 minutes (H2 Target) Run more total distance than last year I’m also going to try and build more strength but not really sure how to set a target for that, think it will just be something like looking significantly better than I do now. Finally, I want to try and do the bleep test that came up a while ago, will try and figure out a way to do that and report back with my score. Also maybe some sort of burpee challenge after being inspired by @Ashley.
  5. Nice! I’ve had a Porta-Pi Arcade on my want list for a good few years now, will get round to it at some point. What kits are you thinking of using?
  6. So you wouldn’t consider this shadow MP idea to be a massive change to the current system? It sounds like a pretty huge change to me. You should check out the MMP system they use in New Zealand. I really think it’s one of the best solutions to the problems both FPTP and PR bring about and would love to see it implemented in the UK. I think this is mostly the other way round isn’t it? The current system gives the incumbent parties a hugely skewed amount of power for the share of their support and so removes any motivation to change the system. Most people outside of that just want fair representation that they are not currently able to get.
  7. There are websites that will check for you, I used this one: http://mesdomaines.nu/eendracht/youtube_embedding_check/youtube_embedding_check.html The forum does the same thing though, if copying the link into the reply box doesn’t automatically convert to the embedded video that is probably the reason.
  8. That video in particular has been set to not allow embedding by the owner.
  9. Really unbelievable, feel for his family and friends. Bray Wyatt wrote a really nice thing for him, sounds like he was very well liked and will be missed. Crazy to be so young and in shape and have something like this just take it all away.
  10. This is what we* wanted** though, less access for more control. *We being the slim majority that pushed us into this. **Wanted being a loose catch-all because nobody had a clue what they were voting for. Jokes aside I do think that was generally what people were going for, trading our access to the market for control over our country. We don’t need Europe because we are so great and all they do is come and steal our jobs and our fish. This deal? To me it seems like we have to follow the same rules as before, have less access to the market, and have our free movement curtailed massively. In return we get control of fishing rights in UK waters... in five years time. I haven’t read the whole thing, just the summaries from various sources but it seems they’ve done the worst deal possible. My preference was always to stay in, but if we’re coming out then we have to be out and make something new work. Going with this middle ground option of we follow the rules but don’t have a seat at the table where they’re made is total madness. I hope at some point soon we get a real shake-up of the political system in the UK, at the moment it really doesn’t seem to be helping anyone apart from the rich to take more advantage of everyone and screw the terrible outcomes from it all.
  11. Been playing with my train today, great model: Also got Black Country Monopoly from my sister so looking forward to playing that at some point too.
  12. Merry Christmas! Hope everyone has a great day.
  13. Been thinking of doing the same but I only have about $900 worth. Quite like just holding on to it but would be a nice little bonus to buy something nice.
  14. Our work Christmas gift was a $100 Play Asia voucher so decided to get the latest Densha de Go! Really looking forward to driving round Tokyo in VR.
  15. That was exactly what I thought at first, reminded me of Ring Raiders... The ones I got allow you to do exactly that. However you set them up they just re-sync in the position and you send whatever pattern you want to them. Given how good they’ve been so far I think I’ll buy more next year and have them on the tree and wall all in sync.
  16. It looks really awesome actually, watched some videos on YouTube and it really got me wanting one. One thing I didn’t quite get was the use of the red light on the left hand side? Is that to help get the speed accurate or something? We decided to buy a baby monitor, mostly so we can see what crazy things the baby is doing at night without disturbing him: Can direct the camera wherever you want to look and it has it’s own tablet we can put on the coffee table. Also has an app to view through the phones which was something I really wanted. Quite looking forward to using it.
  17. Got the family presents sorted: For my wife, an Apple Watch: For my son, this Jumperoo: And for me, a new model train: For my parents my sister and I went halves on an iPad, their’s is pretty old and we thought they should have a better one given how much we FaceTime now. I also picked up these interesting glasses that flip your left and right eye for my dad. They make stuff far away seem to be close and stuff close seem to be far away, quite excited to see how they turn out.
  18. I really can’t quite believe what a mess the UK government have made of this. Add in the disastrous Brexit we seem to be heading for and it really doesn’t paint a rosy picture for the coming year. I hope we can get rid of the tories as soon as possible. The restrictions here are being relaxed further on the 28th. Not much of a change but we’ll now be able to mix in groups of 8 up from the current max of 5. I was out on Friday and everything seems to be basically back to normal anyway. Hoping we’ll be able to travel within Asia pretty early next year and with a bit of luck back to the UK before the middle of the year. Have you tried some different masks? We’ve got some reusable ones that are made out of some sort of foam and you can barely tell you have it on in terms of breathing restrictions. Worth checking them out if the usual ones cause you issues.
  19. Top music choices there, going to have to give those a listen too. I’ve always loved the idea of vinyl but it’s just so space consuming. I have been considering getting a HomePod or something recently to enhance the listening experience, maybe something for the new year.
  20. They don’t really have too much to worry about even with this current setback, they currently have very strong financials and the GOG side of the business prints money. Generally they’d want a higher stock price if they were going to issue more shares, but doing that is very unlikely at this point. The dip will make them a more interesting acquisition target, especially given this is likely a temporary issue they can overcome. I’ve had them on my watchlist for quite a while, going to keep an eye on them and think I’ll buy if they drop to somewhere around 200 PLN, they’ll still make a ton of money with this game so should be a nice quick win.
  21. Great introduction to the park there, looks better each time I see it. We’ve decided we’ll definitely add this to our next trip to Japan, hopefully that’s not too far into the new year. The smartphone and wrist tag stuff looks pretty cool. Nice when you can have a private Miyamoto tour but I imagine will be pretty impossible to collect everything when the park is full. Good to see they’re still planning on the one in Singapore too. Looks like it’s been delayed so probably not going to open until after 2025 which is a while to wait.
  22. I agree with this, and I say that as someone that absolutely loves Galaxy. Mario Odyssey is one of the best games ever made, you should absolutely pick it up.
  23. The two I’d say are essential additions are Mario Kart and Zelda.
  24. Seems the guy is not only a total asshole but also a danger on the track. I imagine the money will keep him in that seat for quite a while though,
  25. Young driver test completed, this new kid Alonso seems pretty fast in the Renault. Wonder if he’ll ever amount to anything? Think I’ll support him next year and follow his career with great interest. In other news Tsunoda confirmed for Alpha Tauri next season, wonder how long before he gets a badly timed promotion to Red Bull?
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