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Everything posted by Will

  1. I assume this will operate in a similar fashion to the EEE Laptop. With that you get a recovery partition and also a CD of drivers and installation files. These can either be used direct from the CD via an external drive or put on a USB stick and installed / recovered by that. When I put windows on mine I just used an external CD Rom drive and everything installed fine. Its very simple and the drive only cost me £5. I don't think the lack of a drive in this machine will cause many issues at all.
  2. Haha no its nothing at all to do with testing games. Its looking at market trends, sales, hardware install bases/demographs and trying to work out where the market is going, how well various games in development will sell and advising people as to what will or won't work.
  3. Currently I'm a Video Games Analyst which to be fair is actually a lot of fun. Lots of different things to do, trips to great places and working in a field I really enjoy. Realistic dream job would to be working for myself still doing something in the games industry, I'm working on it but these things take time. Totally unrealistic dream job however is:
  4. Not interested in the wired ones, if they were white wavebirds I'd probably have bought 3. Would be even better if they'd bring out a proper Wii controller.
  5. I'm pretty sure orange will be the colour. That's what they demo'd the game with at play.com live if I remember correctly. I actually think its a pretty cool colour for it.
  6. Will

    Rock Band

    Yep its true, looks like its time to import the PS3 version. Wish I hadn't bothered waiting now.
  7. There's hardly a lack of choice for playing Crazy Taxi, just get the Cube version and play it on your Wii. I still have my DC version which I've been meaning to set up for a while now. Also got the PSP version but nothing to play it on. The DC was just too early. It should have come out a little later imo.
  8. I really wouldn't worry about the PS2 ruining things for the Wii for too much longer. Its hardly shifting any software anymore and its not going to be profitable for too much longer. Expect the rubbish to be Wii only pretty soon.
  9. To be honest I haven't seen it, there was a demo running in the office last week and one of the French guys mentioned that in France its being packaged with a Wii Fishing Rod, which I'm guessing is just a housing for the remote in much the way the Wii Zapper works. Anyway they said they could possibly get me one and so I thought I'd wait for that before playing it. Its not like its going to be my game of the year so I didn't mind waiting a few weeks before playing my copy.
  10. I got a copy through work, not played it yet though as I'm waiting for the rod attachement in order to get the full fishing experience. I'm not sure about developers or modes but there's about 4 fishing games out now. None have sold many units and I can't really understand why these things are being released.
  11. Its a (nice) surprise to see HotD doing so well in the charts, really didn't expect to see that one going in so high, bodes well for the future of that genre on Wii. Pro Evo is surprising, I haven't played the game yet, it doesn't really appeal to me and I'm not sure it does to the majority of Wii owners either. It'll be interesting to see how it goes over the next few weeks. I don't think SEGA Tennis would have sold many more at all on the Wii with online play involved, the versions with online play have completely bombed and in general its not something that sways Wii owners. I think its doing just about all it could have.
  12. Oh I agree that games can disapear for a while but as far as I'm aware Skies 2 has never been in development or even discussed as something to continue. It would be nice but I'm pretty sure its not going to happen.
  13. Just had my first go on this and I'm actually rather impressed with it. I always liked the games anyway so its no big surprise, its just nice to have them on a current machne. I reckon its better than Ghost Squad and I'll certainly be pushing for a Virtua Cop pack in the future.
  14. If Skies 2 is coming out then SoJ have kept that one incredibly quiet, I can't see it happening myself but its always a possibility. NiGHTS is just not going to happen, not now and not ever if there's any sense in the world. To be honest whoever's given out this list is having a bit of a joke I think.
  15. I'm finding Gran Turismo to be excellent so far, done most of the first class of races and I'm still enjoying going back for more. Need to give it a really good go this weekend but so far its looking good. I think the only thing that may let it down is a lack of different tracks.
  16. I'm not saying its right, just that many people, mostly parents, are ignorant to it. Looking at the PS3, Wii and DS games I have on my desk the PEGI ratings actually have no explaination at all. I can easily see how people might get the wrong idea. Toys have suitability ratings based on age abilities and as video games are seen as toys the ratings connection is carried over. No it hasn't, its more about the fact that if the industry takes on this government review, and is shown to be trying to stop kids from playing games they shouldn't the blame for crazy kids can move away from games and people making them and back to the parents where it belongs. The review has made people stand up and take note of what most sensible people know already, unfortunately it takes something like this to actually get through to people who just sensationise everything. I was talking about DVD's, films etc. Not many parents will have taken their kids to see Rambo for example because they know that an 18 on a film means its for adults only, a big U on a Disney film, however, is suitable. People need to realise that games aren't toys and by giving them a rating and identifying it in the same way films do can only help clarify the situation.
  17. Standardised BBFC ratings for games is a good idea if you ask me. Although PEGI already provide ratings for all games I think the big thing that come out of this is that most parents seem to think they're an indication of the skill required to play a game - not the suitability of the content. Everyone knows and understands the BBFC ratings, it would make things a hell of a lot clearer. Rather than PEGI for most games then 18's or 15's just standardise the lot and go with the well known rating. I don't quite get why we needed a massive review in order for these things to come out, it seems glaringly obvious to me.
  18. Just been given my copy of this along with Bass Fishing (Not sure I'll play that one). Looking forward to giving the games another go although I've already played a hell of a lot of both in the past. Not quite sure how I'll fit it in alongside Gran Turismo and still needing to finish off No More Heroes.
  19. I got my copy of Gran Turismo from Game today as expected. It was sent later than usual though and my Boss's copy didn't turn up - haha! Anyone going to be online later for a few races? My tag is Wiill if you want to add me.
  20. I haven't tried superstars tennis online yet but I'd like to. My ID is Wiill if anyone fancies adding me and having a few games. Staying with the parents until monday evening but after that I'm free for games pretty much any evening.
  21. I will be picking this up at launch. Certainly up for a few games online if anyone wants to play?
  22. Ooops! Looking at the source someone must have put them on the press FTP site a little early. Oh well. Looks rather good if you ask me, just hope it plays well this time.
  23. I actually typed up a reply earlier but got caught up at work. Basically the SLC operate Student Finance Direct who I assume now distribute the loans? Not really sure why they've added this extra arm though. I'm sure all of my loan was paid directly by the SLC and all of my stuff about repayment has been directly through them. Just seems a bit odd to me that they've added this extra part.
  24. Where are the figures / graphs from?
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