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Everything posted by Will

  1. Button winning everything was boring but it was actually one of the most enjoyable starts to a season I can remember. Agree on the DDD, I guess they are reasoning that if everyone has it they don't need to ban it. They are so close to actually sorting out the regs it seems stupid to not go the whole way.
  2. The Cosworth could be very interesting indeed, on the one hand they are unproven in recent years but on the other that have extra development time plus the advantage of supplying a few teams so gathering more data. If all the new teams make it to the grid I think the first part of next year could be as good as the start of this year's season was.
  3. How you drive and of course the car, I tend to change up at about 3k in normal traffic then 7k when I'm going some. If your cruising at 45mph then you want to be in as high a gear as possible really, all helps the economy!
  4. I like that plan, I've always thought winners of a race should be rewarded more and this seems to do just that. Having the points run further down the field is a good thing too, makes it much fairer for the regular midfield runners and the lucky race back markers have every once in a while.
  5. Nan's are usually happy with anything 'nice' though. Smelly stuff, flowers, sweets, olde cooking type things. I have no idea what mine actually like as they are so enthusiastic whatever I get them. I think they're just glad I'm a nice young boy.
  6. I totally agree, but from what I understand the CBT is pretty much an hour (or however long it lasts) of telling you what to do and then watching you do it, and then 9 times out of 10 you go home with a pass. At least this is what my bike riding friends tell me. I reckon your right on that one, even mine has it and that's about as backwards as it gets for a modern car. You can tell you learnt in a diesel! For people learning at the moment the revs to change in a petrol would obviously be higher. Knowing when to change gear is just something you get the hang of with experience. I don't even look at my speedo or tach during regular driving (as I'm sure most don't), you just learn the feeling of when you need a bit more throttle and when it's time to change gear.
  7. Don't they also give you the basic understanding of riding a bike? Controls etc. I'd certainly need that!
  8. Usual driving I get about 250 miles from 40 litres of super unleaded. I have been as high as 450/500, once... when I was running the car in. I barely ever drive economically, I should do really but it's much more enjoyable to drive fast. Out of the office for a meeting tomorrow and I'm led to believe I have a good drive ahead of me, should be a good start to the day.
  9. Thanks for the advice, this definitely seems like a good possibility. Looking at the prices of some of these I reckon I could pay for it with the money I save on petrol from not driving the car every day. Seems like Piaggio own every brand of Scooter I've ever heard of. Think I'll have a look through and post up some of my ideas.
  10. I was thinking it would be a very low powered scooter. It would purely be a commuter vehicle as I'd be using the car for fun/weekend driving. Haven't really thought much further than that. Been browsing Vespas which look very cool but maybe a lot of money to put on something like this. For a massive fan of cars/driving very little of it transfers to bikes at this moment, I'm completely new to it. What did you have? Basically I want something that's cheap, easy to ride and I can fit my lunch inside it.
  11. That sounds nasty! Fully recovered now I hope? Yeah it would be for London, not a lot of riding, just to and from work really which is just a few miles each way. Passed my driving test about 7 years ago or so, never done a CBT or any bike tests though, not even 100% sure what you have to do despite having a fair few bike riding mates. My main worry would be Winter, if it's raining I'd want to use the car, defeating the point completely. I think it would be great riding in on an early spring morn, but then I'd be tempted to take the car with the roof down... Not a good time for costs like that, I need to get my car serviced in the next couple of week's which I'm not looking forward to!
  12. Does anyone on here ride bikes or the like? Been thinking of maybe getting myself a little scooter or something similar for weekly work driving. Thinking I can stop using the Lotus so much and even better avoid having to queue the whole damn time. On the other hand I've never been on one in my life, is this a good idea or am I crazy?
  13. I have no idea what I want for Christmas, I came in here looking for ideas and instead I feel bad for wanting anything at all... I think Terminator 4 and Star Trek Blu-rays would be nice, but other than that I have no idea. I buy most of the stuff I want myself anyway.
  14. Had a bit of a spree at the weekend, got the following: Also got a white shirt, some jeans and a few ties from River Island, can't get pics off their stupid site though...
  15. Can't argue with that. I enjoy the look of the proposed circuit, I like the section they've got rid of, but as others have said not much actually happens there in terms of overtaking. F1 fans in the office are already planning a trip to a testing/practice session, I think I will most certainly go along with them. Seems like things a starting to fall into place for next year now, just a few more gaps to fill and we're good to go. The start of the season can't come soon enough if you ask me!
  16. Exactly, demand has dropped massively this year so of course there is no need to manufacture consoles at previous levels. Given the current Wii sales vs those of PS3/360 I'd say we're some way off a Wii HD.
  17. I like this a lot! Very nice indeed. I have this one! Don't think I ever wore it though. Been a while since I got anything from threadless, should really check it out again soon.
  18. Classical music, for a reason I can't quite put my finger on, is most definitely the best stuff to drive to. I need to get more on my iPod as a blasting along roads is great to it. I always always have racing games set to classical tunes (mostly PGR) when I can.
  19. Will


    Just gone up on a few sites - this has also got a 10 in Edge. Great score for a great game.
  20. I got one of these yesterday too. Makes the Mega Drive games on the site much more enjoyable than previously.
  21. Mine was the tin and as far as I'm aware it came via normal post too.
  22. I'd second the NAS suggestion, I got a buffalo one a few months ago that has all the required stuff do do iTunes and Apple TV out of the box. Look into which ones fit your criteria and that should be your best bet.
  23. Hurrah my copy was waiting for me when I got into work this morning. Can't wait to play it later. Hopefully the gf will let us play through together.
  24. Totally agree that he should have stayed at Brawn. It's all well and good being in the best car, but when your team mate is without a doubt their number one priority - and much better than you, the best you can ever hope for is 2nd. As I said earlier in the thread, I think this is particularly stupid move for Button. It will be interesting to see who Mercedes employ to partner Rosberg, if Heidfeld rumours are true then I don't see that that team has a clear leader/race winner in it. Despite other reports I wouldn't rule out Raikkonen going there.
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