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Everything posted by Iun

  1. What? Seriously, what? Of course it's right! The problem is the generation of children who were brough up by hippies are now starting to breed and they weren't smacked like they should have been. Smacking is NOT the only form of punishment, in fact it should be the very LAST weapon n your arsenal. But that does not mean you should be afraid to use it. Shouting, exclusion, naughty steps, the corner, removal of privileges are all effective when used in the right manner. The firm whack across the very much deserving backside of the little shit who believes himself immune to punishment should be used to snap the little bastard back into reality. But again, it's about balance. If you smack for every offence, then the child knows that no matter what he does wrong, he will receive the same punishment. Similarly, if you discipline for trivial offences like fidgeting or playing with hair, then the child thinks it really does not matter what he or she does, because they will always be punished for it. So therefore the child just ignores the rules as irrelevant, because they will always be in the wrong. The rule of three is a damn good way of getting things sorted: Stage one: Tell the child what you want e.g. "stop biting your sister" If the child does not respond, go to Stage 2. Stage 2: Tell the child what you want, and the consequences of not doing it. "Stop biting your sister, or you will go and stand in the corner." If the child does not does as he/she is told, then immediately enact the consequences at Stage 3. Stage 3: "You did not stop biting your sister, now you stand in the corner." Take child, place in corner. The issue here is that a lot of people get to stage 3 and then the child says they will stop being naughty. Igore them. They had adequate chance to comply, and now it is time to show the consequences of their actions. Punishments should also always be immediate and appropriate. If you wait to discipline a child, then they can dissociate the action with the result, and repeat it again. This is not the only way to do things, but it is generaqlly a good starting point. Some children will not respond and there are other methods. Such as a good smack. For example, we had a child in our kindergarten who was just basically a piece of shit with legs. Rude, inconsiderate of other kids around him and a general spoilsport whenever he did not get what he wanted. We tried so many methods of discipline with him: exclusion, the rule of three, rewards for good behaviour... we even asked his parents what they did with hime. The answer was unsurprisingly "At home, he can do whatever he likes. We're too busy enjoying our social life and watching TV to take the time." The solution: WHACK! One day he was subjected to the rule of three, and the consequence was a smack. It scared him shitless. He'd been living in his own little world where he was king for so long that he could just ignore reality. The swift, forewarned consequence of his action snapped him back ino reality. Ever since then: model pupil. You tried the rest, there was only one solution remaining. Of course, schools in the West aren't prone to smacking kids, in fact I was shocked at my colleague for what she did, but it turned out it was exactly what he needed.
  2. Very bad bipolar episode right now. Be quite happy to lie under my desk at work and cry. Mental illness sucks.
  3. Lousy no-good God, first you took Heath Ledger and now Paul Newman! Yet Tom Cruise STILL gets to peddle his shit!
  4. Smack him inna face and tell him that your donkey ain't for grinding. It's strictly for hauling vegetables to market. And by "vegetables" I mean "meat and two veg" and by "market" I have no idea what I'm talking about.
  5. Some woman are basically baby-factories with legs, so this would at least put them to useful employ. Plus what would happen to all the Dairy Cows that were suddenly useless? I don't think that farmers would be willing to have a load of useless milk-tanks around not producing milk. Frankly, the steaks are too high.
  6. Saiiiiiiilors, fighting in the Dance Hall, oh man, look at those cavemen go.... Oh, sorry, wrong thread. What I've seen of the series looks good.
  7. 1. Peter Falk (Columbo) so that just as he was leaving I could say "Aaah... just one more thing." 2. David Bowie who is a man who single-handedly made so many changes to people's perceptions of music and the music industry. 3. Seth MacFarlane so we could have a damn good laugh at Fox for being so, so wrong. And we could both bitch about the Simpson's dragging on after it's not funny any more. 4. Michael Biehn who is the perennial "other one" in all his movies, but always manages to look ridiculously cool. I'd like to ask him how he felt about his incredibly deep performance in Terminator being so strongly overshadowed by Arnie that no-one remembers him.
  8. You know, I had been wondering about this guy lately... condolences.
  9. About 16-18 months old, I remember whistling at my grandad as he came home from work. He was really proud.
  10. YOU COCKS! Atlantis ROCKS! What will I do without my McKay fix? Seriously, every line Hewlett comes out with is either comedic or dramatic gold. BASTARDS.
  11. When possible, I save 30% of my salary, I'm trying to get enough together for a house deposit in 2010 when I can finally get my 10 year residence permit here. 30% goes on rent for the house, as 30% of my monthly is "Housing Allowance" and the remaining 40% is divided between bills, food and social money.
  12. Iun


    Cool. Can I tie you to a table in the middle of nowhere and let you bleed to death? Would you be down with that? You know, couple of days, life slowly ebbing away, no one coming to comfort you, feel the end is near but not quite sure when? At long last, I agree with Ramar! This is a special day! People who say that flying is safer than driving are forgetting that there are far more cars on the roads than planes in the sky. Therefore it is far more likely in a mathematical sense that people will have car accidents. And the inverse of that is plane accidents are far more likely to result in fatalities. Tell those people who just died in Madrid that flying is safe.
  13. I refer to my girlfriend as "My Little Rabbit" because her birth year in the Chinese Zodiac is the Rabbit, and she is very timid by nature. Everyone else gets called "My Love" (regardless of gender) or "Old Sunshine" and close friends "Our (name)".
  14. Iun


    Flying. I only do it once a year to go back to England for Christmas from now on. Last year I flew three separate journeys and twice the year before. I had my eye closed for most of the experience. Oh, and dying alone, like my mother did.
  15. There ya go, fixed that up for you. My day has been interesting. I'm in an unusual situation in that I work for two educational consultancies, one as the head of its English projects, the other as a teacher. The first one has had issues obtaining its education licence due to the owner being legally classed as a foreigner by China - even though he's from Taiwan, which is DEFINITELY NOT a separate country according to China. Anyway, I got a job with this shitty little consultancy over the other side of the city to pay the bills. The reason being I had to take a pay cut from the other school as no opening means no money, then I saw the state of the finances and offered them a portion of my salary to help them pay the other staff -which they gratefully accepted. About a month ago I realised that not only had my future plans been put on hold for this company, but also that my present financial status was worsening despite me saving more than 60% of my monthly income -before paying all the bills. I love this other company, very dearly as I have pout so much of my heart and mind into developing the various educational programmes they require. But I could not continue with zero money in my account, so with their permission I started work at this place in Pudong. These guys have some really weird ideas about education, lemme tell ya. First things first, children don't have English names because "We don't want to confuse them" so in stead they hear my mangled pronounciation of their chinese names. Having an English name helps put you in the frame of mind for English learning, I told them. But no, they won't have it. Secondly: Seating. You get a bunch of 4 year olds and a bunch of seats and you are guaranteed two of them at least will argue over a particular seat. The solution is to assign everyone a seat so you can position the naughty children nearest to you and there are no more fights. Again with the "No" as they "Want children to use their imagination to find the seat that best fits their needs". What? Thirdly, and rather tellingly, the owner of the company did not even bother to introduce herself to me until the end of the second week. I just saw this woman in silk dresses floating around the office every day issuing orders to people and had no idea who she was. Now, I'm not saying I'm so formal as to require an Ambassadorial-style greeting, but at least a "Hello" or "Ni Hao" would have been nice on the first day. Next was their complete indifference to paying me. It states in my contract that I get paid on the same date every month, and that if they do not pay me on time it is a breach of contract. I had been working for them a full ten days prior to payday and whjen the fifth came, I was rubbing my hands with glee. Not a full pay day but enough to jkeep food in the fridge and the lights on. However, the fifth came and went, then the sixth, seventh, eighth... by the ninth I asked what was going on and was told they didn'tr think it was worth paying me half a months salary then, so they were going to wait until next payday. You didn't think to discuss with me? Oh, ok. So what do I eat until then? And where's the 5000 Yuan you owe me for breach of contract? Oh, you're not going to bother with that, are you? Finally - and most importantly, the curriculum is utter, utter shit. Seriously, I have no idea who made this crap up, but they need a smack. For the entirety of the first term, the group of six-year-olds learn the words "Happy" "Sad" and "Hello". This is a class that takes one hour every day of the week, so five classes x four weeks = twenty classes with three new words. I can teach three new words to this age group in about 30 minutes, so what the hell do we do the rest of the time? "Oh, you make a class schedule and give to me." Ok, no problem, so I spend a few hours doing that and then it gets sent back straight away "Oh no, I want you to do this instead" GREAT! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE? Any-dang-way, this seems to be purely academic now as the old place wants me to come back immediately. The problem is, I'll be breaching the contract with this new place, and chances are they won't pay me for the work I've done. But I really donm't give that much of a damn. However, the rent doesn't sort itself out, my cat has to eat and so do I.
  16. We call it the "Ben and Katie Club" after a couple at our school who would finish each others sentences, never be seen apart, wait for each other outside DURING classes and scowl mercilessly at anyone who tried to speak when they were having a quiet talk. There' nothing wrong with couples, but couples that are entirely indistinguishable from one another are scary.
  17. Iun as in my name, or rather my first middle name.
  18. Well yes, they rather do. The reeal fun in these places is trying to separate the men from the boys so to speak as it really is not obvious at all. You can't even use the "they're wearing a scarf so they must be hiding something" rule, as many of them take off their scarves for performances. Such lovely people, but immensely bad service in the restaurants. Once we waited 45 minutes ofr the food - this in a country where food taking longing than 10 minutes to arrive is considered a treasonable offence.
  19. It was too big, y'know? She was as I said, extremely attractive but had no bottom and too much willy. The willy's the chocolate covered centre of the treat, but I don't want it to be too overt. The other fun thing is going to a Thai restaurant here and playing the "Guess Who" game. Most totally straight guys would be shocked to find the petite little asian siren serving drinks was actually born with a great big donking vadgehammer.
  20. I met an awesome one the other day. The only thing that ruined it was the enormous bulge in the front, and the lack of a rear bumper. She was far too athletic.
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