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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Iun


    Ah, just what I needed at the start of the new term... Especially as I know I'm about to be ignored by hundreds of parents at the school. Me: Good morning! Them: *Blank, angry-looking stare that not only implies that I should go and make love to a lamp-post, but that my family and descendants for five generations will be cursed for having the audacity to speak to them*
  2. Checking it now... Edit: limited amount of joy to be honest. Most seem to be long scale, and with the bridge setup, long scale tend to be looser. Though any advice would be welcome in that vein...
  3. Problem: I have a short scale Ibanez 5-tring bass that I am going absolutely nuts trying to find strings for - anyone have any good shops online? China doesn't seem to "do" 5-string or short scale and my search so far on US sites isn't turning up much. I have a gig coming up in a few weeks and this is getting my goat. Tanks in advance!
  4. Oh, I've told her. But really it's a control issue. She's apologized and said she would listen to me "but not all the time"
  5. Madame doesn't know too much about the history, mainly because I have a fairly big psychological lock on it - I can't remember so much of it myself. Thanks for the man hugs, i have a few Wine Gums, and I would have had more had Madame not disappeared for 45 minutes at Heathrow jus before our flight, leaving me no time to buy more and actually nearly missing the flight. Sigh.
  6. My thoughts exactly, but still. Shouldnt have lost it the way I did, I regret that I shouted at her. She's angry at me for scaring her, but I truly feel she needed it.
  7. High arches are damn sexy, sorry that they're a pain as well. Major, major, major bust up with Mrs Iun. We were having a nice dinner, few glasses of wine, good chat, watching some silly thing on TV. She then suggest we go for a walk - great, I need to walk off the wine and it's a nice evening. Turns out her idea of a walk is "drive to the supermarket and get some vegetables" which isn't very walk-like in this humble weasels opinion. Anyway, she'd sunk a glass and a half of wine and I point blank refused to get in the car "come on, we can walk somewhere closer" I said. "No! It's too expensive, I'm fine! Get in the car." "how about i pay for a taxi, I don't mind." "No I'm driving stop making such a fuss, I feel fine." Continued politely for a while, then she edges towards the car and I just sit down on the steps. She gets in, pulls up next to me. "are you coming?" I tried to get the keys out of the ignition but she's having none of it. I get out and she drives off. When she comes back, she rings the bell, I come down to pick up the bags and she totally ignores me. I start off trying to be polite and explain the number Of crashes my mother had (she was an alcoholic) and she carries on ignoring me. Eventually she makes a silly remark and I completely lose it: start telling her she's a stubborn, spoilt child and needs to consider the danger she is putting herself in and other people as well. Again, she tells me she felt fine and that she doesn't have to listen to me... ...then I ripped a picture off the wall, threw it at the door (well away from her) threw a wooden pot pourri dish at the same door... I'm pretty ashamed writing this, but at the time it brough back all the horrible memories of the school run with my mum...she was tanked up at 8 o'clock in the morning sometimes and it scared the hell out of me. I was pretty insulting to her, kept calling her a stubborn, selfish child. She keeps telling me she doesn't have to listen to me and that she was fine. S I said "if you don't listen to your husband, go and find someone who is happy with that situation. Get out of the house and go live with your parents." I picked up her stuff and started throwing it in a suitcase, she does the same to me. Eventually things calm down a little bit, but I the end up locking myself in the toilet as a...wave of repressed memory completely overwhelms my mind. All the shit my mother did during those final years of her life...her stupid stubbornness, her selfish arrogance...it just set me off something terrible, and here was my wife doing pretty much the same. Sure, she hasnt anything like the background and this is the first time, but this stubborn stupidity was so like my mother I couldn't handle it. I burst into hysterical crying as I remembered the pain, the horror of that part of my life. And all she could do was say "you're a man, you should be stronger" I never in my life needed a hug more than then. But she couldn't give it to me as she was so angry and scared at my shouting at her. I shouldn't have lost my temper the way I did. However, I asked her later: why don't you listen to me "I'm strong" she said, "I know myself better than you know me, so why should I listen to other people? I listen to myself. If you want me to listen to you, then don't shout at me" I didn.t know what to say... I had been polite, firm and reasonable and she didn't pay any attention my concerns. then when I lost it (which I regret) she didn't listen either, just focused on the shouting. We've...sort of made up now, but I really feel exasperated: this pig-headedness is just insane. She was drunk, very obviously drunk. Her face was right red and she was giggling, but still she insisted. And now....somehow it's my fault. Perhaps I shouldn't have shouted at her when she got back, maybe I was wrong, but I only cared aout her safety. Was I wrong?
  8. That sounds like an amalgam of Rocky II and the last fight had in 2007 - except I didn't swap stances, I just hammered the little guy in the face, he went flying with a cut under the right eye and stopped the fight. Pretty little thing had never really been hit before. I play bass right handed however: the ol' brain box performs a double somersault when I pick up a guitar left-handed.
  9. I hear you on that. I tried playing Halo 3 here... It's Chinese spoken dialogue but with English Subtitles. And even then, the sub titles are cut-scene only. So I end up missing about two-thirds of the story. Eventually I just stopped playing. Back to left handedness: I was born a leftie but my teacher made me sit on my left hand and write with my right. The consequence is that my writing is incomprehensible with either hand and I'm pretty much cack-handed with everything. Except boxing. I'm a DAMN FINE southpaw. And someone mentioned about inverted look? Since Lylat Wars I have to invert every control scheme, it just seems to make more sense. Except for Resident Evil 5. Inverting the look doesn't help at all. In fact, that game is just shit, really. That must have been like a bad dream.
  10. Iun


    Now I do, yes. But this was 2008 - before I married her. The crazy ex was before the slightly less crazy, but can't be trusted with more than 10p in her wallet wife.
  11. Iun


    My ex went all psycho when I thought everything was cool. It's probably because I told her I was going to marry my new girlfriend. Maybe shouldn't have done that while I was still dating the ex, but hey. Actually, joking aside, this girl went mental: she called me fifty times in one day, then when blocked her number she started using her friends' number. So I called her friend and asked her to please stop letting her use her phone. She agreed this was not normal behavior. Then the ex sends me text messages and phone calls threatening the students at my school. And that was when... ...I changed my goddamn phone number, told her stop acting like a little bitch and go fuck a horse.
  12. Thanks much! I may give it a try. Hypothetically.
  13. Yes, that much I had gathered. However, no Kive, no update. Is there any way around that?
  14. ...DOES ANYBODY SPEAK CANADIAN? Naw, I kid! Thanks for the info! (but srsly, if someone could translate or something...)
  15. Modern cartoons... You mean like... Johnny Quest and... Um... BotsMaster? They weren't very good at all. Fixed that.
  16. I know you're writing in English, but I just don't understand you
  17. Wine being what? Other than a very fine drink to serve at dinner, enjoy with friends on the balcony or simply a glass or two with your favourite book.
  18. I'm using a Mac, because I suck.
  19. That was annoying: in Morrowind, you could levitate over trouble. But thanks to the cities being individually-loaded cells, it was impossible in Oblivion. but that doesn't adequately explain the absence of the Mark and Recall spells, which were so tremendously useful. Oh, your quest is at the ass-end of an impossibly long cave with three or four loading screen in between before you can get out and fast-travel back to the quest giver? Well, tough tits, mo-fo!
  20. Done. Ladies and Gentle Ben, redirect your answers to this purely hypothetical question there.
  21. Listen, I just got back from the UK and I brought back my original copy of Morrowind GOTY Edition with me... ...hypothetical question: If someone had bought a chipped Hong Kong 360 in China without a HDD, how would one go about getting that hypothetically illegally modified console to play his Favourite Game of All Time? considering also the potential fact that he has an Arcade console and no Live account. Sadly, he couldn't bring back the original Xbox with him due to power issues and the disappearance of all the cables somewhere in his parents loft...
  22. Listen, I just got back from the UK and I brought back my original copy of Morrowind GOTY Edition with me... ...hypothetical question: If someone had bought a chipped Hong Kong 360 in China without a HDD, how would one go about getting that hypothetically illegally modified console to play his Favourite Game of All Time? considering also the potential fact that he has an Arcade console and no Live account. Sadly, he couldn't bring back the original Xbox with him due to power issues and the disappearance of all the cables somewhere in his parents loft... Oh yes, and I totally have a boner for Skyrim, just praying it's more Morrowind than Oblivion.
  23. Wait a minute... Aylesbury? I'm going to Aylesbury with Mrs Iun next week! We're going to that Outlet in Bicester, because apparently, and despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Mrs Iun "doesn't have enough clothes".
  24. Reverend Order of the Iron Tits!
  25. I enjoyed it, had a kick-ass Space Wolves Army back in the day, along with the Firebase and a Whirlwind. Artillery For The Whin. I also had a Skaven army for Warhammer, but I never finished painting them. We played a lot of Blood Bowl and Necromunda as well, though I always got my ass handed to me in the latter - I loved the Van Saar ethic, but could never make my squad work.
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