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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Agreed. And also, me da is a Leeds fan, so I never let him hear the last of it when Speed moved to the Toon from the Toffees.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-15911321 Just unbelievable. 42, Wales were doing ok, and he just...ends it all. Why? Was a top class player at the Toon.
  3. Whenever I hear the words "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I always see David Tennant slowly raising his sonic screwdriver and putting someone out of their misery.
  4. That was a beautiful little sing-song, we should do it more often.
  5. [GT][/GT] And you're saying the law is any different? Your point is made. However, not getting presents is not the same as being hurt for bad behaviour. Father Christmas doesn't take anything away from you, just doesn't give if you are not well-behaved.
  6. I... Still like to believe in Father Christmas. Yeah, I know. But isn't it nice to believe that there is this guy going out of his way to make children and adults happy by keeping record of who's naughty and who's nice? Isn't it grea to think there is this one jolly man whose sole existence is based upon spreading joy across the world?
  7. Yes! I so wanted those, but at that time we weren't going to Canterbury (the nearest viable shopping town with a McDonalds) so I didn't even get ONE However, going to McDonald's was a test of will for me even as a five year-old: I hated the food SO EFFIN' MUCH, but there were toys... so I had to scarf down these horrible, dry Chicken McNuggets and those salty, glistening tubes of grease posing as chips just to get some crappy pull-back car. It was never, ever worth it.
  8. Vell, zat iss becoss ve haff NEW vays to make you talk... ...to us through ze medium off social media, ja?
  9. You miss by a mile, but thanks for playing anyway.
  10. I'd like to mix it up with her flapjacks, stir her pancakes and then she can lick the beater.
  11. What happened to this? I sent you lines .... Years ago!
  12. If you like DS9, it means you're smart, patient and are able to invest time into the emotional depth of the characters and the branching and intelligent storylines. So no, you won't like Enterprise.
  13. That's why I call them "Iun's Christmas Dinner Helper" and the main reason I can stuff myself with three Toblerones after said dinner. And still be hungry for tea.
  14. Moogle is clearly mine. I peed on him and everything. Therefore mine. MINE.
  15. Aye, people are far too bitter these days. But drink is not always the answer - you don't want to go getting everyone's hops up.
  16. New page! It's a whiskey strategy for me, but as most of you are lager than life, we'll see if we can't Foster's some more funnies.
  17. I understand your point, however, that's not how the world always works. Often I have this conversation with the people studying with me: they come out with "wouldn't it be nice if everybody just..." or "wouldn't it be nice if we could..." and "wouldnt it be nice if the world was..." And I always make a point of shouting WOULDN'T IT BE NICE IF EVERYBODY WAS NICE?! At them. But if it's fine and they want to continue living in Lalaland, then that's fine. Makes more room in the real world for the rest of us.
  18. My god, people are making money from music now? RUN, HAZEL, RUN! DON'T LOOK BACK, JUST RUN! RUUUuUuuuuUuUuUuUuUn! Ultimately: who cares? Musicians aren't your best friend, they need to make ends meet some how. As I understand it, Freddie Mercury met a lot of ends. He died happy.
  19. I had to take on another Undergraduate Tutee, I really knead the dough these days.
  20. Maple I'm abusing my position as an alder statesmen on N-Europe, but I'm not sure how much room for growth this thread has without branching out. I mean, we have a lot of budding comedians here, but it seems most of us are rowan along without a paddle.
  21. Are you taking the pith? Think I'm some kind of sap?
  22. Danny wins the thread, however the Internet belongs to me.
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