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Everything posted by ZeldaFreak

  1. By the terms of the laws we have in place they use the working defination of a monoply to measure against when they need to get involved: "one firm which has more than 25% market share" To which I reply we have also in terms of firms which main source of revenue comes from the selling of video games. So it stil needs to be approved by monoply commission, which hasn't happened yet.
  2. Well actually the bed room band sounded fine. Just like any mp3 file. There is a reason whybands use recording studios to charge more money for their music. I go back to my original point. Artists say they are all for making music for everyone to listen to why is then they charge for it. Contradictions are what they speak. Plus bands don't need to go touring to see some full of shit-full of themselves wankers, miming to songs they didn't write.
  3. We are talking about downloading so you don't have that cost involved. Plus because its not a physical good - 1p is fine. Plus BBC on the money program did feature this and they featured a band which recorded everything in a bedroom and published it on myspace for free. You do know Itunes is overpriced 99p for a virtual copy of a song is a rip off compared to what your actually getting.
  4. Yes but 10million copies downloaded at 1p =£100k, thats plenty for a band. And I would be happy because I would be doing it for the music rather than money which the artists want.
  5. No offence but as a wise man said cartoons aren't meant to be clever. Like Family Guy is the poor mans simpsons. And south park has funny storylines but I laugh at more of the jokes in the simposns than in the south park. Oh and homer is the main character. Same with in south park cartman is the main character.
  6. No it doesn't. The touring costs can be recouped my ticket prices at concerts and if they can't well thats their fault. The songwriting you are actually joking aren't you. I've heard better poems inside of cards than I hear good lyrics in music these days. Plus the artists don't write it. Being in public eye is not fucking stressful at all if those fucktards think its stressful job like a real job. 1p is the true price of a song.
  7. Yes you can get quality music from indie bands, etc. Also because, 1p is the true value of a song. Yet record companies charge normally £9.99 or more with maybe 5-10 songs on. Plus there hasn't benn any quality music since 3 lions song was releashed then it went down hill. No decent music.
  8. Well I get my music free or I don't bother, the last music I bought was in 2004. The way I see it is artists are doing what they do because they love making music, so you shouldn't be charging unrealistic prices for it. Oh and there is bound to be someone who says "it funds terroism" well you know what it doesn't its called lies! lies by artists, lies by record companies. Remember get your music free to stop record companies.
  9. we might get it seen as 4kids have stopped dubbing it, and funimation want to sell every single item that they can. So chances are higher just depends how they refer to God Enel in skypeia arc. They they dub him as a fucking priest - people are going to be meeting Mr.Stabby
  10. However if the computer is off and the green led is sill on i'm saying something still may have warped or solder has come loose or something or the capacitors are maby knacked. Yes actually could be the capacitors espeically if the power in your office went down quickly. Would still recommend getting intouch with a BCS registerd technician though.
  11. Well one of my lectures shoves macs and linux/unix down our throats since we have started - I given in the plot and hes actually got me learning all about linux now. Its just quite simply a pain in the arse. Thanks to evereyone in IT who made it so difficult.
  12. Its ok, and from me who would have thunk'd it. :p
  13. Caris you hit the nail on the head macs are a joke. But serously ReZourceman, it sounds like it may actually be something inside the pc itself could be that maybe a something has warped in there - with a sudden electrical surge. Thats what it sounds like but I would get in touch with a BCS qualified technican mate.
  14. I know its a game for kids but that isn't such a bad thing in a business sense because thats the main user of wii is a younger audience. However I think if you look at the second picture in the main post, judging from the clarity of the HUD means that it could be from the wii version. I'm not judging this because its a kids game but textures, where are they in that game. I still don't know why developers will show crap screens of their games. And my personal opinion is that I find them short, unimaginative, and repetitive.
  15. Oh and now I'm thinking to myself why hasn't the monoply commission stepped in and said no to Game.
  16. I have deceided just to import a wii from america - they have better choice gamesout quickly and not much change between us and jap schedule
  17. But if you have large hands?? Exactly doesn't feel comfortable.
  18. Yes but the point being the analogue sticks are too close together
  19. The main reason why portugese mafia got involved because they thought Eledees was some form of evil devil that prayed on the minds of the young.
  20. I pesonally think things happen for a reason, e.g. if you walk the same route home everyday and then have a feeling you should go another way and find a 1p coin on the footpath. Is it fate that you knew you should go the new route or is it coincidence based on millions of percentages about your lifestyle and choices you have made previously thats creates the outcome? There is always someone who'll say its fate and others will not. Like is their a god or not. I choose to believe what I want about everything and anything - just to make me secure in this world of vunerablitity of humans
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