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Everything posted by Gentleben

  1. I know a lot of people are using Shopto for their Wii U, but I'm giving them a wide berth. When I used my debitcard to order White 2 the price and delivery were great, but my card was cloned/details some how obtained and I nearly lost £200 by a fraudster trying to withdraw the money. I've placed a preorder at GAME, but intend to purchase from Tesco on launch night.
  2. I think you will find I'm the oldest.
  3. @Iun What ever happened with the whole Mrs Iun situation? Did you move back home, did she become more reasonanble?
  4. Thought it was worth mentioning that Nintendo has set up camp in the bullring @birmingham shopping centre this weekend. You can try out the wii u and a selection of games.
  5. only 25 more letters to teach em.
  6. It's my Birthday soon, and if I don't get a thread I'm going to scream and scream and SCREAM. I'II be like a spolit little child, and throw a total hissie fit type tantrum.
  7. I think the D/P Lengendaires could be obtained below level 10 in one of the games.
  8. Hopefully this update will give me something nice to spend all my stars on.
  9. I claimed the box since I rented all 3 layton games from Blockbuster. But don't have any Layton hames to store in it. Would you like....?
  10. Any time you want a Poke beat down let me know.
  11. That's cool I'm working till 8pm, so will log in after work.
  12. A Grimer from the Sewers please.
  13. I might have a waterstone to trade you. Let me check. BRB Yep, picked up a waterstone from White Forest on White 1? wanna trade for it? I also have Dusk, Dawn, Shiny, Sun, and Thunder Stones (1 of each)
  14. I was going to say you will miss out on the Memory link feature, and other extras you get from linking both games. But guess if you didn't invest much time/completion in either of the 1st versions it makes little difference.
  15. Blockbuster in Birmingham are doing the same deal but £18.00 on both Wii play Motion or Flingsmash (But Flingsmash is white Wiimote not red)
  16. While in Portugal this past week I was disappointed not to get any Streetpasses. Also Birmingham Streetpasses are kinda hit/miss. Some days I've got 1 and other 4/5 sometimes none.... Need 6 hats now
  17. Since it's release a week or two ago, I've been playing P!nks "The Truth about love" album loads.
  18. Got my download from Gamestation in Erdington today (one for each version of the game) had to ask about it at the counter since there was no flyer/information anywhere in shop.
  19. I'II crush you all.
  20. I bet if someone purchased one of these you could turn it into an experience/red letter type day thing. Say you pay £100 to pilot it, shoot up a load of stuff and throw in a picture/certificate- would be a total success.
  21. Just a heads up you can now buy Kingdom Hearts AR Cards from the Stars Catalogue @ 250 stars.
  22. Congrats! I am missing 8 hats now
  23. New Puzzle sent via spotpass Super Mario Bros 2
  24. At the streetpass event yesterday I got another 50+ streetpasses, completed all my pink puzzle pieces, and finally got the 500 Mii's encountered via streetpass acomplishment
  25. Anyone in London coming to the streetpass event hosted by Nintendo scene tomorrow? From 1pm-3pm (St Pancras) Great chance to boost plaza by 50+ easily I reckon.
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