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Everything posted by Gentleben

  1. Damm, I have a feeling this is my week I'm working again. Need to check.
  2. Success! (Partly) Met both @darksnowman and @/Nando/ but for some reason Greg and me couldn't streetpass eacg other. Very frustrating! Did get a few other streetpasses while in Belfast, and toured the city on the hop on/off style tour buses-bloody freezing on the top deck. Managed to secure another pink pieces also at coach station. Really tiring journey overall, but fun was had. Next stop Wales.
  3. After posting my message, I tried to locate the hotel we stayed in (it was booked via Octopus travel (http://www.octopustravel.co.uk) but can't see it online anymore. I would advise to ditch the car and just use the public transport (you can get either a 3, 7 or 14 day type ticket) and pick up a good guide book. I would normally recommend Lonely planet, but I used Frommers Day by Day for this holiday.
  4. I went to Budapest with a friend a few years ago in November for just under a week and had a wonderful time. We took the Eurolines coach (since it was free for me, tiring but saved some cash) Since we went out of Season, we were able to stay in a 4 star hotel, not far from Elizabeth Tower for a total of £145 for us both (breakfast included) it was outside the city centre, which meant a bus ride daily, but it was all part of the experience. Things you should def do: The Terror House Elizabeth Tower Opera House Public bathhouses the parliment building tour
  5. I'm going to dinner with friends and a movie tonight (Underworld) propose tomorrow evening at same time?
  6. Where did you get THAT hat? is the question on everyones lips as chris models some of this streetpass seasons upcoming styles/
  7. Doubtful, none of the other parties have been online, and the description only describes 4 players.
  8. Are you playing on Easy or Standard? I've cleared all Dragon Quest and Mario Stages on Easy, and have 1 stage left to beat in the special Tour. Then I'm going to carry on going back to Standard, I had started but wanted to ace Easy first.
  9. Been eagerly awaiting a Mario Party Europe release date for a while, so good news it's getting a release the same time as USA. I was concerned they might have given us Boom street, and pushed Mario party back till later in the year. Fingers crossed for lots of cool unlockables, and gameplay that matches some of the earlier parties that doesn't repeat the mistakes of number 8.
  10. Just some symbols you can select via your wii mote (Smiley face, thumbs up/down, heart, etc) (no pre set messages, voice chat, etc) Also you get NO stamps for friend games, only on random match ups. Edit, also added @yesteryeargames to my online list.
  11. Yep, give me 5 and I'II create a lounge. Edit created lounge. Oops think I need your FC @yesteryeargames Edit again: Lack of patience, gone back to play Special boards.
  12. So is anyone up for a game at 10.30 then? I can host.
  13. It's the way the colour hair: They apply the colour/bleach onto the hair and fold your hair into a neat Tin foil like rectangle shape. Is it a 10 week wait for delivery? My new sofa last year took from September until November to arrive.
  14. Tonight won't really work for me, Going to the cinema to Watch Haywire (but Thur night could work well)
  15. Let me reword that. The people you streetpass on the street, make the numbers in your plaza all the sweeter, than the people you can meet online. Besides1,000 Mii's is a lot, but not impossible. At big shows like you can normally get a decent number of streetpasses.
  16. @f00had Just added you, wanna game now standard rules?
  17. @f00had whats your FC, I'm about to go online now to play some Boom Street Mine is My FC: 0819 7701 5419 Edit also added @Josh64
  18. My plaza remains full of 200+ REAL streetpass meets,I want the other plaza themes, but refuse to popular my plaza with common people... With regard to Hats, I've got a few (few = lots) Completed Normal quest twice, and secret quest once. Oh and I'm also scheduling another Streetpass meetup in Birmingham (29th Jan @ 3pm, Broadway plaza- if anyone knows people in Birmingham please spread the message or the link below: http://www.meetup.com/Nintendo3DS/Birmingham-GB/576612/?ed=when
  19. I wanted Rainbows in my sig and on Letterbox
  20. I refuse to see another love/war movie with a horse thrown in. Unless you can 100% confirm the house is dead at the end and turned into glue. I went to see "The Darkest Hour 3D" last night. It was lacking any depth, had massive plot holes, and not one of the characters was likely-glad a lot of people died. Don't waste your money and wait for DVD I say. Oh and don't even get me started on the Ginger cat wrapped in wires, (poor thing)
  21. Cry:weep: no rainbows. All my dreams shattered in pieces on the floor.
  22. How about sending out some advice on how to unlock the Rainbow pen?
  23. Looking more likely that I'II be in Belfast on the Sat 28th Jan. Planning on the overnight service on Friday night, arrive Sat morning about 10am ish and then catch the 18:30 coach back that same evening.
  24. I would have loved to have either done Ireland or Wales (Cardiff) this weekend, but I'm working 8-4 all weekend sadly. The weekend of the 28th/29th is looking more likely for me to visit.
  25. More like the frustration.
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