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Everything posted by Gentleben

  1. Panzer Dragoon Saga (1 and 2 are just shoot em ups-the saga is a really good story spread across 4 disks) Burning Rangers-4 Missions of fire fighting fun, Anime style cut scenes/Cool music and lots of replay to rescue ALL the trapped people. Also pop the CD into your computer to unlock some Cool Music/Wallpapers in the EXTRAS Folder. Sonic R-Colourful fun racing game with cool Music/Lyrics Deep Fear-Resident Evil underwater-FUN Radiant Silvergun-Amazing Shoot em up with Cool Bosses, but pricey to buy. Bomberman FIGHT!-3d Bomberman (need to import)
  2. I got this game and I really don't like it. There is far too much stuff going on all at once. Trying to play Pinball and issue commands isn't fun and in the heat of battle -it's easy to make mistakes. When I did finally manage to clear the first stage then it was with only a few soliders making the next stage isn't harder. It's the sort of game you will either love or hate. This game should burn forever in the fires of Game Hell along with Universal Studios.
  3. What about working at a Summer Camp in America somewhere-you get paid and get a roof over your head as well.
  4. I'm getting a Guest past, I don't work in gaming industry.
  5. My First games Computer was a spectrum 48K. My Fav games included: All the Dizzy games (Treasure island, Magicland, Fantasy, Kwik Snax, Fast food, Prince of the Yolkfolk spellbound) The Cartoon time games -Ollie and Lisa 3, Little Puff,. Seymour goes to Hollywood and Seymours Wild west.
  6. I'II be going to E3. Got my Plane ticket booked and a place to crash.
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