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Everything posted by Gentleben

  1. Started playing this again a few days ago, I want more silver and gold badges. Anyone got high turnip prices or need their town deweeding?
  2. I'm still walking and climbing but not uploaded anything in 3-4 weeks since been ill.
  3. The shard course unlocks those big black bearfur hats that London guards wear at Buckingham palace.
  4. Does it at least have any kind of hot seat play then?
  5. Does anyone know if this game will have download play or multicart only?
  6. Nope, it's basic and a step backwards compared to pokemon link on the DS. I'm finding it pretty dull to be honest.
  7. Will be buying myself for Birmingham street pass events as well.
  8. Turnips 329 this morning, gates open briefly for another hour.
  9. Yeah I purchased about 1.7 million worth @ 100 bells each.
  10. Gracie was in my town today as well with a modern theme, passed the test but need one more visit to get her opening up a shop. Also built a sphinx to match my pyramid and just funded an illuminated tree for outside my town hall.
  11. Low price today, but sold my turnips for 610 each online earlier in week. Building a sphinx next to my pyramid in town at the moment.
  12. I really wanna get called for jury duty this year. I am 35 and never been summoned once. I wonder what the odds are on getting jury duty. /blows horn that summons ne forum stat and probability teams.
  13. Two low prices today, but fortune teller was in town earlier.
  14. Built a pyramid and a town bell lately. My town is fast becoming a random collection of public works. @RedShell grinding to reach 100 million bells is so slow and painful. Stalled below 20 at the moment. On average how much would you buy each Sunday from Joan?
  15. Congrats @EeK! oh and research has shown telepathy-typewriter causes swelling of the frontal cortex and causes your brain to explode out you ears and nose, your playing with fire!
  16. Yeah mine was declining all week as well. Might buy myself a few million worth of turnips tomorrow. Also built a snowmama today and then she vanished....very odd.
  17. Wow, 49 bells this afternoon.
  18. I wouldn't hold your breath on a release, we never got chibi robo park patrol game either. Not to mention we never got play control chibi rerelease on the Wii either...
  19. Another low day, 69
  20. Under 100 for me.
  21. I used to host my own DS: Birmingham Groups years before the 3DS was released, via the site http://www.meetup,com. However, I stopped cause the turnout was poor and I was paying for nothing basically. I would like to have visited one of the Cardiff events, but I travel via coach and you can't do a day trip between Birmingham and Cardiff.
  22. In the process of getting one started at the moment, aiming for first meet up to be on Jan 18th (Sat) with a Mario Party theme. Got a twitter and facebook group set up and now trying to find a suitable location. @Streetpassbham or https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/247157228777243/
  23. Where is the walking leaderbowrd?
  24. Every year I hope I get jury duty and every year so far I haven't.
  25. Thank you, had a nice relaxing day off work and did both lunch with parents at beefeater and dinner this evening with friends at strada. Also got a nice assortment of gift cards and other bits/pieces as well.
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