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Everything posted by Gentleben

  1. Will the 3ds mii verse allow you to take in game pictures and post to the messages boards?
  2. Taking second place prize is me with the complete kalos dex and certificates to prove it. Now who's going to take third place and the bronze??
  3. Fortune street 3ds please.
  4. Shrugs I found this image of a guy called @mAGUS I think it might work.... Thoughts? Edit, seems Magus appears all semi uppercase when I type it as a mention. Example magus or @mAGUS
  5. I have a request. Please can somone give @mAGUS an avatar, something stylish yet not too flashy. An avatar that commands his name for all to hear. Thank you
  6. Completed both coastal and central dexes all seen/caught. Now moving onto mountain dex
  7. Even better if you use Payday + Prizemoney level 3 and Amulet coin
  8. Finally after countless battles in the battle chateau, she finally showed up. She pays out big time if you use prize money x3, but wish AZ was the grand duke.
  9. Hoopa kinda looks like an evil dijnn, bet it learns Nasty Plot or Wish
  10. Three things 1) @Serebii when are you going to post the trainer card upgrades? 2) anyone else had success with chain fishing? Caught a shiny luvdisc myself 3) people who are on my friend list, can you change your private settings on gts please? I wanna compare medal lists and logbook stuff. Thanks.
  11. Stupid question 2 - where is the aquarium? I'm on the path where you get coastal dex after exiting tunnel. Doh- rock jump puzzle. Sorted.
  12. I must be stupid or I have missed a hm move, but can't figure our how to get down the cliff path after you get the coastal dex. Can anyone help?
  13. Mind if I ask did you do buy it now option, set a reserve or just normal increased bid. Might sell mine.
  14. Today in a morning moment of madness I purchased 1 millon bells worth of turnips.
  15. @Serebii can I only level up my entree levels in white 2 by using another white 2 or black 2 game cart, or will black/white still level me up?
  16. National dex completed. beat that all of you :p
  17. Over ruled (I wish)
  18. I bet that board makes for some fun reading. Any chance we can have an Mod open board evening?
  19. Downloadable extras are cool but only if they come to all regions. I think it's really unfair that Japan got extra funfest misssions, event pokemon for Black/White and B/W 2 and Europe/America only get the key lengendary download events and some select C-gear skins.
  20. Ah crap, Guess it's all for the glory then.
  21. So with X/Y drawing very close is anyone doing a last minute rush to try and finish Black/White 2. I've been telling myself all Summer long I would complete the National Dex and this past week I've started to get to work on it. I was really annoyed that you can't transfer White to White 2 via the Poketransfer tool so it's slow going. Currently own 525 and seen 550. Also want to try and upgrade my trainer card and get as many medals as possible before the release date. I just hope items like the Shiny charm and egg charm can be transferred to X/Y
  22. I'm sure there are penis hair groomers out there who specialist styling/trimming/shaving etc etc.
  23. Building a new cube sculpture in my town, will be ready to come view tomorrow.
  24. Still have two for sale one offical and one unoffical. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37278
  25. Finally paid off my house in full this evening and finally got the police station as a public work. Decided to build the modern one.
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