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Everything posted by Sparko

  1. Not in Ireland though, we get ripped off with everything.
  2. Haha, I do that far too often as well. I've got a good few games that I stopped playing because I got stuck that I really should finish sometime.. I managed to finish Eternal Darkness though :p Hmmm, some good games that haven't been mentioned.. It might not fall into the action/adventure category but Smash Bros is a classic game, one of the greatest Cube games.
  3. That was suprisingly fun, can't wait to try the real thing.
  4. Aw.. California Games.. the memories
  5. This album has definitely grown on me. I think I listened to it first on Thursday or Friday and I wasn't too impressed at first, but that has totally changed now. All day in college I've had 'For Reasons Unknown', 'This River Is Wild' and 'Why Do I Keep Counting?' playing over and over in my head. Mainly because I listened to the album twice on the way into college Overall, I'm pretty impressed with this album. Some very catchy songs, and there isn't a song that I don't like which is pretty rare for me.
  6. Nice one King of Hyrule, very informative and helpful post.
  7. Can the classic controller be used to play Gamecube games? I've got two gamecube controllers already, but I was just wondering if a classic controller could be used by a third person in multiplayer games?
  8. Lá breithe shona dhuit, Mokong. And happy birthday to you as well bowser, have a good one.
  9. I loved seasons one to three, I thought season four was atrocious with all that witchcraft shit and five was mediocre. Still, I'm looking forward to season six. I'm hoping that it'll be great.
  10. Yeah I remember reading that, it said you could put mp3s on SD cards and then add them to slideshows. So it is possible that mp3s could be used elsewhere.
  11. Mark - Male - Latin - warlike. Yep, I really don't live up to my name..
  12. Happy birthday man, ya heading out tonight?
  13. If you don't mind me asking, why?
  14. Crap, I hate how much we get ripped off in this country.. Did you ask if many people have pre-ordered with them so far? I haven't got around to it yet, I'll try and get it sorted this weekend.
  15. The whole service sounds great and I'm so glad that we pretty much have confirmation that it'll be one friend code per Wii, not one per game. The online options have so much potential, it's brilliant.
  16. It does make them sound very egotistical, pretty much saying that the PS3 will be as successful as they let it be..
  17. Damn you're lucky, I've got to get 3 books. I was able to get one of them second hand but the other 2 are new editions so I have to get them new, so looks like I've got another 100 or so euro to spend.
  18. I agree with Mokong. The demand for a PS3 will still be high, there's no doubt about that but I can see a lot of frustrated people buying a 360 or a Wii instead. Microsoft and Nintendo have a great opportunity to benefit at the expense of Sony this Christmas. These people may and probably will go on to get a PS3 eventually, but I think in the crazy rush up to Christmas they might decide to spend their cash elsewhere.
  19. I went out with some mates from college on Thursday night, the plan was to go for a meal after college finished at 5, then go for a few drinks and then on to a club. Well we had a few lectures free in the end, so we finished at 2.. So we went straight to the pub for a few hours, then went for food, then back to another pub for a while, then on to a club for the rest of the night. I somehow ended up doing karaoke, which was hilarious! I spent way way waaaaaaaaaaaay too much money though, so I've actually got €1 in my wallet that has to last me all week.. The books will have to wait!
  20. Once the Wii takes over the console spot under my tv, the Cube will go on the shelf with the Snes, N64 and all those random Gameboys I seem to have. I couldn't bear to get rid of it!
  21. I'll probably mess around with the menus for a while, spend a while playing Wii Sports with my brother, then Zelda for a few hours. Then I have to lock it away somewhere because my exams start a few days later
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