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Everything posted by Sparko

  1. It was inevitable, that's just how Sony works. It's annoying, but it's clearly a last minute addition while Nintendo's FHC has been in development for years, so it will clearly be superior.
  2. It's nice to read such a positive article in a magazine as massive as Time Magazine. This will definitely spark the interest of a lot of people, nice move by Nintendo. I can hardly contain my excitement, the next week is going to be amazing!
  3. First I was shocked to silence, then I laughed and now I'm back to shock. That has got to be one of the most ridiculous console names I have ever heard.
  4. Me too, I've been waiting for this game for ages. I can't wait to finally play it.
  5. The shot of the X-Wing looks so funny. I can't wait to see how this game turns out.
  6. Well according to this article on Digital Spy(http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/article/ds28313.html), there are at least two more films after X3.
  7. I can type well without looking at the keyboard and I also type quite fast, however I only use my two index fingers. It's how I've been typing for the past six years, I can't get used to typing any other way.
  8. Season 2 is starting here in Ireland on the 13th of February, so it'll probably start in England soon enough too.
  9. Sparko


    When I'm in college, I usually sleep from about midnight/1am till about 9am. For the last month I've had a break from college and my sleeping pattern has suffered. I stay up until about 4 or 5am, and then sleep till about 1 or 2pm. So after a few days of this I got stuck with this sleeping pattern so the night before I go back to college I'll probably get about 2 or 3 hours sleep. That'll break the pattern anyway
  10. I really hope Futurama is brought back. I've been watching the reruns lately on Sky and it's made me realise how much I've missed it. It's a lot fresher and more original that the Simpsons. As much as I love the Simpsons, I think it has gone well past its sell by date.
  11. My mam does voluntary work in a charity shop and she found it there. Understanding how much of a Nintendo fan I am, she bought it for me. I use it to save all my coppers.
  12. I'm so used to the name Revolution, if they decided to stick with that I'd be happy.
  13. I don't have much, just got a few random things I picked up over the years. That's a Super Mario World money box,a Mario figure, and a random Mario head I found somewhere. I've got a lot of stuff from NOM, most of it is crap, but I LOVE the chain chomp. I even got a chain for it and everything
  14. I'm confident that the Revolution will have more success than the Gamecube did, but beyond that I'm not sure. It really depends on how much advertising Nintendo do.
  15. I used to buy the magazine every month, since the early N64 days. I stopped buying it half way through this year because it just wasn't worth it anymore. I can't wait to see how the new magazine is, hopefully it recognises that we're not all under the age of 12.
  16. Sparko

    I'm Back

    I've always liked Ubisoft, I can't wait to see the ideas they come up with for the Revolution.
  17. Just a few little errors I noticed, number 30, Final Fantasy 3/6 is listed as Final Fantasy 4 and number 20, Skies of Arcadia is listed as Chrono Trigger. It's great to see Mario Kart DS in there, it's only a few months old and it's already a classic.
  18. Well done Sprout, that was way better than the usual advent calendars!
  19. 1.The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - An epic revolutionary game. Had me hooked for months, and I've replayed it countless times since. Truly my fondest gaming moments. 2.Super Mario World 3.Super Smash Brothers Melee 4.Goldeneye 007 5.Final Fantasy 6
  20. If Rare games are available, I'll download Banjo Tooie, Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corps and Perfect Dark. I also want Pilotwings 64, Harvest Moon 64 and Paper Mario.
  21. In Dublin city centre, both HMVs have a decent enough selection and one of the GAME shops has a couple of shelves at the back of the shop. That's all I could find today when I was looking around for some games for Christmas. I got Resident Evil 4 and a preowned version of Starfox Adventures. I got Starfox because it was only a tenner and it looks decent enough. I've yet to buy Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos, which I've been meaning to buy for ages, but they didn't have them in stock so I'll get them online sometime.
  22. Banjo Tooie, Pilotwings, Blast Corps, Paper Mario, Earthbound.
  23. Do LucasArts still make games for Nintendo?
  24. Miyamato's face is hilarious when he hits!
  25. Considering the massive amount of hype surrounding Iwata's speech, if there's no major announcement there will be a massive backlash of anger and frustration. I'm dying to find out what Nintendo have come up with but I'm also afraid that after the massive buildup this revolutionary controller received, it's going to be very easy for people to be disappointed. Despite how much I'm looking forward to Revolution info, I don't have the energy to stay up that late tonight I started college today and I'm completely exhausted, so I'm going for a well deserved sleep and hopefully when I get up tomorrow morning I'll be pleasantly suprised. :yes:
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