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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. so....Battles, yeah? Still the best thing since sliced bread. Fact.
  2. that was incredible. Fuck. What an ace movie.
  3. Airplane gag- genius. that made me chuckle. I'll probably catch that.
  4. I've probably mentioned them before, but what are your thoughts on The Sleepy Jackson? Personally, I want to make passionate, sugar daddy love to their sound, but I don't think they're well known. Brilliant.
  5. It's clearly all about Slippery People and This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)
  6. that's superb. wtf is goin on tho?
  7. so, like, Talking Heads shit on just about every band on the market today. Everyone needs Stop Making Sense
  8. it's high five time again. if you really wanna get lost in that stuff, take drugs. Seriously, it's alot of fun when your concious mind basically consists of a bassline and synth.
  9. Hope you like it as you can tell, I have a soft spot for it. Heath Ledger's performance is incredible. He reduced me to a blubbering wreck with little more than a single motion and a phrase at the end of the film. Only time I've ever cried at a film.
  10. it's one of the best films I've ever seen. It's goddamn amazing. Not so much about homosexuality as it is about the crushing weight of society on the repressed forced to conform. It's utterly mindblowingly astute and observed character cinema.
  11. for the record: Props on Bjork. She's one of the best songwriters in the world, easily. Brilliant mind...
  12. lovin the dehaired look dude. Suits you.
  13. I don't always agree with bard's tastes in music, but his conduct in lambasting young miscreants within this thread are, generally, spot on. One day, you'll look back on your record collection of today and pretend 'music came late' in your life to girls you meet in bars. Or boys. You know, whoever you wanna engage in gland to gland combat with. My point stands.
  14. that video basically wins on the grounds of a bank safe being bust open with a power chord.
  15. Toto are a fucking amazing band. Their earlier output, however, far surpasses Aftrica. In Particular, Hold The Line and it's bedfellows on their self titled effort. oh yeah, and what's with nobody giving props to electro granddaddies Gary Numan and Kraftwerk? for shame!
  16. It really is. the texture and depth of their music just..it just boggles the mind, but does so without ending up sounding mechanical or too confusing. Truly, one of the best bands I've come across in years.
  17. High Five. I believe I ranted lyrical about these guys a bit back. Their album and Lp's melt the shit out of my face. Twice.
  18. no it couldn't. Drunks and drug abusers, along with fatties and general body abusers are bared from donor lists on the grounds of being unstable cretins who would waste their chance and deny someone clean a fresh start.
  19. For the record: Jackson's Off The Wall shits on Bad, and a good deal of Thriller to boot.
  20. but why? what's so precious about them? why should your corpse keep what a dying patient elsewhere desperately needs to survive? what's your rationale behind that?
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