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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Yeah OK. Hookin my 360 up to the big ass HD downstairs soon so Gears seems a good choice.
  2. Letty- this is what tire irons and threats of physical assault are for! Get the tramps to do it themselves!
  3. that's...the geekiest thing ever...
  4. God I'm so bored. It's actually a bit tragic.
  5. bit extreme! not sure I agree with you though Rok, either.
  6. all day every day.
  7. I just had a chat with a friend with a sweet hook up- she can get me voluntary work over at BBC Radio Sheffield It's perfect! And if all goes well it could be a foot in the door in exactly the right place.
  8. My favourite is 'Bill Gates is giving away all his money to hotmail users. Send this email to 10 friends to prove your account is active!' ones. also: the myth that bill gates is some kind of evil genius. er. wut? The man is the greatest philanthropist in human history. I hugely admire what he does.
  9. Ok no worries. I'll put my camera on charge
  10. In a sense it does. It says 'two things more stimulating than your lectures'. Coffee and me :awesome:
  11. well, that kind of talk anyway.
  12. She was lame. Plasma rifle? please. uuuzziii niiine milimeteeer!
  13. Indeed. The third film is a travesty of...well just about everything. I even heard the Nazi's were involved. Certainly Communist infiltrators. the first two..well they're just awesome.
  14. Least I don't kidnap animals with my balls.
  15. I'm pretty sure you can find something better to do than hang with us then
  16. woah Hold The Phone You've never seen a James Cameron Terminator film? dude. They're two of the best sci fi films ever made. Get them seen!
  17. hi! I was trying to avoid this thread, as I got all too in to it... but it's annoying me that people keep saying it fucks people up in a way that they assume is like 'couple of doobies a week and all of a sudden you're schizo and can't think' that's not true. I'll admit- I've smoked a fair bit this last year. Like...I was pretty much baked every night for weeks at a time at some points. I'm fine! 99% of people who smoke weed find it completely harmless and do it regularly with no consequence. Now I won't deny it can lead to problems- after all, anything that's going to alter brain chemistry can do that. But people are being very reactionary with their condemnation of the substance and it's users. Believe me- you need to put some serious effort in to your weed for it to damage you, and if that's the sort of person you are..well it's going to happen anyway.
  18. We a go go tonight, chaps?
  19. Right that's it. What kind of effort is that? You can't expect to play like a filthy reprobate on Dr Pepper! Pull yourself together, get some Gin and prepare for a life of crying in dark stairwells smelling of cats like an old woman. Honestly! Some people!
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