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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Oh I know. Thing is, you see his hands holding all the guns and when he puts on the HEV for the first time. Bugs me they couldn't be arsed to do arms for the wheels when, really, there's no logical precedent for it.
  2. What kind of sick degenerate doesn't like tomatoes? You're all mental.
  3. aw man, I'm off out! This week though, fo sho.
  4. you need to try a proper tuna steak, then. It's amazing.
  5. i thought lost odyssey was a bit weak sauce. but then I'm not big on JRPGs and when the game's promising start gave way to genre cliché I was pissed. Mass Effect may well be one of the best games this gen, mind. It rules.
  6. oh joy, another list thread.
  7. that's moogleviper. cube's at the back and my ear is on the left!
  8. it's in the £3.50 set:heh:
  9. na. for most films it's £3.50, £3 for more obscure stuff. new films are rapage though, pushing towards £4 a night.
  10. might wanna spoiler tag those pictures actually dude. My browser is taking a bit of a slap atm.
  11. lols at that first picture of me. actually in quite alot of those. hurrah.
  12. I always thought Hl2 was pretty long for an fps. If you think about it, it is pretty epic. Great game, but I'm not fond of how ghost like Freeman is. Feels like you're on ice skates, and the lack of hands fucks me off something awful- expecially on the levels in the boat and the car with the magically turning steering apparatus'.
  13. yeah, but for a week. Hoorah!
  14. They made me want to die. uhh..not seen a film since my last, actually. Rescue Dawn may well be my Tuesday chill film now.
  15. hm was going to take a picture of my haircut, but i forgot to wash it today and I look like a slavic hitman. Tomorrow, when I pretty up a bit perhaps.
  16. I'm considering banning lyrics on mine. Possible, but I might drop the concept if I end up having to exclude something good.
  17. c'man, don't bullshit me! I, and the eagle Odwin slew with that shot, contest such statements
  18. I'd say Manchester ftw, but that's getting a bit ahead. you get many pics Dante? saw your camera doing the rounds the most. I only got a couple myself as I got distracted doing...stuff.
  19. na we just made playlists and burned them to disc. I tried to make my old playlist flow, though. Difficult when you have each track ending in a few seconds of silence but it's not too bad
  20. irony lol. I was actually late last time, but in my defence I was ill as fuck and couldn't go out for fear of collapsing in a heap of doom while shopping for blank Cds. All sorted now, mind, so bring it
  21. my ninja skills were unmatched. I can hide from anyone
  22. Weeooo! It's back! The Great N-E Mixtape Mixup doth return with a vengeance, verily. For those who missed round one, here's how it works. Everyone who wants in signs up here then makes a CD of their own design, perhaps profiling their taste, their favourite songs or a particular theme of music. once I have all the names I'll be drawing from a hat and each poster makes two copies of their CD, artwork an all to be sent to two other posters chosen at random, receiving two CDs in return for their pains. Anyway. yeah. Who's up for it? I'd call the last round a success but we did have the odd member signing up and not posting anything for various reasons. If you're interested, please put the effort in or people are going to end up short changed when they put the work in. If you can't, don't say you want in. GO!
  23. I..might, yeah. I might give my bank balance a bit of a rest though. taken a light beating this week and I don't want to punch above the weight as it were.
  24. really rather sorry about that:heh: dude we left at 3, not before 2! I was so immensely tired I could barely see by then. My mind was all cartoon knights and psychotic catfish.
  25. I know! what a genius. also: the x-treeeme take down on nami with the frisbee was very amusing. such a good throw bar the aim
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