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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. stuff he already has. my parents are infuriatingly content types. Arg.
  2. gah. Can't think what to buy my dad for christmas. Last one to buy and I don't know what he wants. this is infuriating
  3. fancy a game tonight? should be free early evening ish.
  4. I have a fancy dress to plan. Favourite movie characters. Currently within the realms of possibility: John McClaine from Die Hard- Dirty vest, bare feet and jeans etc or Tetsuo from Akira. Pending access to a bit of red material for a cape and a fuck tonne of hairspray, this is easy. hmmm
  5. Ok... The ending to Braid truly jaw dropping. Sublime in every way. It's everything narrative in gaming should be, and puts every other attempt at story telling in gaming to shame. Realising the potential in Farcry 2 I absolutely love this game. It's the most free I've ever felt to play a game as I choose, creating a unique experience that nobody else can quite relate to not through arbitrary narrative choices (though they do exist) but through emergent gameplay, real player choice and action and the little stories that come out of every hour of play that I've traded with friends like we're swapping scar stories. Amazing. Game of The Year. Shame nobody noticed. Rez HD my first time.
  6. It's just the general feeling that the AI is, in fact, skynet. They seem ridiculously fast- stuff like there's no correlation between what they can do with building placement and my own cursor, if you follow me? it's all instant. I think my other problem is resource management. It's a bit different to my old RTS territory of Blizzard output and Dawn of War so I keep fucking up and reducing my production to a snails pace. I'm sure they're just kinks. I'm getting hold of units now- think I'm getting pretty good with the commies though my skills with the capitalist pigs is pretty poor.
  7. sweet. If you need another contributor let me know. I'm rockin the freelance games writer gig myself atm.
  8. sweet. Think you're on my list? I dunno I cleared a few names off recently. I suck hard at this tbh. I could do with a few pointers. Something about the skirmish AI just makes them so flukey at defence.
  9. actually it's kinda hot...
  10. wow. That's absurdly expensive. sigh. I'm not even that hard to please. I just like nice quality materials and a smart fit. example the best: but all that anyone is selling atm is wanky indie boy cardigans. They're so shoddy you can see through them. Awful, tear inducingly dull twaddle.
  11. we have one rule in our house: If you've not eaten enough to be basically incapacitated, you're not finished. Dinner here is titanic: All the ingredients of a Turkey Roast included as standard in massive quantities. one thing I've noticed a lack of in this thread is stuffing. Do you guys not have any? we have about 4 types I'm actually really quite excited about this meal. It's going to be absolutely fucking ace.
  12. speaking of image creation: I swear to fuck, H&M, Top Man et al are in a conspiracy to make me want to kill myself with their latest collections. They're so savagely dull, it's like they want to bore me in to a vegetative state. I need a job so hard. I'm going to dress like a stylish motherfucker and live a paupers life. It's going to be awesome.
  13. I wish they had made room for Colossus in that film. He's by far one of the best characters in the books and it's a shame they couldn't fit him in.
  14. I have an idea for a really cool photograph but I need the right conditions for it to work. It's also going to have to be a pretty pr0 bit of work with the camera too. This could take some time.
  15. haha genius my day has mostly involved sleeping too much. Lame.
  16. OK 360 players! I have this! Multiplayer, anyone?
  17. So, yeah! Civil War get for £8 in HMV. Actually rather good! Seemed occasionally fodder for some 'what if' fisticuff mashups but it was very well written and the art and colours are batshit crazy. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol 1 get! £10 for this one and it looks well spent. Fantastic art and Moore is clearly at it again. In turns hilarious, dark, perverse and weird. I'm really enjoying it.
  18. Me, Shorty and Nami went to see The Terminator at the cinema last night. Amaaaazing. The transformation from small screen to the cinema was a revelation: The aesthetic of the film is nothing short of a triumph- transforming LA in to a science fiction nior. I absolutely love the style of it all. the biggest change though was the audio. cranked to fuck and in great surround sound it really comes in to it's own. Dirty synth and metalic drums make up about 90% of the score and it's just amazing. It's perfectly atmospheric, dark and unsettling stuff. Brilliant. 10/10
  19. quite so. Damn them for producing some of the finest software and releases of 2008. Damn them!
  20. dude, so 2006. Game could amuse. Thoughtful adventure, please EA. Distinct lack of want for fickle licence cladding on a 'mature action game' or some shit from this typist.
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