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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Today I mostly decided: Fuck This Country. I want to leave.
  2. What did you make of the Iwo Jima movies?
  3. Gah. You're going to need to talk me though it tonight! I'll have all that stuff I showed you in about an hours time!
  4. I do indeed love Kick-Ass. Y'all need to read that shit! I've also started Green Lantern Corps. Being new to the Green Lantern thing I was quite surprised by it. Last I knew, The Green Lantern was just a guy in a mask on Earth with funky powers. Nowadays it turns out Green Lanterns are interstellar Space Cops- somewhere between Phillip Marlowe and Obi Wan Kenobi. It's actually pretty cool though and, with Grant Morrison at the wheel, immensely readable. I have a whole shit tonne of GL headed my way atm so I'll be getting in to that wholesale soon enough.
  6. Happy Birthday chap!
  7. pssch. Prudes. *gets leather chaps out*
  8. that move is bullshit i did it by, and I swear this is true, positioning the pad on my desk and hammering the living fuck out of HK as fast as I could for about 30 seconds. Somewhere along the line i pressed it fast enough to trigger this utterly useless piece of crap move.
  9. aha but as a graduate, you should be aiming higher than immigrant workers can. i can't see much conflict of interest- being in the same position myself.
  11. haaha Isn't it open to debate on virus' being actually 'alive'? forgive my GCSE Biology if i'm spouting twaddle and falsehoods.
  13. oh man that's GENIUS I am DOING THIS with spiced rum SOON!
  14. haha that really would be impressive. If memory serves, academic essays that score over 80% are sometimes considered for publication by departmental staff.
  15. So, yeah. I think Mark Millar is the best comic writer ever. Possibly. He definitely gets super heroes. I think the way he gives a sense of other-ness; deliberately setting them apart from mere humans is utterly incredible. And he does it so concisely too. Obviously, it wouldn't work outside of a medium where images can be used to make up for a short script but it really is amazing. He can convey incredibly dense ideas that totally change the way you perceive a character in little more than a sentence- and as a would be writer myself I can tell you that's really fucking hard. Everyone needs to read Ultimates. It's absolutely bloody spectacular.
  16. The ESA just trounced this 'study'. It's total rubbish.
  17. 66% is ace man. Good shit! now you just gotta beat my personal best of 78%
  18. that's not possible! I'm sorry, but if you honestly think you can live 'the high life' on benefits by just turning up in the country, you need your head checked out.
  19. is this one of the 'teh hardcorez' stick only kind of games? I found HDR to be really alienating when it became clear the developers were elitist bumholes who had no intention of making the game playable without one.
  20. Clearly, you've never met anyone 'milking' the state. It's fucking miserable, and for most people the only thing worse is where they came from.
  21. no she didn't. It's a great tune. Let me guess- you think it's shit because it's rap
  22. haha (considers another thread title)
  23. it's rap also: straight up best thing I've ever seen in my life.
  24. you know Spanish Flu killed more people than WW1?
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