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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. TWD #60 tomorrow. psyched
  2. basically: Freespace 2 came out, the genre (and gaming) peaked. Nobody could make a better game and they gave in.
  3. the scale impresses, and the pace. I'm unconvinced this is supposed to be in any way 'revolutionary' though, as claimed by the project's lead. It looks exactly like DMC
  4. Jamie Foxx is a bit rich to have a go for musical insignificance. That aside, I found it fairly amusing. but hey! Miley Cyrus right? who gives a fuck!? Good music, going forward: Max Tundra continues to amuse and amaze in equal measure: how the diminutive chip-smith crafts credibly dancable pop out of what is, essentially, an audio bank's schizophrenic melt down is a mystery. I'm more than willing to indulge the chap, mind.
  5. too true. Unless it's in Ultimate X Men in the hands of Mark Millar- in which case he's immense. there are just so many more x-men who are a thousand times more interesting. Cyclops, Beast, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Angel, Sage, Rogue, Emma Frost, Iceman...fuck, pretty much everyone actually. Wolverine is just boring.
  6. You know what? Wolverine is fucking annoying. He's just not very cool. He's everywhere- on EVERY x men cover they can cram him on to. Nuts to his stupid, adolescent power trip nonsense.
  7. How I Met Your Mother- Mosbius Designs. Amazing episode. I love the stuff with Barney and Marshall too much I think. I was in fits at the end. The opener was indeed excellent too- very funny way to write Lilly out for a while.
  8. well, you know, I try. do you have his other stuff. aaaaaalll good.
  9. : peace: I was going to look up some Hawley later this eve. Beautiful album, Coles Corner.
  10. I got my Civil War TPB back last night. My mate borrowed it, only to be egged by passing cuntos on his way home not long back. Doesn't seem to be any permanent damage which is nice. Millar really gets tights.
  11. my coat is also too hot now. I can't really afford a new one, either. gah.
  12. The Matrix remains one of the most self assured, ballsy and successful sci fi films ever. The sequels were dogshit but this is a bonafied classic. It's aged well, too. The CGI, by being subtle and an accessory to filmed footage, is still totally convincing. There's some seriously hammy dialogue which hurts the film no small amount, but it's forgiveable. It's also solid basis for a game of 'drink when the script writer needs a slap' which is good fun.
  13. those are scans (quite bad ones) not screens. The colour is bound to look muted.
  14. that video is a coincidence I'm afraid. They only decided who the 5 were during season 3.
  15. the last link is fine. I'd have done the same. Arnie is the link between film and right wing politics
  16. Just because a genre is under represented on a console, it doesn't mean you can excuse the faults of games in that genre that are developed. Bad AI, bad level design. They're still bad!
  17. no it wasn't over the top- but to me that's more disturbing than anything that the likes of Saw's disreputable sequels ever imagined. The mundane realism of the violence made it seem more intimate and life like to me. In a sense, I supppose the effect is not 'oh shit he cut that dudes head off!' but rather 'oh shit that's exactly what cutting a dude's head off looks like!'
  18. The Assassins continue their incognito dress code,then :awesome:
  19. any excuse
  20. I hate griffball more than National Socialism.
  21. did you not find the decapitated corpses rolling down the stairs like ragdolls in to a pile of discarded flesh unpleasant? I thought that film featured some of the most unflinching portrayals of violence in years. It wasn't particularly...lingering on violence like a normal action movie, but what was there felt very real and brutal as a result.
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