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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. yeah it's...weird. Kind of like they have the perks of lesbian sex, while still having that 'now imagine that's your dick, son!' bit in there. Hmmmm!
  2. agreed. It's never anything short of staggeringly un-arousing. I suppose there might be cum on it later but...there are better ways to do a scene with that. Yep.
  3. but..buying SFIV for single player? who the hell did that? buy it and fight people
  4. Finished my first review for that freelance submission I told you guys about. http://watchtowerblog.wordpress.com/2009/03/22/superman-secret-identity/
  5. yeah it's...well don't get me started on the gutter press, please. i have work to do and got angry enough about it all last night.
  6. God, why do people care? yes it's sad that she's dead- nobody should have to die at 27. yes it's sad that her kids lost their mother. Doesn't make it mean anything to me or impact my life in the slightest.
  7. Dollhouse Ep. 06 In Whedon we trust. Absolutely stunning bit of telly. 10/10
  8. I'm not. I'm not involved enough to call anything a problem. It's far less exciting.
  9. I wouldn't fret too much dude. You could even use the opportunity to tell her you feel bad because you want to sex her up instead In other news: went to the pub last night with my mate Tom. From my old peer group, I think I get on with him best now and it's always a pleasure to catch up when he's in town. note to jayseven at this point: I went too a good pub. with people. And a jukebox. And an atmosphere! Good times! I don't really have girl issues atm. I think I need to go and find some because I'm bored!
  10. Just a reminder of what we should be talking about, rather than S Club 7 or miley Cyrus.
  11. I suppose so, but it's all Kirkman. You wouldn't see him meet, say, Spawn. Fuck, I hate Spawn.
  12. no minor ones either Invincible is in it's own universe. It's not like Marvel's steady continuity (hah!) where The X Men are friends with The Avengers or whatever.
  13. I'm not sure what's more disturbing; the article or the advert above it for a Chris Cornell album produced by Timberland. *looks at Temple of The Dog and sheds a solitary tear* In other,absolutely frakin ace news! MSTRKRFT HAVE A NEW ALBUM OUT! :bouncy::bouncy:
  14. that was the hendrix version at the end. best one
  16. do you just kind of...trawl the internet for the cast of Firefly religiously?
  17. Tech Jacket, apparently. Only seen him in Invincible once when
  18. aside: I have only just become aware of not 1, but 4 other comics reside within Kirkman's Invincible world. Are they all Kirkman? am I, in fact, destined to spend all my money on his work? am I his biatch?
  19. They're just...really fucking good! tour de force for the medium by one of the finest creative teams in the industry. Can't argue with that
  20. dude I just bought them. Epic to fuck.
  21. you said book 10 is due soon yus? must own.
  22. had to cover my eyes for those Invincible bits man! (X-Men Nior worth a read? I haven't heard much about it)
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