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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I'd rather they didn't bother with BC. I have a 360 already and I won't sell it to buy a next gen machine. I'll play my games on that.
  2. Beast going feline was the best thing to happen in X-Men for a long, long time. Read Grant Morrison's New X Men and you'll understand. in other news: Deadpool #1-#9. Absolutely fucking mental. Brilliant stuff. More Green Lantern stuff. Fun times.
  3. are links from Google sending you to other sites? I think i have that one.
  4. I was thinking about that in the shower this morning. .... carrying on: It would be awesome if they made it like...the most comic book movie ever. I'm talking thought bubbles, 'panel' screen transitions, captions and, of course, a totally bulldozer approach to the fourth wall. As Shorty mentioned last night- there needs to be a scene in which he comments on how unrealistic a big CGI scene looks while big fuck off explosions kick off in the background. Hell, make it a 3D film and have him punch though the paper screen.
  5. so Empire of The Sun reminded me of The Sleepy Jackson a fair bit. turns out it's a side project. luls. Great results anyway. I really like it.
  6. The Magneto one could be interesting. It would definitely need a defter touch than Wolverine though, and a return to the more complex themes of X-Men otherwise it's going to be *shit*
  7. I believe Dyson to be on some kind of cross country Odyssey sans internet, presently. We should get dates sorted during the week though.
  8. Very helpful guys! anyone knowledgeable on French names?
  9. Some gaming designs have entered the common psyche as legit pop art icons. Mushrooms, NES pads, Space Invaders, Pac Man etc. Combine that with a proper graphic design and you have a perfectly good tee. on the flip side: a bloodied lancer rifle and some steroid pumped space grunt will not get you laid.
  10. Me and Shorty both went to Forbidden Planet in Sheffield yesterday. Neither of us realised it was Free Comic Day fucking phail.
  11. This, only I woke up several hours later (and, for the record, not next to James' bit on the side ) Awesome day out. Need to do this more often only...probably without the financial Hemorrhage that this weekend has inflicted. Still, a New Avengers hardback, a new top, a meal out and a cinema ticket was a good haul. Good times.
  12. haha awesome.
  13. Just a little shop in Sheffield. The label is called 'Stars & Stripes' though, if you're after one
  14. I need surnames too! go go go!
  15. checks it. aw yeah.
  16. actually, this is do I win the thread now?
  17. almost. It's Kinetic energy. Yeah. Average film. It was better than X-3 by a considerable margin but the script never touched on anything in the X-Men's scope of alienation, persecution and such. Going back to the flat after to catch a few scenes of X-Men 2 was a reminder that the script was just lacking the brains a bit. Action was pretty cool, and I liked how all the mutants in it were done well. Umm, yes.
  18. TEN TONNE POLAR BEAR!!!!!!! O_0
  19. Bottle of wine would be good. A nice one like.
  20. oh my god I love Kick-Ass how many issues is this planned for? I want to enshrine it in hardback. It's absolutely fucking marvelous. also: movie Images!
  21. I might. Somebody work out monies and report back!
  22. Only to say that some of us a knee-ers, some of us won't be. Should be good anyway. Town and funsies first, film later.
  23. take note kids: these are real pop songs. As opposed to that bullshit wallpaper paste Disney are pumping out. Listen up. Reminds me of The Sleepy Jackson. This is a very good thing for a band to do.
  24. zing! Day has started OK. Coffee is involved and my friend has agreed to help me find an artist for my graphic novel/ world domination plans. Off too see Wolverine with Kneee-ers and chums later. Yep.
  25. Dan_Dare


    Bizzare have had a 'gaming network' in mind ever since they tried to do a TV station in game. Presumably, this is an extension of that.
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