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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Fuckin A!...........
  2. Plans! Pizza! Shave! Haircut! Dole! town! Home! Dinner! Art Show! Party! Club! Win!
  3. on crusoe: total lack of narrative, pace or characterization. Next to no plot, worthwhile prose or literary skill. It's basically a long, boring list of things he does on an island for hundreds of shitty fucking pages. Terrible.
  4. it's not madness. It's a bullshit story that doesn't exist.
  5. was it yours? Nice
  6. or: Sony have a brand image to protect and don't want cheap knock offs damaging their product. it's not all a conspiracy.
  7. we aren't.
  8. RA3 is also fairly easy but takes ages.
  9. Prince fo sho. Piss easy game!
  10. I wanted to do the jelly baby film scene one as it was awesome last time and not enough people did it.
  11. Actually jayseven thought of that one and we did a swap because I wanted to do one of my own and I didn't realize we don't do the ones we pick.
  12. Sorry dude. Daft is way cooler
  13. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/748-Duke-Nukem-Forever
  14. Don't read robinson crusoe. It'll make you want to kill yourself it's so shit.
  15. that doesn't change the fact that you wrote dieing.
  16. Remember when 21 years was old? Happy Birthday
  17. how much could you manage with a self timer? hands free etc.
  18. S'what I thought straight away. sigh. Remember when sonic wasn't a byword for 'staggering mediocrity'?
  19. Brave New World is bloody brilliant.
  20. get a 360 and team up with meeeeee!
  21. I already did one of yours.
  22. Really yes. All you've described is a drop- the lynch pin of every dance and club track pretty much ever recorded.
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