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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. so, um...I kind of finally decided to listen to some Tori Amos. Little Earthquakes to be precise. fuck if it isn't actually pretty good. Consider this some kind of concession that Paj might have a sort of point. By no means an amnesty for his constant blithering on, mind
  2. argh. ache. Been working at the hospital last two days shifting about five trillion medical files around in this epic reorganization of their archives. Been an absolute Monster of a task but it was ok. Oddly satisfying. My hands have fucking seized up though from all the folders i has grabbing and shifting/ shelving or whatever. Think I'm looking at about £70 for the two days + I've not worked enough hours to forfeit my JSA, which is another £96. Winz. or something.
  3. I say move. It sounds like your job atm is stagnating- you should move and work towards a promotion there.
  4. huh!? those guys are New Zealanders
  5. Dexter Season 2- eps 1-3 Brilliant. I love Dexter so much- quite why I have such affection for a psychopath is quite the question, but this show is amazing
  6. Happy Birthday
  7. Awesome weekend, hoooooo! Mate came over somewhat unexpectedly friday night and, with another friend back for the weekend and some other guys we went to town, got exceedingly merry and chilled/ danced about like fools to some tuneage- in part supplied by CSS's Lovefoxx on decks. Good ass times were had. Today we regrouped, jumped in the car and went to see Star Trek. Absolute belter of a movie. I was well impressed. and now I'm evading sleep and watching Dexter series 2, which is awesome.
  8. Fringe was/ is shit. I watched the pilot and, apart from one of the single best opening scenes I've ever seen, it was balls. Screamed formula from the rooftops and paraded a truly unlovable cast in front of the camera. Nuts to it.
  9. suh-weeeeeet
  10. wow that's some weapons grade point missing there. faaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil. to be fair though, it's a controversial approach to an issue. It's one of those things where conventional criticism doesn't really apply. Technically, they're right in that it's a story lite issue and, for a monthly, that's really hard to sell but this is Invincible we're talking about. Far as I'm concerned, Kirkman and crew can do whatever they want because I know they've got big plans that go way beyond the usual structure of trades and short term payoffs.
  11. right fuck this I'm locking any thread about this goddamn teaser untill it's actually worth discussing.
  12. that actually makes sense. someone link me the review? not seen it myself.
  14. I think we're done here. Ashley ninja edit Just to clarify things, Maase created a topic asking people to talk about their homophobic and racist views which is a tad more than "expressing discomfort". But the past is the past, as long as we're clear what happened I'm fine with putting it behind us
  15. huh? what is The Helfer doing on GT TV?
  16. I thought it felt exactly the same
  17. have you not seen Bourne before? I actually really like the plot of the trillogy- it's told quite...sparsely, but it's definitely there. It makes better viewing when you watch all 3.
  18. Good day today. Got my madcatz fightpad in the post (shame my 360 is bricked eh?) so been trying that out with some SNES games on pc. works a dream. then it was comics day! Took an hour round trip- walked to town but i bussed it home. Nice sunshine, great purchases. I winz.
  19. ooh right. well that doesn't count. In those situations, developers work to the lowest standard and upscale. I'm talking about multi format games on comparable machines.
  20. It still shits on X3, but it was distinctly average.
  21. well not be sarcasm you need to be not excited about it being out. as you said it's not out you is basically liez. anyway speaking of #62: wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! awwwwsum! oh yeah, I got X Men Forever alpha or whatever. X-Men 1-3 + a Forever preview. cost me £4.15 but totally worth it. 1-3 is a mini epic that's just a stone cold classic. Fantastic stuff. Preview looks good too. Looking forward to how it plays out.
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