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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Happy Birthday dudes
  2. also: waht happens when you think you can handle firearms.
  3. Bandito face mask. Yehah.
  4. see that's why I'm advocating blunt wepaons. claw hammer in my basement = wins ornamental, probably blunt and entirely wanky Feudal Japanese Cavalry sword = fail.
  5. I loved it myself. I thought it used violence in a very shocking and effective way that went way beyond some 'gore = leet' equation from shitty horror movies, for example. It was dark, brutal and thrilling stuff all the way. May very well watch that tomorrow actually I only watched it the once and my parents have vacated the big giant telly for the week.
  6. OK this thread is quickly descending in to a list of of forumites I need to keep note of having access to a frankly disturbing amount of lethal weaponry
  7. Swords are too fancy. They'd need sharpening too, don't forget. Blunt weapons are your friend. also: who the fuck owns a sword?
  8. Been reading World War Z uniformly excellent. Brooks looks to have crafted a very tight bit of fictional work- covering the earliest hints of a strange viral outbreak through to the collapse of civilization, it's reconstruction in quarantine 'safe zones' and the eventual human counter attack against the hordes dominating the land. great stuff, though it brings to mind the question: how are they planning to film the thing . I can only imagine they'll write new stories/one story using Brook's framework. Would be a shame to loose so many brilliant micro stories from each interview though.
  9. I reckon if you cna get out of town, raid waitrose (we may as well loot with style) on the way you could meet me down by Hardy's Gun Smiths on Eccassall, then we can hit The Sheffield Shop (near Tesco) for some Knives. After that, I think the fastest way out of the city is to head south towards Whirlow and Derbyshire. Full of small farms and rural communities. long distance travel is, I think, out of the question. If an infection took hold in a traffic jam, we're fucked.
  10. do you know how to use either? do you even own any? know anywhere/ anyone with either? Danny, I'm afraid you're just not thinking this through. put some real effort in or I'm afraid you'll end up as a walking corpse in no time. that said, you may do anyway. I simply don't think you can grow a cool enough beard to really get on in a post apocalyptic scenario.
  11. If we do, they've been pushed pretty far off the first few pages by rss feed copy and paste threads
  12. OK forum. I've been thinking and, well, I think it's only right that as a member of staff I should create a valuable resource thread in the event of the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse. This is a place to discuss survival techniques, exit strategies, means of combating The Walking Dead. Lets cover a few ground rules before we start to reduce debate and concentrate on the means by which the undead can be evaded and killed. 1. The apocalypse will be caused by slow moving zombies as seen in the famous documentary Dawn of The Dead. 2. The only means of killing them is with a direct wound to the brain or the severing of the head. 3. The Apocalypse may be primarily viral. It is spread from host to host by means of saliva, infected blood, bite wounds and so on. 4.Furthermore, like a traditional virus it may be subject to traditional means of pandemic spread such as immigration, refugee movements, transport and so on. It should not be considered to be immediately pandemic. Go!
  13. I should buy some property here in Sheffield. Big hills. London can't last night?
  14. should I just mutter 'bloody anime' to myself?
  15. ah that's...infuriating. Myspace? I dunno, they're an old band and split ages ago.
  16. worry not Rez. 'Six' is her model number. 12 cylon models, of which she is the sixth. There's hundreds of thousands of her.
  17. I'm listening on spotify if you have that. Both their albums in full. Anything from Mobile Home though. Deliriously lovely.
  18. People, I implore you. Listen to Longpigs. I've had one of their albums on loop for about 3 hours or something. Probably more. I don't even know. they're amazing. Do it. Do it do it do it do it!
  19. Get The Fuck Offline! go and watch it you crazy bastard.
  20. for me, Blazing Saddles pips Airplane!, but it's not by much. Two of the best.
  21. heh, you should read Wanted. It's a much better book than a film. goes from 'amoral assassins' to "I never knew how much I hated the human race untill I had them milling around in my crosshairs' dark, cynical, narcissistic and funny as hell. It's kind of Fight Club in spandex.
  22. Thematically it's about as far away from Wanted as I can take it. Structurally, I can't help draw closer because Wanted is a very cinematic bit of pacing and I'm trying to go that direction. but no...Wanted is super powered Assassins obeying mystic instruction. This is black ops warfare between warring political factions and terrorism. Not sure how I got you confused :p
  23. na that's right Charlie.
  24. Oh my gods. I think I'm in love with Longpigs. spotify:album:1zc7H0BPloqDlMRlHbJQLq absolutely stunning stuff. Breezy, trippy, post rock tinged 90s indie with gorgeous, poetic lyrical flair. Amazing.
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