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Adrian DX

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Everything posted by Adrian DX

  1. Dude... best avatar this year =P
  2. I recently did this with my newly purchased 500 GB My Book I used the line: CONVERT X: /FS:NTFS /V /X Worked like a charm.. Though I DID miss one backup of a game afterwards. But of course, it was recoverable so no biggie. If you do convert it like this. Run a CHKDSK afterwards to be sure. My HD acted real weird the day after, I had duplicates of folders and when I removed the contents in one of them, the other claimed the folder didn't exist and wouldn't remove itself.. All worked out fine after the CHKDSK though ^^,
  3. Eureka! it works ^^, Thanks, Odwin =)
  4. That is correct =P ------ Can't waaaait for this game =P I pre-ordered the Japanese version. and I think Play-Asia shipped it 2 days ago. If I'm really, really lucky, I'll have it this Saturday and if I'm just lucky, I'll have it this Monday =). In that case: No school next week untill No More Heroes is done and through (twice xP) In case this hasn't been posted: IGN Hands-on Preview
  5. I don't miss it cuz of the VC controller... But if I stopped using dual analogue controllers every now and then, I guess the feeling of playing with dual analogues would be pretty good. Going back to something old that you're used to is always great.
  6. embarrass me up =P I'm with you guys on this one... for one my collection is too big, and I don't know where everything is =/
  7. Hi guys! I'm totally fresh to creating .reg files and now I wanna make one. What I want the .reg file to do is to delete certain entries in the registry (everything in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer3] to be exact), but I can't seem to find much help in the guides I've looked at online. Thanks in advance
  8. when you whistle Epona's Song every time you see a horse. when you make a Mario Coin sound when you pay for something in a store (Or when you receive money). ? Yeees, I have one and I proudly show it to everyone I know! (and don't know!) =D
  9. I'd be happy with Street Fighter IV for DS. Though getting a Wii release would ofc. be awesome.
  10. Roy is a low tier, but I'm not sure if his attacks are weaker than Marth's. Roy used to be my favorite character, but I was forced to change during Smashers Reunion a few weeks ago (Smashers Reunion = 4 day constant Smash Bros. tournaments with over 60 players). Now I usually play with Marth, Samus, Falco, Link or Roy (if its a low tier match).
  11. I still think of this game as a joke. I mean.. Mario outrunning Sonic? right... xD Oh well, can't wait to see how it turns out.
  12. Got it this saturday, but I haven't had that much time to play it. Under the Knife is one of my favourite DS games and this Wii version totally rules. Love it =) (Well I loved it last october when I played the beta and I've been waiting so god damn long. Feels great to finally own it xD). How far are you guys?
  13. Killer7? Might not be underrated, but I don't feel enough people have played this game =P Best GC game imo. Oh and... Auto Modellista, only released in the US & Japan. Cel shaded racing game from Capcom, also one of my favourite GC games (at least in the racing genre). If you have a PS2, you're in luck since it was released for the PS2 in Europe. But not for the cube strangely enough.
  14. Gotta love the REmake (^^,) Anyone else completed it 100% and got the note from the director?
  15. Well, I've got something that I'm disappointed in with the new 3.0 firmware: the lack of keyboard support for channels. I mean... YES! now we can connect our USB keyboards to our Wii's and type away, but only in the main menu/message system? wtf is that about. Making a small update for the Internet Channel wouldn't be too hard for Nintendo, I'm sure. But thats just a small "problem" I guess.
  16. If you've played Mario Party before and liked it, you'll love this one as long as you can live with the fact that the game seems a bit slow on the board parts (when playing with computers).
  17. So, yesterday I got the game. And guess what I found... The spastic line! Yay! It'll pop up whenever you hit certain "?" marks on the train map (lower-left corner on map selection screen).
  18. I have Wii60. And I have barely played my 360 (see sig for proof :P) And yesterday, I got the red ring of death when trying to boot Forza 2 O.o Wii > 360
  19. I've got that disc. Its not THAT rare. I think the Star Wars Rebel Strike and Pac Man Vs. Discs, and maybe Killer7, are more rare. My rarest discs must be the demo-unit discs. I've got like 3 of them. (different ones)
  20. Very simple. Not fond of the colours really, but there's still something stylish about it. 6/10
  21. I would kill for blink-182 - Carousel. Or anything from blink rly But that will prolly never happen since of the break-up in 05' and all ='( I'm very satisfied with some of these songs: The Ramones - Rockaway Beach, Rush - Tom Sawyer, Weezer - Say It Ain't So and Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly. I wish Tom Sawyer could be the Mindless Self Indulgence version though =/
  22. Hydro Thunder PSO (4?) Shenmue 3
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