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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Yeah, sure 2D could be possible but then you have the problem of convincing people to make a 2D game with a budget *sharp intake of breath!* And then it really would just be a better version of the handheld RPGs, so yeah... franchise death. I would hope that sometime in the next 2 iterations of the main game, the market will finally react to Nintendo churning out the same old shit with different monsters. Doubt it though. Pokefans are worse than heroin addicts.
  2. I'm interested in the game for def but I don't think that I can let myself get suckered into spending so much on so little, especially since I still have plenty of GH3 to enjoy. Seriously, I wonder where you guys get so much time and money...
  3. Exactly. I still can't see why people get so upset by the term "hardcore". It was used quite a while ago now to decribe the kind of games that the Playstation was getting and the N64 wasn't. It was originally used by publishers and marketting people to get a handle on their audience and it is just a labe, a word. That term got taken up and perpetuated by both the gaming press and by gmaers themselves. It is a term that dates back from an era when the industry was a lot simpler and publishers very very rarely use the term. I wish people would stop having a go at them when it's really the press and gamers themselves that use the term, not to mention that people here are over reacting anyway.
  4. Yeah Gizmo, it has, I just checked. I'll help things along anyway: Vote: Fandango
  5. No, that's not about how it could be achieved, it's how it would be as a game. A very quick glance at the amount of content creation required to make this game interesting for more than 40hrs of gameplay is obscene. The revenues would simply not meet the overheads of production, just look at how little a game you get in Pokemon Battle Rev (or whatever the Wii arena game is called) and you get an idea of how much time and money it cost to build a 3d pokemon with a full set of move animations. For the MMO to be viable Nintendo would have to charge you £60 for the game and £30 a month for online subscription. Also can no one see how if an MMO is made, then the franchise has NO future. You can't go back to doing RPGs after making an MMO. You're equivalently asking the franchise to put a 9-ball to it's face and pull the trigger.
  6. I'm with Serebii. If people stopped fan-wanking for 2 seconds they would be able to see that an MMO is neither feasible or good for the franchise. Nintendo could be doing better things with their time and money.
  7. I love food and I enjoy making it! Bluey like me making food too Thought that this would be a good place for people to exchange ideas and talk about what they like or dislike; things that they have tried or made recently. Feel free to ask questions on how to make stuff too, cos we all know that students need a little help! Right now, I'm researching making pies for when my lovely comes home We've both been watching Pushing Daisies and it has got me in a real pie mood. Anybody a pie making master out there?
  8. She makes a good point! I've got lots of work to do and i'm moving back home tomorrow, what am i doing online! So I'm going to sign off for now guys. Should be back withing 2 days for definite. Do me the courtesy of not killing me while I'm gone boys
  9. Ah well, each to their own. You've got me interested though now.
  10. Well if you think that Eenuh and Jonnas might be mafia wouldn't it be a better idea to lynch them? Then there's no chance of us losing the investigator. I'm not totally with you on the Dohnut but you're right, people are jumping too quickly to defend Chair but then again we did just lose Cube Gonna be so hard from now on Er what now?
  11. Totally sympathise Ine, I'm so go damn tireds from uni that i was in that "break down crying or scream at someone" mood. My parents are coming to pick me up tomoz and i still have work to do and I need to pack Am cry indeed. @Dante, sexy sig man.
  12. Doesn't matter. You are getting a free loan. Stick it in a savings account or an ICA, pick up the interest and then just give the money back straight away once you finish. No strings attached at all. Just takes a little effort on your part. Trust me, just do it. No one is getting ripped off by you doing, you're not stealing the money or anything.
  13. Just do it now Wolf. It's an interest free loan (at least for a very long time) and you could make a serious and solid investment. It will be your only opportunity to do it so I'd take it. The forms are a SLAG. I hate filling them out and I have to do it eventhough I don't get a student loan or a bursary. Fuckers. EDIT: there you go missy, http://www.studentfinancedirect.co.uk/portal/page?_pageid=53,1261699&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL direct to the forms bit of the site.
  14. But I've got a deadline tomorrow and it's so far away
  15. Don't know about fat but their women in general have no figure. Bit of curves goes a long way.
  16. Interesting take on it. Btw, it's not you having spiritual opinions itself that's the problem it's mostly about your delivery. Spirituality is very personal so if you explain most of your life through it, it makes it very hard to have a real conversation with anyone else as few people will have the same view as you in this area (well here at least anyway). Just bear in mind that for most of us, a real world explaination for things is usually a priority but for you it seems that often it is the other way around. You look for the spiritual explanation first. It just seems sometimes that comes across as you ignoring the real world part of things, especially when it seems like you are jumping to religous/spiritual conclusion.
  17. She got big tits which means a lot in Japan And by the way, Izzy is taller than you. Izzy is huge, like massive and scary (but in a funny way ). She calls me Munchkin all the time but I take it on the chin And yeah Dan, she's awful. I'm going to see Bluey at Christmas and I don't know what going to happen if she's there. I might have an allergic reaction to her involving something solid and heavy.
  18. Am I the only one who wants to just give this game up when things like this get posted? C'mon Maase...
  19. She's super loud (and the American accent reeeeally doesn't help) and pretty "OMG! NO....WAY!" But that just makes her annoying. She has a complete spoilt princess attitude and constantly phones her parents and boyfriend up and demands that they send her stuff and whines at them constantly. Then there's the fact that she he been sleeping around fairly indescriminantly ever since she got to Japan (so much so that Bluey actually locks her door cos she has no idea who these people are). She had regular bust ups with her boyfriend (at volume of course) and they broke up because he was friends with a pretty girl and he refused to stop hanging out with her when she asked him to. She was convinced that he was cheating and he ended it with her. Then she had the fucking nerve to get all upset and hard done to, gettin all upset and going crying to Bluey about it. Bluey just turns around and asks why is she getting upset about the fact that her bf "might" be cheating on her when she is DEFINITELY cheating on him with multiple parties. That shut her up. Seriously, people who operate like that just drive me totally insane. Feel so sorry for Bluey.
  20. Yeah, I'm quite worried about long animation sequences breaking up the gameplay which should be just as fast and freee as the running. Glad to see that there could be a big stealth element to this. Stealth with the same feeling of sneaking that I used to get playing Perfect Dark on N64
  21. Characters do look alright although VERY dull but look at the environments DJ. The one with the sea in the background is just totally unacceptable. I've seen better texturing on the DS.
  22. Seriously EEVIL, don't. You'll catch something. Hard for me to look at a photo of her and it not spoil my mood. Can't believe what a car crash of a person she is.
  23. Exactly. To be honest we aren't taking her death that lightly, we are getting pissed off that her suicide is being blamed on music which is totally unfactual. I don't even have to read the Daily Mail article to know that it's sensationalist drivel which has about as much grasp for the truth as Polar Bears do for curing sun burn. Good to see you posting more sensibly Emikael, nice to be able to have a discussion with you now.
  24. I'd say that Eternity's child is quite a personal project for Bernard. Does he feel that developers should be trying harder to express themselves, as well as making something that will sell? Are the size of the dev companies part of that problem?
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