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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I remember Sega World. That VR was pretty cool, although I do remember that it made me pretty ill afterward because of the head tracking. I remember looking in to the other side of the pod where my sister was and seeing an in game character moving her head in time with my sister. That was cool.
  2. NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement. It is a contract signed between to groups of people agreeing not to talk/write about certain information. This can have an expiry date or can expire in certain scenarios. For instance, after Nintendo officially showed the FHC it finished some NDAs as Devs were allowed to talk about it after that.
  3. Platform creators give developers the opportunity to do different things. Nintendo has opened a door for lots of developers but this guy just seems annoyed that things are changing. "Are you messing with us?" = Are you asking us to use our brains when developing games? It's a b-list developer attitude.
  4. Yeah there were so many alarm bells that were ringing to be honest. Just no one person putting them together. From the feeling that I got from the story, she probably killed herself as she likely lost the Saatchi job. Also she was living in a place by herself (would drive me insane!) in a place where no one talks to each other. Winner!
  5. Liking the ol' Integra Hellsing gloves there man. I'd stick with the style of the first shot, makes you look older.
  6. You have a Saturn and you DON'T have NiD? Shame, shame on YOU.... Make sure you get it with the 3D pad btw.
  7. Well, yeah. But we are talking about the same company who made Tron2.0 on the PC and that was a visual phenomenon. Hmmm Revo Tron... that would work nicely. Anyways, time for honest opinions: In YOUR honest opinion will Nintendo own everyone at E3?
  8. And how would the Rev know where the controller was in comparison to the TV is the sensors are in the console eh?
  9. Ach never mind.... great minds eh? Also I had another idea. Imagine you character is like one of those remote control cars that can spin its left and right wheels independantly. So if you held both A buttons on your FHCs, you would go forward but if you say let go of the left FHC A button, you would turn left as the right "side" of your character would still be moving. This allows you to move, fight and look independantly. Only thing you have to think about after that is which hand controls the looking. " Yeah true, but it is finding a good one that is the challenge.
  10. I suppose you could just hold a button to walk forward changing your direction by pointing the FHC. Then when you want to battle you just pull out your weapon, making you sedentary (sp?) ala holding R in RE4.
  11. Fancy sharing?
  12. The developer who solves the "how to have dual wield and move at the same time" problem should be given a HUGE medal. It would open so many doors to making some incredible games.
  13. I am not afraid. Simple as. We can already see that the Rev has more 3rd party support than the GCN EVER did. I think the controller is one of the bravest steps made in the industry in a long time and deserves support unlike the EyeToy or any other such peripheral for this reason: It is a more intuitive device as opposed to one that makes your gaming experience realistic or immersive. Not saying that it doesn't do these things but intuition was the reasoning behind the design. It opens a lot of doors to developers while closing very few while inspiring new ideas and creative thinking. It is a totally outside of the box move. Bravo.
  14. It'll be a button probably that will work with the direction you are facing most likely. Wouldn't it be nice if you had to gesticulate the force movements though, like casting?
  15. I was wondering whether they actually need to be on the bar or not. It would certainly be a more reliable product if they were. I just think it looks like a piece off an ergo machine at the moment. On the flip side I don't want to have two webcam-looking things either side of my TV.
  16. It's all about the glorious light sources from the lightsaber, the Epic music and the Force! Don't forget that you could have blasters easily too and fly using a virtual joystick. Ahhhh yes... using FHC to fly speeder bikes FTW!
  17. This is the name that has been adopted for the sensor which sits under you TV and senses the movement of the FHC. From the recent shot of it we have seen (see Revolution Information Thread for the photo) it looks pretty trange and not very inline with the Rev design. Also Nintendo said that they had not finalised the design for it yet at TGS last year. So my question is what do people think this is going to look like? Will is stay as a bar? Will it have ways of folding up for storage? Just general thoughts and stuff....
  18. Part of me wants it to be expensive just so Sony can learn the leason. But at the same time the Playstation has brought welcome competition to the market. I agree with the parent thing btw. I would only ever get a console for a birthday or Christmas and I would often have to contribute to the cost of that even it up. Can't believe parents just buy their kid a PS2 because they give in. It's a lot of money.
  19. Wasn't it you who posted the URL last year Booker? Thanks for that man, it was magic. I'm really looking forward to this one. No holding back, just giving us everything and there will probably be playable pods too. Jyeah!
  20. Xbox360 fades into the background at E3?
  21. You retard. Almost all people who have arthritis in their arms and wrist will have it in their fingers and hands too. Not much chance of playing any of the other systems with that condition is there? Same goes for the force feedback. Care to actually qualify this point at all?
  22. Aye-aye sir! I've played it too at GameStars Live (#cough#). I also played Darkwind and is true, the calibration is just awful as your point of reference just disappears. It's actual quite difficult to not feel like it is just wasting YOUR time. Plus I'm guessing that the whole thing will break after about a week of having it. Please do not, under no circumstances, compare this to the Revolution FHC. Rev FTW.
  23. Aries was a loser who turned up originally on the Broken Saints blog site. People believed him for no reason at all and then people started posting as him and so on and so forth. Didn't realise anyone had actually found out who he was cos they shouldn't give him the attention. Tosser.
  24. There are just some simple ideas I want to put forward. 1. This is the same controller we were seeing in the Red Steel article. 2. It seems less advanced than the one at TGS. 3. Ubisoft will only have the Dev kit controller, not the porper one. So this is the Dev kit controller, chill folks. That's even before all the photos.
  25. And for clarity. This game sounds like Kill Bill in the fact that it is an actual depiction of violence. It makes you ask yourself how much is a person's life worth. Using blood has been a prominent visual tool in Japan for eons and also we are talking about getting down and ugly with a Katana blade! It would look horrifically wrong if they just fell back stopped moving. The horror of the violence would seem to be a key part of this game. I would say yes it does because the graphic style is very similar. However that is blatantly meant to be Chow Yun Fat so no I'd say not. Hard Boiled the video game? John Woo the game?
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