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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Guess work. Also I don't really understand what you're saying here....
  2. Damn the models for this game look good. The textures are perfect! Is that a bit of bumb mapping I can see on Link's shield too (I can't really tell without a comparison of without yet)? Nice flying kick for Snake there. Hope he will be a really good close quarters character, lots of good normal moves.
  3. I do feel bad for cacking on them earlier, BAD Jamba ! It just seems silly to me that they even released the pics. Where are these guys based anyway? Their website doesn't even say which country they're in!
  4. One 3rd party is already making controllers, can't remember what they're called though. They had an interview with IGN.
  5. It's hard to tell isn't it? Those bubbles seem to be trailing off link too.
  6. I could be like MSN/Steam. You have a passport or a profile which you just add games and people onto your list. Then when you exchange with people it exchanges all of your friends codes. I wouldn't mind that at all. System, you seem to be having a rant day but try and remember that the online is meant to be easy and unintimidating, which for gaming it is for non-gamers.
  7. Dante that's a sick find! Damn look at those lighting effects! Ahh it's gonna be sweet! Btw at the above screenshots I actually thought that the left one looked better if really low res. Much more atmosphere especially as that dusty kind of filter on the right one looks really faked.
  8. I'm not knocking the indie devs out there, I hope to be one someday, but you just shouldn't release material this early on. And also if you do have any idea about how your end product will look you will be working towards engine specs of poly calcs. Therefore you would start building models using the amount of polys in that region to begin with. Textures you can redo fairly quickly but not low grade models. The reasons I am giving them some flack is that these screens are pointless. The only thing it proves are that there are only 2 posssibilities: 1. This game has only just started to be made (so why show them?!) 2. This game is fairly far into production and is likely to have very little content or graphical quality. Yippeeee.... Indie devs are great if they come out with new ideas..
  9. You don't necessarily know that there won't be a unified code system yet. Don't be so quick to judge.
  10. And 360 and PS3 are like an updated Xbox and PS2.
  11. Wow! My friends 360 has HD-DVD? Duh... Don't really care what Matt has to say anymore. His opinion comes from a perspective that is totally unlike mine so it's completely invalid. Not to mention that he has been blending opinion with fact quite a lot lately.
  12. What they took off all the shading/lighting effects, no antialiasing, replaced the decent textures with boring and bland ones and forgot not to render them at anything higher than 1dpi?
  13. Ummm and you know this how?
  14. It all depends on how early this game is. If I was them, I wouldn't have revealed any screens until later. The model if the woman isn't bad, it's just incredibly undetailed. My major complaint is that the whole thing lacks any character. It's about as generic and washed out as StarWars Galaxies when it first started.
  15. I think it would be a safer idea to concentrate on RedSteel's single player to make sure that it doesn't suck.
  16. Hopefully they will design a stand alone multiplayer for the MP universe on Wii based on the same visual style. But the whole design of MP3 will be entirely constructed around a single player. A multiplayer would end up being a complete bolt on ala M64:DS
  17. We can talk about the basis of comparison for Iwata's statements all day. But don't forget that these games are aimed more at the hardcore (ok maybe not MB so much) but the prices could quite easily go down after launch. The "touch generations" type games like Wii Sports could be a lot cheaper, you never know. Those kind of more simple games, like Wware too, might be £20.
  18. Hmm wonder how they are gonna sell the controllers? With nunchuck or without?
  19. Glad it's your opinion, not mine. Personally, I don't like you having Zelda in your screen name as it tarnishes the name. I think Nintendo should file a lawsuit against you!
  20. You do realise that they mean cheaper than PS3/360 right? I'm happy that they are around the same price as current gen games.
  21. QFT Lets remember a couple of other things. They would make Cloud look like Tidus again; they would lose all of the Chibi character animation which was a major feature in the game (there are some key scenes which would not be able to be recreated with "better" graphics); music would not be the same. One of the best things about FF7 is its darkness. From the bits I've seen of advent children, they weren't able to capture that again so the game would lose all of it's feel and gain far too much of the realistic style from FF8 and FFX. One of the reasons I really hate S-E at the mo is because they can't see that their stylised design work is amasing. The visual design for FF:CC was incredible.
  22. Arrrgh.... I know it's kinda my fault but for everyone else who comes to read this thread maybe we should get a bit more on topic or start something in the tech section. Anyways, thanks for aswering my questions as much as you could Pedro, I think that I am thinking about these things a bit too simply. I'll look up a bit more on flipper so I can understand. Thanks for all the quality links as well mate. So, summing up, Matt knows very little about what he's saying. Should we be worried? Doubt it, I'm sure we will see plenty of nice shaders in our games without having to pay a king's ransom.
  23. Would be awesome if you actually had to properly climb death mountain. Some real use of the grappling hook! Wonder if Link-wolf will be able to track with his sense of smell, definitely an idea I have been playing with in some of my game concepts.
  24. So what we are saying is that it is easier in some ways for devs as they don't have to program the shaders but also the GPU (I know this was the case with the Flipper) is incredibly optimised to use all of the shaders that it has available, right? But for other 360 say, there are programmable shaders, which are less effficient but obviously more versatile? So to sum up, Nintendo has to pick the perfect selection of integrated shaders to allow people to make great looking games. Question: Do 360 or PS3 have GPUs which are optimised for using their integrated shaders (if they have any )?
  25. Pedro what do you do? Are you a dev or do you work with graphics programming?
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