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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Personally I just like the idea of making the Wii remote your own personal device and the console is part of the home. Maybe there will be an SD card port on it after all...
  2. I thought this was linked in with the HD media format protection that was being implemented by the movie industry. Turns out that this is being put off: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=17211 Notice how this is not definite though.
  3. Does anyone else think that the horse looks a bit thin around the face?
  4. Sounds like the Delorean plan doesn't it?
  5. Errr just no? Btw why didn't you actually make this a poll?
  6. Because it's phone directory shaped? Oh btw can someone translate the german please?
  7. Ah, I just realised that it doesn't say anywhere that the Wii will be able to openly browse does it? It may also be closed network, right?
  8. Hang on, I just realised something. How does Atari gaining the rights for online and handheld editions EWJ help us Nintendo people? It doesn't necessarily mean that any new games will come to the DS or the Wii. It could just be for PSP and online. Anyway just actually reading the description of the new game makes it just sound like more of the same. Come on Shiny.... you're more original than this.
  9. Just read this. Thank god, it sounds like it's built in (but he could just be bending the truth if you look at it like that). Shame he couldn't answer any of the questions about supported formats or anything about the actual capabilities at all for that matter. Still it's nice to see that Nintendo is making another strong partnership. Out of ignorance: Can you openly surf with XboxLive or the PS3?
  10. Yeah I always thought that the scale of the launch party was pretty crazy considering that Tiger were unknowns. Also kept seeing all the stuff about Erikson trying to kill himslef in the car on gamesindustry.biz . There was lots of other stuff as well. Reeeeally dodgy people. They would swindle their own parents; oh whoops, they already have!
  11. It's true that we are maybe being a bit overly harsh, but from all of the problems from the previous 3D Sonics we can see many of them displayed clearly here. As these we the points that made the games shitty, there is little confidence in this title. Also everyone keeps comparing it to Wildfire which I guess we shouldn't do as it's a "completely different gaming experience..."
  12. Just had a look around play-asia and lik-sang and by the price I doubt it. The game is cheaper than buying a sperate controller. There are some PSX ones going pretty cheap on ebay. Dunno if they are compatable thouhgh.
  13. Good find there. How confirmed can we say this is now?
  14. Graphics may look shiny but it doesn't make up for the horrific gameplay. Still find it hilarious that the guy talking says "It uses real physics so the bricks will fall in a realistic way". Then they fall all over the place as if they were full of helium. All that physics calculation for something so irrelevant.
  15. Not to mention there were a few times when Nintendo have shown interest in the MMO department.
  16. OK I can see why you get so annoyed with it now, just think it helps sometimes when people see how much it annoys the community. Also with looking through long threads, just scan the last 2 or 3 pages and if what you're about to put down isn't there, then post away. Most people also start these posts with "Sorry if this has been posted already etc". It's much better to have 1 misplaced/mistimed post rather than a whole thread that's all,
  17. There will probably (not definitely) be Excite Truck near launch and all the reviews say how fun it it. If you want realism and sponsors then go get another console cos I don't see PGR or GT coming to the Wii anytime soon.
  18. I didn't know that this has been posted before. However don't moan just because you start a new thread for every thought you have and people think that's wrong. Didn't you think that if there is an official thread for a game then any information about that go should be posted there? And don't go crying about not having started a decent thread. It's your fault.
  19. True. Lock please!
  20. Bahhh... lots of crap unfair dying is likely. It looks just as twitchy and crap as Heroes. Not to mention some lovely clipping where the camera passes through a set of boxes.
  21. Fair point. Sony - (Square-Enix + Konami) = pretty screwed
  22. Could Konami lick their ass any more?
  23. He means the fighting in mid air within the game. This is very obious from the trailer as 2 of the new characters can fly! Also Link's power move is a mid-air attack
  24. Just remembered playing MGS for the first time. Psycho Mantis: "Ahhh, I see your playing with a DualShock controller! Let me show you my power!"
  25. Yeah but in a six month window? I know they are a publisher too but that's quite a lot of games don't ya think?
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