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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Yeah but he wouldn't be very offensive would he? I mean sure he would be devastatingly powerful but at close range he would be crap. Plus how would he move in that mode? "Now, wait. No, stop moving. Now listen here you Mr. Optimus person! I'm trying to shoot you, will you be a bit more considerate to other robots feeling?!"
  2. Yep, it's Wheeley alright. Next one: Edit: Not my turn. What a fool hardy gesture!
  3. Hey cmon remember that this is one in a series of films. They will bring in UM and HR later. Maybe this time Magnus will actuall have a character eh? The changes to Megatron and Soundwave are all about the amazingly unrealistic shrinking effects. They go from being 30 ft tall robots to being a "portable to humans" tape player? Hell no. But Megatron being a jet does add one thing: more competition directly with starscream. Also they are getting back to the concept that the autobots were cars and the decepticons were planes. Fair enough me thinks.
  4. Have to say that LOZ:WW was the crappest NIntendo boxart I have ever seen.
  5. "Picture you got, no fool you not"
  6. From what I heard the biggest transforming problem they are having is to do with the whole shrinking/growing thing. They are gonna get rid of that as I think Megatron is now going to be a jet. Frenzy was one of Soundwave tapes, he's the red version of Rumble. He may likely be what people though soundwave would become which is an MP3 player (so equivalent to a tape). Brawl was a small Jeep in the original series and was a combaticon. They cam together to form Bruticus. Bonecrusher was a constructicon I think, who formed Devastator. Classic. Skorpinok, he was a Massive decepticon that was created during the headmasters episodes. In other series he has appeared as a fairly loyal man to megatron. Apparently there will be a major scene with him annihilating an army in the desert. Might need to do some research for Blackout. And Ratchet, cmon you should know him. He's the red version of Ironhide and he used to be the medic for the autobots in the original series. Him, Ironhide, Prowl and Brawn get to die heroically at the beginning of the original movie.
  7. Can't get it working either Franklin.... would like to see the bots though. Btw apparently Bernie Mac sells bumblebee to Shia LaBeouf's character and that's how they start the Bumblebee/Spike kind of relationship. It all sounds a bit Herbie to me... Hot Rod won't likely be in this movie, maybe in the next one. Check some good old Hot Rod action from the movie here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05R3GMyL91o
  8. I was thinking of doing some Wii stencils around London. Hehehe.... take that for viral advertising bihatches!
  9. Is RE going to be there? Which monkey will be texting live updates?
  10. Jamba


    I really would love to learn another language. I think it's something that I'm going to have to do when I graduate again though. 1)Need teacher and own time to learn. 2)Need money for teacher 3)Need people with which to talk and co-learn.
  11. Cmon... your life isn't going to be ruined by not knowing on the day is it? There will be plenty of footage going around.
  12. Can't they have a big inflatable Donkey Kong climbing the tower at westminster. He could be holding a barrel with the clock on it...
  13. Jamba

    Up or Down?

    Anybody else worries about having the GCN controllers coming out of the top? I know how excited people can get during 4 player MK:DD and I don't want my Wii to get pulled over and shattered into 150 pieces (all costing £1 each!)
  14. True true... sorry to stress you out nick
  15. Erm i didn't really understand it emasher... maybe more grammar?
  16. :shock: Ahhh over response!!! :shock: It wasn't meant to be a serious comment, more of a joke really. I agree with everything you say and know those points well.
  17. Because they want Nintendo to give the real answer: We were getting beat on heavily by M$ and Sony so we had to change our strategy or we'd do a Sega.
  18. Backstab my ass. Did you really think that he was going to ask people to go get a 360? Plus that would be ganging up on Sony and that isn't NIntendo's style. Backing the wii60 concept would be retarded buisiness strategy for either Microsoft or Nintendo so stop whining about it.
  19. Well its not that xvid reads faster but encoding it is faster from what I know.
  20. As a plug in for the remote. Ahhhhhhhh mama! But no.
  21. This is why i hate NOE. They seems to do absolutely sweet FA and they are totally out of the loop in NIntendo's plan. He doesn't know what's actually going on, the poor git probably gets memos telling him the score all the time. They have no control over what is going on in Europe at all.
  22. Maybe it won't wipe the floor with the hardcore crowd but it will easily be more appealing for the more casual or non gamer. I just don't think so many people care for all that actiony stuff as everyone thinks they do. Looking at the 360 range is like looking at the combined filmography of Sly Stalone and Arnie. "Lets get the big guns out!" So maybe I shouldn't be talking in absolutes. But I think that removing MP3 from the release would only hurt the platform.
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