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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. You can watch the replays pretty much as soon as the live feed has finished. For example, last nights PPV is in the library already
  2. Yeah i'm still playing mine daily aswell. I'm currently trying to make a Zelda exhibition at the museum:
  3. I remember a thread on Neogaf a couple of months ago, where several users were suggesting some features were removed from the US version. I guess its not really a major loss. Just hoping for more apps like Netflix to come to the Wii U, like BBC iplayer and the WWE Network.
  4. Didn't get any buffering for the first couple of weeks i've had the Network but now I can't seem to watch anything without it buffering at some point, especially the older shows. Recently added content seems to work perfectly fine though.
  5. My favorite use of Miiverse so far has been in Super Mario 3D World, because of how it was integrated into the game. In that game you can see messages on the gameover/after level screen on a stage. You can tap on any of the messages scrolling past or post your own, so you were able to ask or answer right away where do you find a particular green star or how to do you get past a particular part of that stage. Because these messages appeared to people who are at that exact same level and because of the way it was done, you got an answer pretty much within a minute or two. It was a really neat way to use Miiverse.
  6. I did get some good stuff from Club Nintendo over the years, Donkey Konga 2 (complete with Bongos!) for the Gamecube and the Super Mario Characters Figurine: Overall, it seemed like Nintendo.co.uk never had a big enough budget to provide many interesting things for the stars catalogue. When something decent came along it went pretty fast and all you were left to choose from were wallpapers and ringtones to spend your soon to expire stars on. Right now they are offering Mario themed christmas wrapping paper for 2000 stars...that's 8 games worth of stars for some paper So I'd would like to be optimistic about whatever they do in September, but these are the same people that ran Club Nintendo the way they did for the past decade and it never really improved, even with the big relaunch of the site last year.
  7. Well, i currently have a little over 6000 stars registered, plus I've not entered Captain Toad or Smash brothers codes yet. I'd like to get something before they get deleted later this year, but I honesty can't find anything on there I actually want. I wish they would get that Luigi's mansion diorama back
  8. ha yeah, I only got this last night but my nephews will probably enjoy playing it with me. They only recently got into the show after me showing it to them for the past couple of years. Funny you mention Tank Tank Tank, that game also gets a lot of playtime in my house, also along with Lego Marvel.
  9. I picked up the Adventure Time game, despite seeing negative reviews for it. Its alright for £5, just very repetitive. Edit - Does anyone here know if Namco actually made the DLC for this game available on the eshop? it seems they sent a press release to loads of Nintendo sites last year to announce it was out, but I can't see them ( Peppermint Butler, King Of Mars and Gunter.) on the eshop anywhere.
  10. Did Nintendo ever fully confirm Wii Fit Trainer/Marth/AC Villager Amiibos would be restocked? we had conflicting stories a while back about it. I'm still hoping I can get a Wii Fit Trainer for a normal price at some point
  11. little disappointed that is all the Toad Amiibo does for this game, I had hoped it would have added something better. On a side note, I bought the game this week and have been enjoying it. I'm up to book three now. my only real complaint is I don't care much for the music, there's a massive difference when you play the Bonus stages and get to hear the Mario 3D world soundtrack again, because that game has an amazing soundtrack.
  12. Some Captain Toad Screenshots I took
  13. yeah was trying to sign up last night but for some reason there is no Paypal option (the option is there for the US sign up page).
  14. https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/554850332719972352
  15. [tweet]551904662018732032[/tweet]
  16. Crunchyroll app coming to the Wii U in America:
  17. They put something inside the base of the packaging (looks like a metal square) to prevent the amiibo from being scanned without taking them out.
  18. I really like all the customisation stuff they are doing for the 3DS with the various downloadable themes and now this. I hope they start doing similar things like this for the Wii U, maybe tie it into Amiibo's and have different characters unlock different themes.
  19. posted on Neogaf
  20. i really really hope that adapter news isn't true. Same for those Amiibo's being discontinued already.
  21. ugh that sucks
  22. I Picked up the Mario Amiibo today from Toys R us. Got myself a Disney Infinity toy even though I don't own that game, i just think it looks great lol
  23. it seems the Samus Aran Amiibo opens Metro gates in Moscow Video
  24. waiting for my bluray to arrive in the post. I can't wait to watch it again.
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