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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Speaking of the scrolls, if anyone wanted to know what the
  2. Two maps are randomly selected every Four hours for battle mode and a different two maps selected for Ranked mode. next map rotation should happen in 45 minutes from the time of this post, which is 4pm UK time yeah local multiplayer seems a little tacked on to me. I'm sure its fun but I would have liked them to put Turf War and Splatzone modes in there too, with bots taking the place of your team mates. The AI for the Octolings in Single player mode shows that they are competent enough for that. - Nintendo posted some of the runner up's in their Splatoon art contest they're running on Tumblr at the moment, i like this picture:
  3. Same for me, this is one of the first games in a very long time that's kept me playing for hours without me enough knowing until I see its 3am or something. With that said, i can understand someone getting tired of the game already. Single player was over pretty fast, i found almost all the scrolls on my first play of each level apart from 4 of them, which I went back and got pretty quickly. I love playing battle mode but its same maps on repeat until they switch the order around 4 hours later. Right now i still have that feeling of wanting to play more of the game, but when i do, i get a little bored of whats on offer. There needs to be more modes, maps and just more stuff to do and right now there isn't. Its certainly the reason why I'm not playing it as much the past couple of days. Its still an incredible game though and the most fun i've had in ages.
  4. Yeah you do, as the challenges as based on the single player levels. You should get a little menu screen like this: Completing each row of challenges unlocks something. A hat, shirt, shoes, weapon and a arcade game.
  5. I had the same thing happen Apparently the brand of the clothing effects the chances of what perks you might get when you level them up: Taken from Gamefaqs
  6. woah nice work!. Was that with random players or other people from this forum?
  7. New trailer YES!
  8. Apparently not. Someone did a good write up on how exp, money and points are worked out on gamefaqs that's worth a look: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/805617-splatoon/71902353
  9. man I am terrible in ranked mode, I think i'm going to get some more practice in normal mode and come back when I'm level 20.
  10. Took some screenshots in Splatoon
  11. Got my copy this morning and played some single player, but every online game 'i've joined so far has disconnected me half way though. I'm assuming thats just day 1 teething problems on Nintendo's part and not my connection as Mario Kart 8 is working fine. And anything I'm playing on Steam.
  12. true it would have been better if Amiibo had more space on them but right now its not an issue since only one game uses it to save data, as you said, everything else simply reads the chip to unlock content. However, as I understand it NFC chips are fairly limited when it comes to memory: So, Nintendo's hands were a little tied when it came to the memory of these things. Its not really that big of an issue in my opinion though, they could simply allow us to back up our Amiibo data, allowing us to swap around our data whenever they release a game that uses Amiibo's memory in this way. I think Serebii was suggesting something like this in an earlier post.
  13. I missed the 11pm test fire because I was busy, but got back to find out they extended it so caught the last 40 minutes or so. Still great fun
  14. Another trace I've been doing when I've had spare time, just wanted to see what this image looked like in 3D Kinda amazing that they are still adding features to this title after all this time. I highly recommend getting this. Some of the drawing some people have managed to do on it are incredible:
  15. Iwata Asks: Splatoon: http://iwataasks.nintendo.com/interviews/#/wiiu/splatoon/0/0
  16. Yeah same here, I bought a Bowser background a little while ago because it looks good but i found the music playing on a loop annoying after a short while, so switched back to one of the plain colour themes. Kinda wish there was an option to turn its music off. That new background with all the consoles looks nice.
  17. might have to get that Bowser Jr
  18. i really want to play this again, i'm almost having withdrawal symptoms after that one hour of gameplay I got to play on Saturday night. They need to do some more tests before the 29th!
  19. @Wii, I think Cube already posted that a page or so back. I noticed when you turn the demo on it says there may be product placement in the game. I'm guessing some of the build boards will change over time and show ads for real products.
  20. Nice gameplay video someone posted on Gaf
  21. Yeah its so simple but it adds so much to the pace of a match. In one of the last games just now I had a teammate who was about to get taken out who was at the corner of the map,and I managed to warp to them in time just in time to help them. It felt great!
  22. Well that was a blast, I really enjoyed it. This demo has sold me on the full game, i hope they add some more times to this demo before the full release. Yeah I'm preferring the regular gun myself. Worst gun for me is that sniper gun, but i'm sure with more practice I could get good with it.
  23. Lylat Wars 2 lol
  24. Always feels good to avoid a Blue Shell, even if I only placed 4th in the end.
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